Will Synaleve Help Me?
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I haven't had my period in over a year now, and I have been having a sharp pain on my lower abdomen on my right-hand side. Also, I have pains like needless on my tummy, they come and go.. I was given synaleve pills for that. Will that help?

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I'm post kidney transplant. Can I use Synaleve? If so, what are the possible side effects?

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I had lower back spinal surgery 3-4 years ago. Since then I get pain down my left leg into my foot and toes, which really becomes terrible at times, especially when the weather changes. Does anyone have recommendations to guide me on what helps? Has anyone tried Synaleve?

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Hello, Mathabo! How are you?

Synaleve is listed as containing Acetaminophen, Codeine and Meprobamate, so it is an analgesic used to alleviate pain. Its typical side effects may possibly include nausea, dizziness, headache and constipation. It also carries the risk of being habit forming.

However, it will not help you get your periods.

Did the doctor provide you with a diagnosis?

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