Will Tramadol Be As Effective As Methadone
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Hi. I'm wondering how many tramadol it takes to equal 30 milligrams of methadone? And will it keep me outta methadone withdrawals?
5 Replies
Please can ane out there please respond please I dint have much longer
Oh I forgot to say that tramadol an methadone both are synthetic opiods man made is why I figured it would work
Hey verwon thank u for responding..... I've read things of people saying that they work..... Well I've got 2 options at the clinic I'm down to 40 mg now use be on 100 mg I've tapered an supose continue go down 5 mg once a week til I get to 30 mg then after a week the nurses are gonna call th doc I'm gonna either be stopped there an cold turkey style or after the 30 mg the doc says I can switch to suboxone which I'm scared to do that I fear I'll go in worse withdrawl were methadone in me..... 3-4 days with not takn anything so I'll be in methadone withdraw after I get to 30 for a week straight take suboxone ?! I jus don't know
I'm sorry, Trissy, but there is really no comparison between them. Tramadol is a very mild opiate, you could not safely take enough of it to equal the dosage you were taking of Methadone.
The FDA warns that this medication carries the risk of being habit forming and may cause side effects, such as nausea, dizziness, headache, constipation, and dry mouth.
Is there anything else I can help with?
Hello is anyone out there ?! I'll be stopped at 30 mg methadone pls help
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