Why Is Chantix Not Working Faster For Me? (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I'm almost finished with my 3rd week of pills and still need a couple of cigs a day. They do not smell or taste bad to me at all. I've read where many people are totally free in just days....am I just a slow learner!!

52 Replies (3 Pages)

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I am on day 9 and still don't have the urge to quit. I just have to be patient. I'm only smoking about 3 a day or I take a couple puffs here and there because of the craving.
You also have to have a lot of will power. I have had dreams and have had a hard time sleeping. Hopefully this will all change soon. My husband got pneumonia last year, so he's been smoke free for a year!! Good luck to everyone, and don't give up!!!

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I have been taking Chantix for over six months now. Although I cut down on my smoking quite a bit, I still didn't quit completely until I gave myself a formal "quit date." This helped tremendously. It's been over a month without cigarettes now, and I feel quite good. The only negative is that I still crave smoking. The initials NOPE helped: Not One Puff Ever. Don't remember where I heard this, but I have this posted where I can see it. Smoking is just not an option any longer!

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I took Chantix for six months, I think, before I realized I needed to set that quit date. The medication surely took the urge way down. Since stopping completely on the day I gave myself, I haven't smoked since. It's been over six months now. Thanks in great part to the Chantix. I smoked for over 35 years, and this was way easier than I thought it would be.

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It's not the miracle drug everyone thinks it is. I took chantix for 3 months. I stopped smoking on Oct 11th. So I've been smoke free for a little over 3 months. I thought the same as you. Was waiting for my mind to tell me "NO MORE SMOKING". It doesn't do that. It helped with the edginess. I did dream a lot but not scary dreams. Some were weird and very strange. I think even though I was dreaming a lot. I was resting. Since I'm not taking it now. I'm not resting as well. Today I'm struggling. Wanting a cigarette. But Not going to do it. So you have to really want to stop smoking. Like I said it's not the miracle drug everyone thinks it is...It doesn't magically make you stop.

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That's great - That's how it was for me the first time.

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I would ask your Dr. If it is.

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Kathy, I would call the doctor and ask him if it is ok to take another pill. I personally wouldn't. Give Chantix a try for another week or so.

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I have used Chantix for dipping and it worked. I was foolish enough to think that I could start again and control my self dipping and I became addicted again, so I am about to try Chantix again and I hope I get the same results. I had been quit about 10 months before I started again. It does work and I hope it works for you.

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This is my second time taking chantix and I had to quit the first time years ago because the nausea was so bad I just couldn't tolerate it! This time I had the dr prescribe me zofran (anti-nausea medication). I take this 20 to 30 mins prior to the chantix. It is working great!!! Once and awhile i still get nauseous but not even close to how bad it was before! I actually had a lot of nausea related other meds I take prior to beginning the chantix and this medication has helped greatly. Don't give up because of the nausea. Speak to your dr, they can help you. I just wish I would have done that the first time! At that time I was able too quit for 1 1/2 months!! As soon as I stopped the med I went right back to smoking :-(. Good luck!! And stay positive!!

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My fiancé and I are dealing with the same thing!!! The first time I was very effective. 3 days and we were done! This time I am 3 weeks into it and $180.00 and still smoking!!!! Much less, but I am ready to be done and just need that extra push I was needing from Chantix!!

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Thank you for posting! I'm on my second week and still smoking. Just like you though, it has cut down in half and the urges are less. I'm go glad to hear that it's not only me that didn't have that magic day 8. I did read the medicine can take two weeks to build up in your system. I'm staying with it also. I found it is easier this week to distract myself and do something else without that panic, gotta have a smoke feeling.

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I am on my second 12-weeks if treatment and I am STILL SMOKING, although I've cut down enough where I really don't want to stop taking it. Am in the process of finding out if I can continue to take it with no ill effects. I'm still saving a ton of money, and I feel I need to think on the positive side. I'm still waiting for the drug to make me feel that I don't need to smoke, though.

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I'm on my 5th week of Chantix. I'm not really having any bad side effects, except for not sleeping well. My cardiologist offered me the Chantix. I've smoked for almost 50 years. He suggested while I was smoking on the Chantix, to not use my favorite brand of cigarettes, so I used Salem menthols which I hate. At the end of 2 weeks, I was still smoking and was beginning to wonder if it was even going to work for me. Though, I was down to only 4 cigs a day. I'd been a pack to pack and a half a day. Five days later, I got up, and said,"I don't think I need to smoke anymore." Those Salems were so nasty, they made me sick to even think about smoking. I've had a few slips,(take 5 puffs and put it out), but for the most part I've been quit for 2 1/2 weeks. I do still get the urge, I bought a 0 nicotine e-cig, I'll puff on, but not inhale, that helps. This drug to me is a miracle. I like the energized feeling, I don't feel foggy, but some say I'm a little bit irritable- which I think comes from not sleeping well. I've really been having night sweats as part of my sleeping problem. No weird dreams or thoughts. My appetite seems to have increased. Everything tastes so much better now. I'm having quite some weight gain I'm not happy about, but one problem at a time. I'm so happy to say I'm not a smoker anymore.

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I'm experiencing something I haven't 'heard' others say, and that is that I'm smoking MORE on Chantix. It's as if I switched to Virginia Slims! I smoke Pall Mall Red non-filters. Back when hubby smoked, if I ran out I would smoke his non-filter camels, and they would make me smoke more, because they were too weak!

As far as side effects go, I'm really not having any on the 5th day on Chantix, not even vivid dreams. My mouth waters like crazy!

Personally, I believe that the pill doesn't really have all of those side effects to begin with, I think it's the withdrawals that causes problems/symptoms. If someone is hardly depressed, well not smoking is going to make them worse, etc. etc.

It's driving me crazy smoking more than normal! At least when one goes cold turkey, there last cigarette is heavenly!

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I've tried champix once before and worked after day 8-12 but the second time champix is not working and I'm into week 4 & feeling nothing yet why??

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That's exactly how I feel, day 15 for me and this is my first day without smoking, yesterday I had 1. Yes I want one, but the urge is not strong, I can say that I am the boss instead of the cig. When I want one I just turn around and do something else, shower, cook, vacuum or eat a carrot, I do have a craving for black licorice so I have been buying Good and Plenty. I am taking one day at a time

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I took Chantix for about 6 months before figuring out that I needed a "quit date" to actually plan to stop smoking. The pills worked wonders at cutting down the need to smoke, but I just never wanted to stop completely. Well, I set a date and haven't had a cigarette since. It's been 5 months!!

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I quite on Chantix 5 years ago. By the 5th day I was mad, they really started tasting bad and I wanted to enjoy them for my last 2 days! I smoked those last two days anyway but didn't enjoy the them (the cigarettes..). I quit on the 8th day and I really never was tempted for almost 4 years, I worked out and ate healthy. Then one night a friend dropped their cigarette pack on the ground and I said 'I think I'll smoke one'. Thinking I could just handle 1. Never again, that 1 turned me back into a smoker for a year and I cut back on working out and started eating stuff that was not good for me (gained 20 lbs when I STARTED smoking again, that's just not right!). I'm on my second round of Chantix, the doctor warned me it might take a bit longer this time, but I want to quit and I think that is the important factor, you must want to quit! The Chantix helps lessen the need for nicotine and it's a lot better than cold turkey!

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I'm on day 10 and I'm so mad I went from last night at 5 till 2 o'clock this afternoon without a cigarette . Came home and lit one up.

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I agree completely. I used it back in 2008 and quit smoking after one pill. Had no urge. Started back again over the years and started Chantix again. It isn't as intense and I have had a much harder time quitting. Cut back a little. Maybe because the ingredients caused some fatal side effects back then?

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