Will Xanax And Klonopin Levels In My Body Go Down After Two Weeks? (Top voted first)


I have taken a lot of 1mg Xanax yesterday, two Klonopin 10mg, and finally one 1 mg Xanax this morning. Will my levels go down in the next couple of weeks if I don't take anything else and drink plenty of water?

2 Replies

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Thanks for saying it. All I could think was why in the world would you waste all those Xanax. If you wanna feel high, from my own personal experience, it just stops happening after a while. My script is for 3 a day. I also take 10mg Hydrocodone. Now, I do admit, I did take a few too many throughout the month and suffered through withdrawal a couple of days before calling doc and asking for some Tylenol 3 just to take the edge off of the narcotic cutoff. The day before that I was able to get my Zanies or Xanax as some prefer to call them. They're great for easing the nerves but I took 3 right away and next thing I knew was snooze land, and that was without an Ambien.

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You need help! It's people like you that are abusing these medications that are making it hard for me who has never abused my medications to find a good doctor. Keep taking that amount and you will end up dead.

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