Wisconsin Pain Clinics/oxycodone (Page 9)
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Hi, i live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin and i find that it is very difficult to the find a doctor in pain managemnt who will prescribe the right types of narcotics to effectively releave my chronic back pain. Any suggestions would be great. Thanx

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If you have been dropped from having a dirty ua due to having Marijuana and you actually expect Dr. Hasan will take you as a patient and give you narcotic pain meds, you are sadly mistaken.

She is very strict and checks her patients' blood even. She and her staff treat her patients like they are worthless trash!

Besides, she drops people for even drinking alcohol while taking their pain meds! I'm not trying to be rude or mean but just being honest.

I was treated by that witch for 8 years and the final 4 of those were the worst treatment ever!!

My APM doctor is very good to me. I could not ask for a better one.

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If I hear about anyone, I will let you know! I'm going through the same thing here in Westfield WI! I've had several surgeries and the pain is so bad at times that I've fallen & passed out from the pain & ended up in the hospital & still the only thing they'll do is more scans/evaluations, every kind of shot you can get from tailbone to neck, more physical therapy and did finally give me 2 5/325mg. Hydrodocone a day! Why bother.... When I lived in TN then IL, I always got 4 8mg. Dilaudid a day along w/ 100mg fentanyl patches along w/ muscle relaxers. I have been in so much pain here that I can barely move anymore and have gained over 100lbs! I too wish I could find a Dr that will do his/her job and help me! If you happen to hear about a Dr. around me, please let me know as well. Please and thank you!

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I am having the same problem. I sit at home and suffer, yeah They gsve me a script for tramadol, which doesn't do a thing. My dx is bulging disk, narrowing in facets and sacrum, and cervical arthritis. I cry sometimes, because nobody takes me seriously, especially my doctors, and I feel so useless,and helpless, and doctors make me feel like a criminal if i ask for pain meds!!:)

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My story continues. I've been told that my pain meds were going to be slowly stopped over a 90 period. Guess a government mandate has decided I don't need meds for pain any more. To bad our elected officials how the power to decide that pain meds are no longer needed. I am now moving from Wisconsin to Ocala Florida. My future for help with my 24/7 back and neck pain is not good. Hopefully I will find a Doctor or Pain Management Clinic that understands my need for help! I'm just sick over all this!

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Did u every find out the address and number of the clinic that Dr. Husan is at. I would love to get in with her asap

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Hello, and how are you doing this afternoon? Well back in 2009 I had the same problem with my doctor. I had a hysterectomy and the doctor cut my nerve to the point I had no feeling in the lower half of my stomach. I also have pain that pulls and jumps like I have baby in my stomach. I have to take pain pills everyday of my life until I'm free from it. Do you need anything or are you just venting?

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I live in upper Michigan and just recently moved here from downstate. in 2010 I had a C-section that got messed up and they cut nerves in half so I wake up like an bent over 85 year old woman until my meds kick in and to repair all this they put a bladder mesh sling in me anybody know a good doctor in upper Michigan that will prescribe me meds I need? Because doctors have told me in the past that I have to be rich to afford a fake nerve so all that can be done is meds for the rest of my life

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I know what you are going through!! It is very rough and especially when you have been so badly mistreated by a doctor...A person who's supposed to be all about helping and caring for their patients.

But not all doctors are horrible. And I encourage you to give Advanced Pain Management a call. And if possible for you, schedule an initial appt. with Dr. Scarlett.

But whatever you do, stay away from Dr. Nosheen Hasan. Her and her staff are liars, rude, sometimes make patients wait for hours past their appt time, and the look down on the patients as if they were nothing but garbage!!! Your call though!!

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If you found Dr. Scarlett to be sarcastic and rude then:

1. You are talking about a totally different Dr. Scarlett than the one I see because the one that I see doesn't have a sarcastic bone in his body. And I've been seeing him and his NP, Christa, for almost 3 years now.

2. If it was the same Dr. Scarlett, then I'm sure the only rudeness you are referring to was his refusal to take you on as a new patient.

Dr. Scarlett can distinguish between the patients who are sincere and legit and those that are just seeking narcotic pain medication. Not at all saying that is who you are...But I am defending my doctor and his assistant Christa because they are the best, most caring pain management doctor I've ever had.

And after the nasty rude mean ass Muslim beast doctor that I experienced for a few years in Dr. Hasan and her worthless, rude, uppity NP Jennelle, and the rest of her staff...Being with Dr. Scarlett and Christa is a breath of fresh air!! And that goes for the whole APM staff that I've dealt with!! Dr. Scarlett, Christa, and that whole APM staff are a true Godsend...Answered prayers!!

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I won't go to pain clinics. I had 1 that gave me 5 injections when I had a tumor, by doing that it caused the tumor to grow and tore up my spine. I need to find a primary care Dr to prescribe morphine and something for break thru pain, I also have systemic scleroderma. which is very painfull. anyone know any Drs in the kenosha , racine area??

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Thank you for your experience with your pain, I'm just starting to see many changes are coming, and not good! Looks like our wonderful government is taking over Pain Management. So far from what I see is they feel less meds helps your pain. I am scheduled to meet with a Pain Physiologist! Guess he or she will try to explain the new rules about pain meds. As time goes buy my back slowly deteriorates and my pain increases. I'll see how less meds will be helpful. Stay tuned!

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Good luck if you go to Dr. Scarlett.I found him to be sarcastic with me & couldn't get a appt.

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If you live in Milwaukee, West Bend, Sheboygen, or Manitowoc, Wisconsin, or anywhere near one of these cities, do a Google.Search for Dr. Jeremy Scarlett of Advanced Pain Managenent. I would recommend seeing him first and getting established with him first. They have offices all over Wisconsin. And they have quite a few offices in Milwaukee.

Once you are established with Dr. Scarlett for a few months and there is an APM closer to the city you reside in, then you can ask them about transferring you.

He wont just give you a transfer and thats that! But Dr. Scarlett and his staff find another APM doctor for you. They will talk with doctors and find one that will continue the same treatment and meds that theyre treating you wirh, or as close to the same as possible.

But Dr. Scarlett...OMG...He and his Nurse Practitioner/ Assistant Christa...They are 2 ofa kind!! It just doesn't Get any better than Dr. Scarlett, Christa, and their whole staff!! They are the Absolute Best pain management folks yet!!

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I have a bullet wound to my back and the bullet is still there. I missed a pill count due to work. And was discharged unfortuneatly. Can someone PLEASE recommend a Dr that will prescribe for me?????? PLEASE.

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That is what I thought about her too. I mean, if people like waiting for hours and hours past their appointment time, and being looked down on as less than human. And if you like having to give both blood and u/a's at every single appointment.

And if you like, out of nowhere and for no reason, your meds suddenly start getting cut down and being lied to about reasons why. I could go on and on here.

But if people are ok with these, then be my guest!! Go and see her. My words about her and her staff are honest and true. If I did something wrong that validated being discharged from her, esp after 8 yrs of never failing any drug panels and always on the money with my meds, I would be the First one to admit it. But it was not like that...at all.

And many other past patients of hers has back up this.

I praise God for my new pain doctor and his staff. They really care about their patients and never talk down or look down on them. And the most I have ever had to wait to be seen there was about 40 mins past my appt. time. That was due to just after holidays and they were swamped. Usually I am seen either earlier than my appt. time or right at it.

It is just a very pleasant change!! Ohh, and my new pm...They do perform random u/a's. But not at every single appt. You just never know when though. So you still have to be clean!!

Anyway, that was how it was with my exp with Dr. Hasan. Maybe I was just under her care too long and it was time for a change.

But whatever God chose as the reason for my wrongful discharge from Dr. Hasan, He obviously had a much better plan and purpose for me!! And I love Him for it!! Thanks For Reading!!

The views expressed here are from my personal experience and outlook with this doctor. They are not meant to defame or degrade Dr. Hasan in any way. And should be considered as my personal views Only!!

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Doc Hassan was the best pain doc I've seen. I was with her for over 6 years at the one on Appleton ave. I was discharged due to a dirty u/a that was my fault. If you follow her rules you will be just fine. Phone number there is 414-444-8670.

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Thank You, Sanmarie...for having my back and for supporting what I said about that dr., Dr. Hasan. Believe me, which I know you do.

But still, it is the Very Truth!! I would Not say it if it wasn't!! When she wrongfully discharged me, Hasan violated so many American Medical Association protocol, rules and guidelines that she was supposed to follow and do prior to discharging a patient...

She violated so many AMA rules, as I stated above, that if I would of called and filed a complaint and litigation, I could of gotten her Dr. License taken away. But "Vengeance Is Mine," Sayeth The Lord!! "I Will Repay!!"

As much as I wanted to seek vengeance against her and make that call, I didn't!! I dont know...Guess I just refused to stoop as low as her (Hasan). Besides, she will be having to answer for her actions. She will experience God's Wrath soon enough!!

Sorry to sound like I am preaching, lol. I am sure not trying to. I just have had some really great Blessings lately. And I am in my rare Very Appreciative mood!! LOL.

But anyway, on a different note, I really do truly Thank You for having my back about this, and letting people know that I am speaking Truth about Dr. Hasan!! Thanx!!

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Dr. Jeremy Scarlett out of Advanced Pain Managment. His offices are in Manitowoc/West Bend/Sheboygen.

Advanced Pain Managment has clinics all over Milwaukee. But I dont know about their other doctors. I just know that the vry day after Dr. Hasan wrongully discharged me last July after 8 years of being under her care, that Nightmare was Finally over.

Anyway, that very day and after praying, God told me to do a computer search. I did that. And on the First page, I was in tears and scrolling down. God then said "Stop Searching!" as soon as I came to Dr. Scarlett. Then He told me to call that number, and "Worry No More, as I have already won this worry for you!" And I tell you, God surely did because I called them and explained what happened...the Truth.

The lady scheduled me for an initial visit right away!! Normally, people need a referral. But she told me my insurance didnt require a referral. And so, summing up, had my first visit and Oh My God, they treated me with such kindness and compassion.

I was completely Honest with Dr Scarlett and his staff. He accepted me as new patient and right away, gave me Close to the amount of meds I Was on. Just recently, he increased my meds. Now I am back to what I was taking with Ole Bag Hasan.

APM and that staff there...they treat me so very good. They treat and talk to me like Im a human being and like I matter. Dr. Hasan and her staff treat patients so freaking poorly...like they are pure trash bums. I would not say that if it wasnt true. She didnt start off like that...or maybe she Did and I just took it thinking thats how Im supposed to be treated...I dont know really.

All I know is that Ole Muslim Bag Of Bones, Hasan, wrongfully discharging me and kicking me while I was already down, was God's Blessing In Disguise. It was the Best Thing that could of ever happened to me via pain managment issues go.

And Everyone, including my Wife and Mom in law, and others that were aware of my nightmare dr. Visits with Hasan, says the same thing. And I dont know what others believe...That is none of my business...

But my belief is in Lord God Jesus Christ. And believe me, this is Not the first time my God Jesus has pulled me out of the "fire!!" I owe Everything to Him!!

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Dr. Jeremy Scarlett. He works out of Advanced Pain Managment in Manitowoc/West Bend/Sheboygen

However, there are Advanced Pain Managment clinics all over Milwaukee. But Dr. Scarlett is Top Notch!! Hope this helps.

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