Will 100 Mgs Of Tramodal Help U Detoxe From A Percocet 10 With Taking 200 Day


If u have been taking 20 of the 10 mgs of percocet a day will tramadol help u with the withdrawl systoms after u stop taking percocet abruptly?

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If u have a percocet habit of 20 of the 10 mgs a day will a 100 mgs of tramadol help u detox off the percocets?

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I am sorry, but I don't have any information on it being used for such, so I have to say that I really don't know.

However, since Tramadol can be addicting and habit forming, you may end up just trading one addiction for the other.

Learn more addiction details here.

And if you were taking that many Percocet each day, which contains Oxycodone and Acetaminophen, then you really need to consult a medical professional. Taking Acetaminophen in that high of an amount can be toxic and may have already caused liver damage.

Have you been having any severe nausea, or abdominal pain?

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No it will not help. Benedyl may help bit only thing that will take withdrawals away completely is suboxone or generic form subutex which are both addictive as well

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i work in a detox unit we do use ultram 100 mg for detox day1&2 100mg 4 times a day day3 three times a day day 4 twice a day day 5 one tab and you are done it does work also zofran prn for vomiting and prn loperamide for diarrhia have heard 1000s of times wont work but in 3 days they always say it working well

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Instead of substitution of opioids with more opioids you can use catapress or check you drug addicted ass into a medical detox
I have 25 years in the field use catapress under a doctor's supervision
It relieves the mind racing, neck burning, chicken flesh and cramps. No one knows why except me and I ain't telling.

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