Will Eryko 250 Effect Pregnancy?
UpdatedI got the tablets for an infection and I'm pregnant. Will it have any effects?
9 Replies
Eryko contains the active ingredient Erythromycin, it is an antibiotic that is used to treat various types of infections.
And no, in the U.S. the FDA has found it to cause Hepatoxicity (liver damage) in pregnant women. While it is reversible, when the medication is discontinued, it can endanger both the mother and baby, so they have not approved it for use during pregnancy.
I suggest you contact your doctor about why they prescribed this one and ask them about using an alternative medication.
Is there anything else I can help with?
I am 39 weeks pregnant and a hospital doctor gave me Anaerobyl 200 and Eryko 250 to use for a urinal/vaginal tract infection. Will it harm my baby? I am having side effects.
Can you please help me?
What natural remedy do you suggest? Can I drink cranberry juice? Will it harm my baby if no medicine is used until delivery?
I'm 31 week pregnant and I been having abdominal pain,its been 5 days and also I been having a losse stomach ever since. The nurse gave me Eryko 250,will it hurm me or my baby?
taking extra doses of acidophilus plus yogurt with active cultures daily for extreme itchy,raised red rash all over my body. just finished second 6 day run of diflucan. i know candida has affected my bowel and suspect my kidneys and liver. i have a remote history of HepA and have taken loads of acetaminophen over last 7-10 years combined with pain meds for severe spinal stenosis. i may have a good day where i have no pain or nausea but my abdomen will be unbelievably bloated. I know as I work to correct my health that things may get stirred up causing me to feel worse but I just need to know I'm on the right track! On disability because of my back and antidepressant because I am "sick" all the time so much so everything in my life is jacked up. Has caused my boyfriend such stress that he doesnt know whether to push me to do more or take me to the ER. can you help?
Hi i want 2 knw wht is, whn i hv intercourse without condom my discharge change 2 yellowish colour n its smell bad. whts wrong?
Hi. I've got a thick white discharge with no smell. Can I use Eryko 250 pills to treat the discharge
I went to the doctor because I was not feeling well after my periods and he gave me "eryko". What is it for?
Hi, I have been given Eryko for a stomach bug and an infection in the lungs. Is it safe to take this medication when you have been nauseous and vomiting?
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