Will Oxycontin Be Changed Back To Original Formula (Page 3)
Updatedis Oxycontin going back to their old formula? OC instead of OP.
I would encourage anyone who believes this "ghost" nonsense to do a simple experiment. Take an op 80 and suck on it for thirty seconds. The wax coating will turn to sticky mush and dissolve. Now, using common sense and the brain god gave you, try to imagine the coating going through TWENTY FEET of your gastrointestinal tract, which includes your stomach that has a powerful acid in it, and be able to pass through all of that, while still managing to let the much harder plastic polymer medicine inside come through it somehow and be completely dissolved, while the coating stays intact. I don't care what the drug companies tell you about the shell, these are just "ghost" stories.
in australia they still have the oc u mite have to move over here
I'd love to come down under as I'm half Australian (my mum was born in Adelaide) and I've got quite a few relatives there, but have never made the trip... probably won't now that I'm wheelchair bound. If I do however, I'll make sure that I have to get scripts filled while I'm there... no worries, eh?
If any of you want pain relief switch to oxycodone instant relief 30 mg hcl aka roxys thier great you may have to take more pills then when the original oxys where out bit atleast you will have pain relief and hurry because the word on the street is the dea is trying to get rid of them as well the government is a bunch of cobtroling pigs they wanna make sure that any good pain pill is illegal and also try Ms cotin its morphine but better it comes in pills up to 200mg good luck and I hope the roxys help if u switch to them
I was telling a co-worker about the new oxycontin not being able to be crushed. She said her man told her that all one has to do is microwave it first. Then it can still be abused. I guess if there is a will, there is a way.
You know . . . you can tell your co-worker to tell her husband, "Thanks a lot . . . NOT!" from me!
It's people like him who are responsible for we legitimate users/sufferers being in the bind we're in now! (Of course, I recognize the government oughta' get the heck out of our business/lives too - but, they wouldn't be nearly as empowered were it not for the abusers!)
By the way, my son has ADD. He just called me from college in Boston to tell me that, because of FDA meddling, the entire supply of Adderall is now exhausted - for the whole US!!! No more will be manufactured/available until after the first of the year - and maybe not till February!
He's had to start a new medication. The name escapes me right now, but there are far more side-effects listed AND . . . instead of the usual $5 copay, it's a $75 copay!
There's your useful, efficient, benevolent federal government for you!
Heaven help us should we get another four years of this madness!
I don't think her man came up with it, but it is how they are getting around it. And you are right, they are the reason those of us who need it desperately, are made to suffer.
my dad too is now on the op's and use to get the originals he has has 19 back surgeries and 3 on his neck he use to get out alot and play with my daughter and now since he has been getting these he is in the bed all the time cause of the pain and has an upset stomach all the time. you know they need to think about this for a minute. its not all the peoples fault for the abuse alot of it is the money hungry doctors out there now thanks to them my dad stays in pain so thanks alot for taking my daughters papa from her a**holes.
new 80 mg
Inactive Ingredients: butylated hydroxytoluene
polyethylene glycol 400
polyethylene glycol
magnesium stearate
titanium dioxide
hydroxypropyl cellulose
ferric oxide yellow
FD&C Blue No. 2
aluminum oxide
old 80 mg formula
Inactive Ingredients: ammonio methacrylate copolymer type B
magnesium stearate
polyethylene glycol 400
sodium hydroxide
sorbic acid
stearyl alcohol
magnesium silicate
titanium dioxide
polysorbate 80
FD&C Blue No. 2
hydroxypropyl cellulose
ferric oxide yellow
but inactive ingrediants my vary by manucfatures so depending on your location in the us and where your pharmacy gets there pills it can be a little different.
my information came from drugs.com
Here's the deal-- Purdue's patent expires in2013. All the generic company's are just lining up so that they can release the ORIGINAL FOMULATION !!! So Judy be patient .
Corey, thanks for the info. The old had twice as much stuff in it vs the new, so the new should be 1/2 the cost. Instead its like 30-40% more.
I dont know how the ingredients can vary by location, the drugs are regulated by the FDA to very strict guidelines. I dont remember the rule, but they dont have to change very much and its considered a new drug by the FDA and has to do through new trials/approval process. I seriously doubt the contents vary at all. Whoever told you that has to be mistaken.
They do. If a large percentage of you are completely honest, you dont like the new ones because you could more easily crush/snort, inject, or whatever the old ones. I did NOT SAY EVERYONE, I just said a LARGE PERCENTAGE which is less than 100% and more than say 20%. SO, SOME OF YOU ARE NOT BEING HONEST.
If you do not think they work, stop taking them immediately, repost what you think in 24-48 hours. If they dont work, you should feel identical to how you feel taking them so it should be NO PROBLEM.
The reality is, you will be in (assuming you really have pain, which most do), severe pain-- AND/OR you will be extremely sick due to withdrawals. Then, take your regular dose, and in 8-12 hours, repost about how it DOES NOTHING FOR YOU.
That is an accurate test for deciding if it does anything or not. If you really belielve it does nothing, I challenge you to do it.
Lastly, do not obviously ---stop taking any drug without consulting the prescribing doctor. My post was written to make a point. That being its easy to grouse and complain about these, but they do work. I dont like them as much as the old ones and am not sure why. I swallow them the same, I take the same amount 10 a day, 5am 5pm of the 80's, but I just prefer the old ones.
The reason why purdue changed the formulary was not to make money, not to punish anyone, or because the government is in control. (THATS ANOTHER TOPIC). If you are getting your pain meds, how can the govt be interferring? FACT: Most Dr's who cant say no blame the dea, or some other govt agency. Its just them --maybe their license is restricted. Maybe they can't write for any c2's. Think about it. As long as they document the condition, why you need them, what the medical reason for needing them is, how you benefit from them, and that you are doing better with than without, are only giving 30 days at a time regardless of "your dog eating them", or "you dropping them in the toilet", and does random screening to confirm you are taking the proper amount (urine etc) nothing will happen to the dr. The ones who get in trouble violate one of the above rules. Thats what starts the investigation is a complaint from a pharmacy or patient. "DR XYZ has filled Mary DOE's RX 4 times this month for a 30 day supply. THey call the state medical board, who calls the dr. If the dr cannot give a reasonable explanation, then an investigation is launched.
Maybe Mary is giving the dr half the pills. Maybe he and Mary are having an affair. Maybe Mary is one of dozens and when asked to produce charts, little or no info is contained in charts.
The government gets involved because they are the ones who prosecute for violating the laws. Nothing else. The DEA couldn't care less what your dr gives you as long as the criteria l listed are met. Call and make up a name and a dr. Tell them that dr so and so is rx'ing 90 oxy 80's a month for your back problem. Listen hard for them yawning on the other end. They dont care. Change the number to 900 along with 1000 of something else, and 500 of something else, and he does it for everyone, and yes, they might get interested but wont drop everything to run out and see.
RETIRED MD. RETIRED DUE TO AUTO ACCIDENT and ON OxyContin 80;s and various other meds for breakthru.
Hey Dr Barney! With all due respect - go "EFF" yourself!
I don't believe for a second 80% of the pain patients posting on this forum are abusers. Your comment is inappropriate, hurtful and unprofessional - and you're spouting off with no evidence whatsoever to back your assertion.
As for the DEA . . . yeah. I'm sure they've got OUR best interests at heart and are looking after us - while they're busy laundering billions of dollars in drug money for the cartels - and all the while the ATF (with the help of other "alphabet agencies") is arming them! (look it up if you don't believe me!) Yeah. Sure.
Oh! And your statement that the "DEA could care less what your doctor prescribes" is absolute bunk, too. (should be "COULDN'T care less" btw, but I digress.) Are you kidding me?!? My doctor risks the wrath of the fanatical, anti-pain-medication-Nazis at DEA (and again - with other state/fed agencies) for prescribing chronic pain-sufferers the medication they so badly need. The internet is chock-full of horror stories about well-intended docs being prosecuted for trying to HELP their patients. It's wholly absurd - and an absolute disgrace!
Lastly (and please forgive me if I mentioned this before), I was in Boston three summers ago and happened to meet two guys who work as engineers in the Perdue plant - specifically, where they mfgr OxyContin. They laughed when I told them how thankful I was for the medication they make and how the side-effects I used to suffer (from other meds) were incomparably slight in comparison. They went on to tell me how undeniably BAD the quality-control was and marveled when I told them I'd only occasionally felt a bit of variance (usually only noticeable as a bit more "euphoria" or light-headedness)! I was floored by what they told me - and became a little concerned when they told me to "enjoy the relief while you can". I didn't know what they meant and they left before I could question them further. Perhaps they knew what was coming. I don't know. But, they were sure surprised I was pleased/satisfied with my experience (with OxyContin), up until then.
BULLS***. How many patients died because you were too lazy to learn of the many new and dangerous drugs such as viox and the statin drugs you gave to patients if indeed you are a doctor.
Well to all ot this topic i was addicted to oxy roxy etc. and when they did the big switch hell i just couldnt get wat i needed anymore and was forcsed to get treatment and ended up being the best thing happen to me so on that thax purdue and for the folks who truly need the meds then i really feel for ya because the company has ruined a lot of lives and put a pat. on the stuff so no other company can help people's live on a daily basis its ashame!!!!!!
After more than a decade of PT.magnetic therapy,tens,shot's, and unrelenting pain that led me to contemplate sucide i found someone to treat my pain with opiates.I have been able to lead a life for 10 years.now the state i live in has made new rules that most doctor's will find impossible to uphold in treatment of pain patient's. Already clinic's, pain doctor's,are abandoning their pain patient's by the thousand's. Typical is the patient goes in to see their doctor for their refill's and are told they are no longer treating them, leaving them in serious pain as well as serious wd.For those eldery patients as i..this will have dreadful effect's on the heart and neuralogical sytems. Many will die of heart attacks and strokes. I can not understand the cruelity of this.I can see that er's will be overwhelmed with liver and kidney failure from pain patient's desperate for relief taking huge amounts of asprin and tylenol.How can the dea and doctors be so foollish?!Z
"Anonamouse", as you like to call yourself.... i have one, and only one thing to say to you, and other people like you. STOP posting things that you obviously have no knowledge about. It is, in deed possible for people to pass the outer shell of the pill. Do some research and become familiar with the medication that your writing about.
Nice try, Purdue rep. You posted no new information or one single piece of evidence to refute my claim other than "the drug company says so." I provided a well-reasoned argument as to why the idea of there being a "shell" on Oxycontin is as absurd as saying you could swallow a butterfinger and claim that you have absorbed the orange crunchy part into your bloodstream, but that the chocolate coating passed through your digestive tract intact. The "shell" you are referring to is made of thin, water-soluble wax, and will dissolve under a stream of tap water in about ten seconds. The only way you could pass a "shell" is if it were made of CELLULOSE, a common material in medication that is contained in CAPSULES. Cellulose is not easily digested by the body and could indeed pass through the digestive system somewhat intact. As soon as anyone can provide any evidence against this besides "Purdue says so," I will happily concede.
The new ones are not even close in other words they suck you really need to bring back the old one the oc's they did work but if you keep making the old ones you will loose way to much buis because i for one will never buy this so called new ones that work the same not even close you suck
Actually, the factory that produced the raw ingredient ( mixed amphetamine salts) for the American Adderall trade was destroyed by the earthquake/tidal wave in Japan. So don;t blame the government, blame Mother Nature. And by now the problem has been long fixed....
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