Will It Hurt My Boyfriend If He Stops Taking It?
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My boyfriend has only had 2 episodes. They weren't bad, but he's been taking dilantin since. If he stops taking them will he start having them again?
4 Replies
Hi, I am experiencing unusual dots on my body and I was prescribed purbac C24 for that and allegex tablets from the chemist. How can this help and what are the side effects? Does it mean I could be positive for HIV and will these tablets not affect my CD4 count?
In the case of these types of medications and seizures, you really need to follow your doctor's instructions!
When I first started dilantin at age 17 , I'm 30 now I was'nt use to taking medication all the time , and I forgot doses, and ended up back in the hospital because of another seizure, the doctor told like Sherry said to not stop taking , he said if you stop real sudden it could cause a massive seizure that could kill me.
Very definatley, no one should stop any seizure meds without drs. knowledge. Also, going off all at once can cause a seizure.
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