Will Fentanyl Patch Show Up As Morphine In A Drug Test (Page 4)
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will fentynal show up as morphine on a drug test i need to know if it will

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Good question? I'd have to say if the sticky side was touching the bare palm, or any part of the hand for that matter, said person would definitely test positive.

I'm not sure if the person would get "high" or not. Specially if on methadone?

It would be a half decent excuse if the person pissed dirty though. Specially if they had been applying a patch to someone else. It would help if the person is prescribed them.

At worst, the Doctor should give benefit of doubt.

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Has anyone ever tested positive for fentanyl after holding a patch in their hand for 20 min or so?

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Fentanyl WILL NOT appear on a simple Five Panel immunoassay as ANYTHING. Won't show up. Period. Source: just passed with a 75mcg patch, all tests negative. Happy testing!

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Most synthetics show up as morphine when metabolized...even heroin metabolizes into morphine sulfate..they cannot distinguish opiates in a five panel nor a ten panel but can detect methadone in a ten panel..

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I'm on the methadone program in Windsor, Ontario, Canada and I hope my Doctor reads this...lol

I'm on level 6, full carry's. So I missed my appointment, he still wrote my script for a few days til my next appointment. Now I've got history with this Doc. Cuz my initial piss test of 2 that I must fail to get on the program. And I failed cuz the found of all things, methadone! This meant I had to wait even longer to get on the program. They ain't allowed to prescribe methadone to someone on methadone??? Go figure... Anyway to make a short story, they just found Fentanyl in my piss and I've never needed or used anything except my prescribed Benzos in years... I've always been honest, before they got the results in the past. That was only blow a few times, and I didn't even lose any carries.

Has anyone ever heard of false positives with Fentanyl? I've also heard a rumor that the test strips for Fentanyl are expensive, so not used that often. Anyone know if this is true? I tried Google but didn't want to have to log in to get the prices. Though I also noticed that they make a test for speed! And as far as I know they ain't busted any of the Meth monsters at my clinic. Are they possibly an expensive test as well?

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Yes it will and it will show morphine and oxymorphone

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No it shows up as fentanyl just took a test and it shows up as fentanyl but that's only if there checking for it it's a hit and miss find out what kind of drug screen thee doing

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I have been on 50 microgram patches for over 10 years for chronic back pain. Prior I was taking Norco and I was still in pain. The Fetanyl is a much better alternative and helps with the pain so much better. It does not effect your liver as their is no acetaminophen in the patch. I take a couple of vegetable laxatives at bedtime so their is no constipation. I understand some people use the patch and also take pain pills when needed. It has becme such an issue for Doctors to prescribe pain meds since the FDA and the DEA are watching the scripts coming out of their office. The drug abusers are ruining it for those of us in severe pain. It seems like almost every Doctors appointment I have my Doctor asking me to lower my dosage, it's like he thinks he is getting brownie points if he reduces the pain medications coming out of his practice.

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I'm with ya man although I have a friend high up in the DEA and they are pressuring docs about what they are prescribing but 85% of everything they find comes from Florida. I've had 7 spinal surgeries and it took 2 years to get any dr to see me and they test every month and I'm on oxycodone 10 mg 4 tabs a day which keeps me in bed. Drs dont want trouble with DEA but I hope they have good insurance, afterall they took an oath and clearly violate it so under my contract my dr has givin me meds that I can't have and when u shake the tree you know what will happen but mines documented so lawsuit here we come.

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It takes 6 hours for it to get into your system. This is according to my pain mgmt dr.

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I've been on this Fentanyl patch 50mcg for a week and the 25mcg two weeks prior to this instead of taking hydracodone. My pmd is very caring and I trust her. She started me on a lower dosage and probably won't take me up any higher. I've had two spinal fusion back surgery with orthascopic hip surgery pending in my very near future for torn cartilage and arthritic damage.. I have OA and five Drs havetold me i have fibromyalga. I hurt very badly but this is my life. I feel these patches are working as well as oral pain med and when it comes time I will make sure that I am backed down appropriatly. Knowledge. IS power when it comes to this. Thank you.

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i put on a fentanyl patch 50mcg/hr around 8o'clock 10/9/13 and im on probation and they could call me in tomorrow to take it. i was wondering if the fentanyl will show up as oxy or opiate?
cuz on the test they test for oxy,marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamines, ecstasy, opiates, PCP, benzodiazepines, methadone, barbiturates.
im not positive they test for methadone or amphetamines.but im very nervous and need to know what itll show up as.please help?

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I took my last 30 mg morphinMonday afternoon and want to know if it will show up in drug test at doctors office on Friday.It needs to show up... thank you

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What will fentanyl show up as on a probation drug urine test? I take oxycodone from my dr. Will they tell the difference?

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I have crohnes and when I have bad flare ups my mom gives me a patch to get me through, my doctor gives me norcos for pain but I don't like taking them due to the fact they plug me up which makes it worse under pain. My question is if I take a drug test for employment and show my script for norcos will it come back positive for anything else other than opiants?

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Hey all,

I have been reading a ton about fent and if it shows up on tests here are my conclusions:

I took a 12 panel dip stick drug test (testing:marijuana, cocaine, methamphetamine, amphetamines, ecstasy, opiates, PCP, benzodiazepines, methadone, barbiturates, tircyclic antidepressants and oxycodone) the day I took fentynal and it did not show up. This is good for any pre employment drug screening because fent is such a low dose they need a specific test which they very well could do in higher ranking positions or military where they send your urine to a lab. Also people who are getting meds from pain dr.'s will have a more comprehensive urine test to check for every specific drug.

But as far as dip stick testing for employment 4-5-9-11-12 panel tests CAN NOT detect fentynal due to the Microgram dose, Methadone has very similar characteristics as fentynal being a synthetic opiod but methadone deals with higher doses

Hope this helps people who are interested in pre employment drug screens

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Once again i am frustrated and had to resort to bringing a tiny recorder to record this nitemare because i am not going to be accused of something and having no way to back myself up if things in a drs office are said or accusations are suspected.For the last three months everytime i go see my doc for renewal i must submit a urine sample to test for fentanyl and kadian 20mg three times daily as well the 75mcg fentanyl every 48 hoursMy first test that got sxrewed up was tested 2 times with two new stick testers and the doc asked if i was taking methadone i have been doing the piss test at this office for two years and never had a problem before so when asked did i take methadone i said no twice and had to give a sample to a lab it came back showing nothing accept the fentanyl and kadian.the same thing happened again and this time i was testing pos for barbituates,again i went to lab and submitted another sample the third visit was the one that made me angry.The nurse comes in and i said tell these games stop.She says i test positive for Meth I'm very angry and i said this is impossible so she goes and test the sample again comes in and says yep meth i said this is stupid then she checks the other two lab results showing nothing but the fentanyl so i said three tests and your dip stick test failedsix times out of three urine samples but the lab shows nothing other than prescribed.So i said is this going to be a lifelong moronic stupid bs test every visit as i said obviopusly those test strips are no working right.The answer i get back is no they are reliable.Did i just hear you say they are reliable when they failed six times in three visits but the lab shows i am not taking anything but prescribed.I stopped seeing this Doctor because i feel like a labrat and why should i put up with these games because i am in serious spinal pain for over twenty years with multiple surgeries and 13 sets of MRIS.Its bulls*** and when i do see a new doctor I'm going to tell him why.I am not in the wrong period and never ever taken anything that is not prescribed.I deserve a little respect about this and i find i am fighting these games to prove my innocence from their incompetent stick tests that they say are very reliable.I dont need this crap so that is why i recorded the last two visits because a doctors word stands higher and believable as to his patient who could suffer cruel accusations from faulty tests AM I RIGHT HERE.I need an answre.Very angry and rightly so in CANADA

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my friend is an rn failed drug test paid for another one out of his pocket but they tested same urine came back the same he was fired he had another test done at a clinic it didnt show it now dont know what state board will do it was fentanyl and i know for a fact he doesnt take it he has his own meds from dr he takes for pain

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I mistress your post, Andi N kinda scared . I been in methadone program for 3years now and not one dirty. I never used nothing since I started anyway,except last week, my last bottle leaked out. So I started getting sick,so I got fentynal patch,I put half of a 100ml or however its dosage is, patch on,but easygoing nothing, I took it off and chewed it. I hadron drop the next day. I newsroom know if origins show up. I can't agitato lose my take homes

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Recently when visiting to my Doctors I always submit urine sample and I do not take any illegal drugs period not even pot.This female practicing Doctor not a doctor did the test for Fentanyl Patch which I have been on fo 12 years.She asked me if i take methadone.In shock i said no absolutely not.She went and got a brand new test strip and once again the fentanyl was showing methadone.I am incensed and outraged that she would ask such a question knowing full well that i would never jeopardise my situation never.So when my doctor ca,me in I said it is impossible and the only other pill I took was gravol so i went down to the lab in his building within 10 minutes.He said to go to his lab which I did and I sensed that if i would have left or go to another lab I would be pretty much show deception.I know for a fact I should be showing Fentanyl.What are the odds of this happening from the test done buy strip and is it possible to prove my innocense buy submitting a blood sample and possibly a hair sample your answer is urgent Thanx from CANADA

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