Wiil Ranitidine Produce A False Positive For Methamphetimines In Hair Follicle Test And Where Is The Proof? (Page 4)
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While I was pregnant I was prescribed to take ranitidine for heartburn. After my child was born I took a urine test that came up negative. Cps sent these sample off and said I tested positive for meth. I submitted to a hair test on my child and a nail test on myself. The results were positive for meth. The Metabolites were very low in both of us but the amphetimine levels were high, but I had ephedrine during the c section. Will ranitidine cause a false positive in a hair test and where is the documented proof? They have taken my newborn away from me its five days now without touching or seeing her. I am desperate to get my baby back. If a doctor responds please be willing to submit documentation in writing. Thank you to anyone with the answer.

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I just had my son in july due to an emergency c section & I ended up having marijuana in my system but it wasn't in my babys instead my baby came back positive for meth, when the nurse told me I was shocked cuz I haven't used meth ever . She came back later on & asked if I was taking any medicine, I said yeah Zantac because my heartburn was so horrible I would eat cake & get heartburn & tums wasn't working . She told me Zantac can give you a positive false . They still had to call cps on me , I had to do a hair follicle & haven't heard anything since. I thought they were testing me for the marijuana but now I'm pretty sure it was for the meth.

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I take 300 mg Ranitadine twice daily and EVERY single time I have to go in for a drug test for potential employers, if they use the "rapid response" cups, the ones that have the result strips built in....it always gives a positive for methamphetamines, but then they send it to the lab and it comes back negative. The problem is that some companies refuse to spend money sending to a lab and rather just assume you are a dopehead and so no job. I think they need to change or get rid of these cups. People loosing jobs and BABIES !!! This is ridiculous!!

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Same thing happened to me I take ranitidine 300 for my stomach problems and I came up positive for methamphetamine in a urine test ,,, I've never touched that junk in my life and now the doctor stopped my pain prescriptions I need desperate for my scholliousis ( curvature of the spine ) .... If there is a doctor or anyone with proof out there that can help my situation please reply what to do ....thank you

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The hair result tests are pretty hard to fool. I got mine interpreted and it does say if you're around people who smoke it can cause a positive result. I sued the hospital who made this mistake with the initial test and got a small victory. The fact they've admitted any fault is more than a lot of people who have been done wrong by these corporation/institutions can get. It's been a hella scary ride and I don't wish this upon any new parent ever. These drug companies and the doctors are Obvi in cahoots and neither will talk bad about the other. So the only LOGICAL reason is that the patient is a hard hard drug user with NO history of doing so. Logical eh? Do your research before having your baby taken from you. I wish we would've and not missed those precious first days. Good luck if you are Still going through this

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an also zantac aka RANITIDINE will definitely give you a false positive for meth I'm living proof of that not sure about the ephedrine but where things are really messed up in your particular case is you failed the hair test that's a big strike against you unless there's a such thing as the person who handled your test in the lab didn't half know what they were doing an got ur results mixed up with somebody else's I really don't see how you can argue against a hair test except take another hair test if ain't to much time done passed by

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hey childless in tn back when I made that post I was still on probation iv been completely drug free for over 6yrs except a few over the counter drugs "BC GOODYS HEADACHE POWDERS" "OVER THE COUNTER ZANTAC AKA RANITIDINE" "UNISOM SLEEP GELS" an from time to time I drink a red bull energy drink so to make a long story short I got transferred to another probation an they did a urine test I came up positive for meth I told them it was a mistake iv never did meth so I offered a blood test they said ok an sent me to the hospital only to wait in line 3hrs let them draw blood then find out they couldn't send my blood off without a chain of custody an it was late night by then probation was closed an doc said my officer sud of sent me to a lab so I shows up nxt morning explained what happened an they sent me to a lab my results came back negative for meth the other woman officer said it must have had time to leave my system an she said I was guilty so what did I do? I said that's it I'm getting a hair test an I did the whole hair test came back 100% clean so I gets a call the other day from my officer he said ur fine is paid u dnt have to report anymore so the hair test cleared me idk why. it didn't do the same for you have you been around anybody smoking? not 100% sure but I think it can get in ur system like that an if that's the case ur screwed cuz there's no way of actually proving you didn't do it

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I had a friend just tell me about this today
She has been getting treatment for her horrible back issues. The Dr started her on pain mgmnt. She came up positive for meth as well after taking 150mg twice daily of ranitidine. She was very upset because she us no way a drug user. Very upsetting

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I think I'm having the same problem yall are having except I used to take pain pills an xanax that's why I'm on probation but I got in trouble 7yrs ago iv been drug free going on about 6yrs now I lack 500$ from completely paying my fine I haven't got in anymore trouble the other day I got transfered an the first thing they did was test me I wasn't worried about it cuz I knew I was clean but the test came back positive for meth I couldn't believe it I actually thought they were joking but they wasn't so I told them it must have been something simple that iv took that triggered a false positive so I offered to take a blood test to prove my innocence so they sent me to a hospital I sat in there 3hrs only to find out after they drawn blood that it couldn't be tested because he never sent a chain of custody with me I had no idea what they meant an they also said he never should of sent me to the hospital in the first place but I should of been sent to a lab so the nxt morning I explained to him they couldn't take the test an gave him a slip proving I was there so he sent me to a lab they drew blood it was about 10days later I gets a email from the lab my test was negative for meth so I contacts him tells him I got the results an see's him a few days later well I thought I tested positive in the urine test for meth was because I drank a red bull energy drink the morning of the test so I stopped drinking red bulls an they did a urine test on me again an again I tested positive for meth it was a crazy situation cuz I'm standing in a room with blood results saying there's no meth in my system an my probation officer is standing on the other end saying I'm positive to make a long story short I was offered drug classes or go back to my old probation I said I'll go back the next morning my old probation officer tested me and I was clean but that's because I stopped taking zantac 150 unisom BC headache powders so I know its one of those 3 that caused the false positive not sure which one from what iv learned so far I'm leaning more towards the zantac being the unusual suspect

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if your drug screen had a confirmation test done on it (2 different screens, an initial test which would show a potential positive it should have gone on for confirmation testing) Confirmation testing eliminates ALL possibilities of false-positives (which is why a pharmacist or doctor will NOT say Zantac will test positive for meth because on a confirmation test, it won't)...check with the testing people, if they did a confirmation test or not.

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Hi there I am so sorry to hear your story I truly can relate on a certain level . I lost my job of 15 years due to Zantac . But lose a child is unbearable ! And this needs to be solved! I am willing to also go public about this .

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Cost is nothing if you get to prove your innocence! Good luck, I hope you get your job back.

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Apparently this is still going on.... I failed a drug screen today and was removed from my job because I tested positive for methamphetamines. I've never used a drug in my life but take 300 mg twice a day for acid reflux!!!!! I paid out of my own pocket to take a second drug screening to insure my workplace that I am not a drug user. 8-13-13

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And after giving birth, I didn't have a need to take ranitidine anymore! Because I didn't have horrible heartburn.

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No. The l the only positive was that one unreliable urine screen when I went into
Labor. Everything after that was
Negative including both hair strand tests and two urine screens ordered by youth protection.

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Isa ur hair strand came Positive?

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I can't file a lawsuit in Quebec. And Zantac told me, oh well it's ranitidine so, we can't do much. Keep fighting !!
I am putting it behind me and enjoying my family life!! People in hospitals & social workers really need to learn to work together. It's not out job to do all this research! I'm so sorry another person is going through this
Zantac should put their big boy pants on and put that warning out in the open!!!!

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My private hair test for the days DYP said I must have done meth (2 days before my labor) came back NEGATIVE!
The hospital also admitted that their urine tests aren't reliable or to be used in LEGAL OR MEDICAL circumstances!! The chem test needed to rule out actual drugs ISN'T AVAILABLE AT THE HOSPITAL I WAS AT!!!! Luckily thanks to my complaint and going to the media, the hospital has changed their entire protocol with things like this!!! Mrscall, I sent you an email I wanted to know how it all went! Glad it seems ok, is your file closed now?!

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Hair stand came bck clear for both of us lab urine post for meth. Zantac will provide info and trust me both isa and i knw its hard stay strong get a lawyer imdtly!!!!!!!!

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Cps came to my house on Wednesday may 15th 2013! I also tested positive for meth...... I only have took prenates and the Zantac 150mili for the heartburn while I'm prego! They removed my children n I have NEVER touched or ever tried any thing like meth! I am so nervous about the lab paper when it comes back due to u guys saying it still came back positive for meth! I called Zantac corp. today and they 3 way to my doc with me and explained everything n said they would email documentation for court! I am praying this will be ok but how n the hell did a hair n nail sample come up positive they told me only the rapid would buy everything else wouldn't! There will be law suits filed for this there is no way this is legal!!!

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Check your mail! I'm avail all day !

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