Wisconsin Pain Management - Will They Prescribe Pain Meds (Page 2)
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I am most likely going to be moving to Wisconsin and I wanted to know if it is as bad there as it is here in Florida for chronic pain patients who take opiods. Here the problem is no pharmacies will fill the prescriptions. I have had chronic pain for 5 years and lost my career due to it and am now on disability. I do not ABUSE my meds and have never got in any trouble. I do not take very strong meds one of them is a schedule 3. and the schedule2 is a very low dose. I do not see getting injections as other people have said that alot of doctors do because i have pain everywhere and i have got shots in my neck years ago that were worthless also in my feet that did nothing.

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Hello, I'm Leah does anyone know of any pain management doctors that prescribe methadone 10ml.and oxycode 30ml. I've been on both medications for approximately 4 years and unfortunately I haven't been successful locating one. I live in Milwaukee Wisconsin. .. PLEASE if anyone could give me the names of doctors numbers...any info. I would greatly appreciate it. I'm 54 years old and do not abuse my med.s but found out recently that my caretaker of all people was stealing my medications. Thank you.. Leah from Milwaukee.

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I have talked to 2 people so far who are on much stronger meds then me andbtheyve NOT ONCEhad this sickening issue of being discriminated by pharmacists and lied to how we have been here in florida. So yes id say it id much better in wis then here in fl.

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I have no health ins and have been going to a free clinic in River falls wi to get cortisone injections. I had a surgeon who moved to Nabraska. Anyway I'm in desperate need to find a dr that will perscribe pain meds in the Hudson WI area. I can not even lift my arm my shoulder is so bad. Again I need surgery but with no ins I can't afford it. So looking for a dr that will help do pain managment till I have ins and am able to have another surgery. Menomenie Wi is near me as well. Any info would be appreciated !

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NO i dont thats why i posted here. I heard it was better there then in Florida. My parents had no issue filling oxycodone for my dad at all. Here they probably wouldnt have filled it. I am looking to move to the Fon du lac area though my parents live further north.

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It is the same all over the U.S. New regulations were put in place last year and people having been encountering problems all over.

Pharmacies are limited in how much they can stock of any controlled substance each month and many have just become reluctant to deal with all the new record keeping and prescription checking that needs to be done, now.

I wish I had better news for you, but I'm afraid I don't.

Do you know anyone there that may be able to refer you to a good doctor and a pharmacy that they use? That may make things easier.

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