Will I Have Withdrawal Symptoms If I Go Off Enbrel? (Top voted first)


I have been on Enbrel now for a couple of years. Will I experience withdrawal if I go off the drug? Do I have to do it gradually?

3 Replies

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Hello, Erena! How are you?

Yes, after taking it for years, it is probably best to do a slow taper. It's not a narcotic, so it's not likely to cause severe withdrawal symptoms, but some of them can still be quite annoying.

Learn more Enbrel details here.

Have you discussed it with your doctor?

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I have tajen embrel for a year and my ins changed but i seem to be having withdrawal symtoms like rashes. Loose bowls and bone aches is rhis possible

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Re: Verwon (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

What are the withdrawal symptoms?

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