Wiil Ranitidine Produce A False Positive For Methamphetimines In Hair Follicle Test And Where Is The Proof? (Page 5) (Top voted first)


While I was pregnant I was prescribed to take ranitidine for heartburn. After my child was born I took a urine test that came up negative. Cps sent these sample off and said I tested positive for meth. I submitted to a hair test on my child and a nail test on myself. The results were positive for meth. The Metabolites were very low in both of us but the amphetimine levels were high, but I had ephedrine during the c section. Will ranitidine cause a false positive in a hair test and where is the documented proof? They have taken my newborn away from me its five days now without touching or seeing her. I am desperate to get my baby back. If a doctor responds please be willing to submit documentation in writing. Thank you to anyone with the answer.

111 Replies (6 Pages)

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I am 34 weeks pregnant and took zantac. I went to the hospital in early labor and a urine test was done. Sometime thereafter, the quality of my care decreased. The 2 nurses on the delivery floor pulled room curtain and closed door. My husband fell asleep. I would have to ring call bell for someone to come when an alarm went off. I was in excruciating pain and on iv fluids. These nurses left me in this room and made no rounds to check on my well being. So in the morning, the on call md came in, checked my cervix and said you have made no change your not in labor i am sending you home. He and nurse left room, came back and he said he was obligated to educate me about the dangers of my drug use. I was dumbfounded. Presumptive positive for methamphetamine. I tried to tell them i do not use drugs and as a nurse i know that certain rx medications are known to cause false positives. He said mam, lab tests don't lie. Stop using. He and this nurse continued to treat me like crap. I'm in tears begging them to listen to me but they continue to accuse me of drug use. They quickly discharged me. The nurse wheeled me out and my husband helped me in the van. I am depressed, scared of what will become of my baby girl when she is born. I have hypertension and hypokalemia but i am afraid to take my medicine because i do not know what type of lab result will come of it. I am not a methamphetamine addict. I have never used drugs, ever. I do not drink alcohol and i do not smoke. I'm so afraid.

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Can you give me the name of the doctor who testified. We are in the same situation. My dad has negative urine test, polygraph, amd hair test but his drug patch came back positive and we know it is from the zantac but judgd does believe us

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This is outrageous !!!....I would think hair folic would help you but these doctors & nurses need to educate themselves & I how dare,they give u less care under the assumption your a,user outrageous

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I take Ranitidine myself and have to take a hair follicle test soon. Should i be worried? Will it make me come back positive for methamphetamine?

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No. I wouldn't worry if I were you. It's just the rapid screen urine cups, if you have issues, have them call the nurse at Zantacs number and record it on ur phone, bc they will not freely give information, they will just talk to Dr's to let them know. And as far as urine, doing a gcms lab test still will be false positive in large quantities. Mine said I was 69% d-isomer positive. {edited for privacy}. That was like 10 yrs ago...I take large amounts bc of gastric bypass surgery.

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Yes, it shows up in the hair test too.I had it taken after I showed positive in my urine test.

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Yes it shows positive in hair test too.Im going through the same thing

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I hope everything worked out for you and you got your child back. I just took a drug test an came up positive for meth, I have been taking zantac for heartburn also.... I requested that it be sent to a lab. Still waiting on results, government issued drugs are horrible...

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I am going through the same thing and trying to keep custody of her, I have court today. Where did you find those studies that proves zantac will cause a false positive on a drug test?????

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I need help. My daughter was taken and I don't do methamphetamine, but do take zantac.

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What is the doctors name that said ranitidine will show a false positive? I'm on probation and i haven't done drugs in four years and i requested a hair follicle test (because i tested positive for methamphetamine after taking ranitidine 150mg) and haven't received the results of it yet. Will it be positive also? Please help a.s.a.p.

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Please me to they say I'm just a druggy teen mother and the fathers faimly actually believes it and is letting my actual drug addict father see my baby that was taken away from me.

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I tested positive for methamphetamine on a urine test, so i had a hair follicle test done and it was negative.

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Bulls***. I had a gcms test done and I still came up with something like 79% D isomer methamphetamine. I've never even SEEN methamphetamine in my life. Do ur research before u start pretending to play the expert.

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It is not difficult to find the studies. Just Google "ranitidine false positive methamphetamine" and the gcms testing they do to confirm also will show a false positive. Does anyone know anything about a class action?

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My husband had a urine drug test done and has been taking generic zantac and it shows up positive for methamphetamine. So now his doctor wanted to do a blood test. Will it still show up in his blood work for methamphetamine?

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I need to know for sure if the rantidine will make you false for hair follical test...

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Re: someone who works in drug testing (# 43) Expand Referenced Message

This is absolutely false. I had gastric bypass surgery over a decade ago. This happened twice to me. I take over 1000mg of Zantac daily and it is documented in my medical record, bc of gastric bypass surgery. I had to have hair follicle tests done to prove my innocence. And yes, my gcms test was also positive. I've never even seen meth! You are irresponsible to give information on something you haven't researched into. Call Zantac.let them admit it room u. You are the reason people still don't believe it!

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My case started on feb 2017 when I got stopped by the cops at 3am giving a ride to a friend and his wife, and another friend. They took the guy in custody. They had methamphetamine and when I wasn't looking they must've put it in my drink. Or I don't know.. I went home and the next day cps were in my house & they had already interviewed my kids at school... Miss Anna, a Cps worker said I didn't have water or light... and said I have to swab tst... I did the swab test and came back dirty for methamphetamine. I didn't do no drugs I explained to her unless it was in my drink. My mother and sister we're gonna supervise me with my kids.. 2 weeks later a guy (cps worker) named Anthony said I have your case and I am gonna tst you. I had just woken up.. I was taking medications that were prescribed. I told him and the tst took like like 6 minutes to read so he was shaking the swab and after 8 minutes he said you have methamphetamine. So he had already interviewed my kids. None of my kids were home at the time... he said where's your mother and I said she had gone to Mexico for my brother that had surgery. But my sister was home to be supervising me.. Anthony the case worker said he had talked to daycare and said they say that I would never be supervising when I take the kids. I then talked to the day care and she said Anthony was lying and making up things. So he left, but by 5pm he calls and says look for someone to take my kids, but my sister was there to supervise me and the kids. So I was looking for someone but I didn't find no one but my brother in law to take my three lil ones (4, 3 and 2 years old).

I had my other three at home with my sister (16 year old, 6 year old and 7 year old). He calls me and says he's outside to give him the kids, tried to give me some papers and I didn't want to give them my kids.. he called the cops so they took my kids and miss Anna calls me acting nice to get my other 3 from my brother in law... She was just using me to tell her where they were at.. they went for them and took all my six kids.. and Anna and Anthony the next day took me to court for the remobile and to serve me.. Anna and Anthony put a lot of things in the case that I didn't say. My mom was in Mexico but my sister was there to supervise me. But since they said I came up positive for methamphetamine. I was gonna harm them.. miss Anna is a two faced lady, she would act nice but not in a real way, she is just acting as a good person. First visit, my three lil ones looked like they were in a different world like they were drugged up. Anna sent me and my boyfriend to do a follicle hair test... A week later, they said I came out positive with amphetamine, methamphetamine, coke and marijuana... same labels that my boyfriend got. I knew she had it positive for some reason, but my boyfriend doesn't drink or do drugs at all. So I knew she was lying about the case.. it was a lie about me not having water or light... all lies. I only get to visit once a week... my kids would cry so much. They were with foster parents & they passed the case to Mr. Yinka at Cps. By may, my daughter (7 year old) said the foster parent would hit her and make her clean. Miss Anna tells me my 4 year old jumped out of a window and cops found him and that my 4 year old said he was looking for his sister.. it was a big lie about him talking.. My son didn't know how to speak right, he was getting therapy when he was with me.. to me they were not checking on him... And they took my kids just to not watch them.

I had a place meant for my kids with a day care lady. When they removed my kidsm I found out I was pregnant.. they didn't say nothing about my baby. My 16 year old texted me and said she's gonna kill herself, that she didn't want to be there and I called Yinka cps to check on her. She runs away... they find her and she would say that there's was a baby crying too much so she will help to calm him down. So it's June and still no placement has occurred. My kids were getting traumatized by cps. Yinca cps sent me in for a ua and I did come back negative. My 16 year old runs away one more time... she ran away cause they told her if she didn't get a place with my sister they were gonna move her far away.. she called my mom's house number and says she's ok and not coming back. We don't have caller ID to return calls. I've been stressing out and trying to do ally classes am getting big harly walk all July been in hospital in and out. My baby wanted to be born at 27 weeks. Just thinking wats gonna happen with the case Yinka cps comes to my house and says I gotta find some where else to live. He says for me to help him find Ashley so I tell him ok..I am gonna go with a lady that smokes methamphetamine to see if she has seen her or her boyfriend.. they smoke so I go and ask and she says ill try my best asking around. Mr YINKA at cps knew I was gonna go around smoke. So my car brakes down, he calls me and tells me to go get a ua. Quickly, I went and found a ride. 3 days later says I diluted the ua.. so he calls me to go do my hair follicle and at first I didn't want to go cause I had contractions. I know that I have not touched drugs but the ones in the hospital.. & magnesium to prevent the contractions. Steroids, pain medicine, calcium, potassium, codeine and tyenol..all kinds of meds.. ranitidine for heartburn, zantac, acetaminophen 500 mg and vitamins. I GET OUT of the hospital, go and do my hair follicle (my hair it's really short).. it only goes back a month.. he calls me a few days later and said I was positive for methamphetamine. Really high amounts...

When I go to my visit, Yinka and his supervisor talk to me after my visit and tell me to help them find my 16 year old cause they could have her SEX TRAFFICKING. SO I GET SCARED AND it had me thinking so much.. on September 7th it's my next visit with my kids; cause of the gas issue I was running late. I had just got McDonald's and pumped gas at 4:15pm. I still can't walk right due to contractions. I had trouble with the gas. Someone pumped my gas and they didn't want to pay me my gas. Didn't have no way to move, it was really hot outside, so he cancelled my visit at 4:23pm.. I left mad & sad. I didn't get to see my kids. And worry about my 16 year old and all the stuff they said about sex trafficking. I go ask the lady from the street to help me find her and by Monday morning I start contracting more so I could hardly even move. I was supposed to be at home resting all of July and Aug. But cps put too much pressure on me.. and putting things on my mind, it was too much... I go to the hospital Monday morning. They start magnesium and all kinds of pain medicine, including RANITIDINE. BY 3AM, I AM COMPLAINING ABOUT MY contraction getting more painful.. the doctor comes and says u are ok. U could handle it. We can't give you no more pills... and says you came out dirty for amphetamines. I said I am not asking for drugs, I am asking to check me cause I feel like I'm having labor pain.. so he checks me and said to the nurse she's fine. Instead of pain meds and go ahead and call in an epidural to get you not to feel pain.. so he does that leaves and in comes another doctor who is a really nice person.. by 8:20 he said you are 10cc ready to have the baby, NICU comes to get the baby and he's a premature baby at 31 weeks.. my baby was born at 8:45am and by 2pm Anna and Mr. Yinka show up at the hospital and take pictures of my baby and I said wait till I get out since I am not feeling good.. Anna at Cps insisted to talk to my boyfriend in private, but he didn't want to so they left. I get out of the hospital really early and went to go see my baby and went home Wednesday. By Thursday I go see my kids. By the time I want to go see my baby I get info I can't go near my baby. Or call to see how he's doing.. Anna wants to serve me at my kids visit this Thursday. I want to contest. So I ask my lawyer to see what she thinks cause it really looks like if she can't do anything or don't know what she's doing to defend me. I don't see her doing anything or even to let the judge know what all my kids have been going thru all these past months to start finding my rights and get my baby into a place with my sister.

I've been looking for help to prove I haven't done any drugs. I have been around people but I have not done any drugs at all but the ones they administered in the hospital. I am going thru so much but not knowing anything about my baby.. he's really little and he needs me.. I can't harm him at all. They have doctor's/nurses that could watch my visit. I don't want to get postpartum depression. I really need help if anyone could help me to show ranitidine tests positive for methamphetamine.. cause I haven't been doing no drugs. Please someone help me with cps lying on my hair test... I love all my kids with all my heart and don't want to lose my rights and get all my kids back. Since cps is in our lives, it's been hard. Please help me someone. God is my Faith.

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Re: Monica (# 98) Expand Referenced Message

First of all, put a call recorder on your phone. Then look up the company that makes zantac. They will confirm it for you, but will not release information except to the doctor. But the nurse WILL tell you on the phone. They just say that the statement isn't ready to be released to consumers. My guess is that when the world finds out, there is going to be a s***storm of class actions. I'm praying for you. Take a hair follicle to see if that helps.

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