Withdrawals From Oxycodone 30mg (Page 2)


34 Replies (2 Pages)

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Took the words right out my mouth... well said..LOL

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Hi Stef....
I know I'm about a year late. LOL, I just wanted to tell you how proud I am of you. You rock, that is amazing. I hope you're still doing well. Like I said you're amazing. Keep up the good work. Opiates can help so many people. And then on the other hand opiates can destroy people's lives. So proud of you.

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I was in the methadone clinic for12 years eventually got kicked out to many dirtys for zans. But to the person going throu this it will take a month took me longer I still ain't right

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So Stef and Tkid, how is life? Are you doing OK? It's been a while so I wanted to know if you guys are still hanging in there. It's a hard hill to climb but getting to the top and feeling that freedom is the awesome reward. Let us know how you're doing

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Hi Elam,
Going through this was one of the hardest things I have had to accomplish. Also one of the most rewarding after the sickness. I got a little scared because I was admitted into the hospital in June. I was issued oxycodone 5mg. for pain. I didn't fully trust myself thinking if I started again I would continue. I kept reminding myself what I went through to get to where I am at and I was like hell no. I took them for a few days when I absolutely needed them. On the 3rd day I stopped taking. A little relapse but back on the road to recovery.

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Hi Why,
Thanks. It was a very hard accomplishment but the reward out weighs everything. I have my life back. I had a relapse when I was admitted to the hospital. I didn't fully trust myself thinking if I started again I would continue. I kept reminding myself what I went through to get to where I am at and I was like hell no. I took them for a few days when I absolutely needed them. On the 3rd day I stopped taking. I felt a little withdrawals after the 2nd day I was alright.

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Good for you Stef, I'm glad you're hanging in there, and yep, you'll be tested and it'll be hard, but you've come a long way.. Good luck to you, and if you ever need to talk, let me know

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Hi Stef~
I'm so very proud of you. Keep up the good work. It's well worth it in the end it really is. We have so many youth dying nowadays from drugs that it's unreal. Where I live they brought in a portable morgue that holds up to 18 bodies that just broke my heart. I am just so proud of you. You're a rockstar.

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Hi everyone.
I'm so impressed and so proud of all of you getting off of this medication. I do believe doctors or at least some doctors think they are doing the right thing by people. They're patients. But other doctors really just don't care they throw pills at you and don't even think about addiction until you are hooked on them. And then game over they don't want to help you. So all I'm saying is all of you are amazing. I look up to each and every one of you. Have a blessed Saturday morning. Peace.

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Suzi, go read your English books and stay away from the adult forums. You don't have a clue as to what we're talking about but if you did you'd be one insensitive person

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Re: Professor (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

I’m feeling A little frightened right now OK I’ve been giving Oxycodone 5 325 For my back (lumbar disease)pain which I told the doctor taking one doesn’t do anything for my pain so I take two at a time which still doesn’t do much I take two in the morning And two at night One night at a friends house I was in a lot of pain so he gave me a Percocet 30 I broke it in half and I would take half in the morning and half at night Which by the way took my pain completely away so I started taking them half in the morning half at night Fast-forward had to get blood work done and I was told that I had hydrocodone and Fentanyl In my system and And now Pain Management is dropping me I had no clue what fentanyl was Until now and I’ve been taking them since July and will I get sick if I stop now I know I sound a little naïve but I don’t know I’ve been taking Percocets for A few years.

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Re: Stef (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Have been trying to get off opana, dilaudid, and percs for about a year. The longest I have been able to go without is about 7 days. I ended up going to the ER badly dehydrated, and just cannot get out of bed when I try to stop. How long would it take to feel better if I stayed with it?

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I was on Roxicodone 30s. It was horrible getting off of those things. I thought I was going to die. I was throwing up about every 15 minutes pretty much around the clock for 2 days. Was so sick will never go back to any narcotic ever in my life again. I will deal with my severe pain. I won't go down that road ever again. Bless anyone dealing with this.
Some pain medications can be your friend and other times some medications can be your worst enemy. Be careful before you ever started an opiate.

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Re: Blue (# 31) Expand Referenced Message

Hey there, it sounds like you've been taking something other than percocet. Oxycodone and acetaminophen are the two ingredients that make up percocet. Don't know about the hydro and fentanyl though, pain management doesn't fool around these days, so unfortunately they will probably drop you with no questions asked. Good luck in the future, and make sure you know what you're taking so you don't end up hurting yourself.

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