Why Is Contrave Not Working (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I took Contrave and lost 52 pounds in 10 months, which has put me back to my ideal body weight. The problem is that it has not been working after that 10 months. I don’t have any side effects, but have a ridiculous appetite now. Almost to the point of wanting to binge eat. Anybody else been on it a while and have it stop working? I’ve gained almost 10 pounds back in the last few months. I’m not sure whether to ask my doctor about stopping it, but I’m afraid my appetite will be even worse. Anybody?

62 Replies (4 Pages)

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I've been on it for over 3 years and lost the weight. It has stopped working for me, but I try not to over eat. I do want to binge, but I stop myself. Every so often it starts working again. I asked my doctor about it and he mentioned that I'm probably immune to it, but he advised me not to get off of it. It's working right now for me, but my husband feels that it's not working for him. I gained 7 pounds since the Covid, but I'm down 4. I continued to work out and try to keep myself occupied. It's so easy to gain the weight back. Hang in there!!!

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I started taking contrave in April and lost 89 lbs in 6 months..my weight loss is much slower now but my cravings have come back some so I am really worried..when I first started taking it there was this instant change in my brain concerning how I thought about food..for the first time in my life I felt free of food obsession.i don't know what is going on now..I can't go back to how things were before

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I have the same problem I have lost only 24# in 5 months and it stopped working l’m running out of options

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Same. I started May 2018 and I stopped losing November. Down 30 pounds and yes I’m starving

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I took it for about a year on lost 62 pounds. So excited to finally find something that worked. When I first started taking it I noticed my cravings begin to disappear, and it really helped suppress my desire to over eat and reward myself. It certainly suppress my appetite enough to let me lose that weight. The problem is I stopped taking it for a month or two because my stomach has shrunk enough and I wasn’t thinking about food all the time and so I would forget to take the medicine. The next thing I knew I hadn’t taken it for a month. I asked my doctor about how to restart it and I got back on the regimen. But I cannot seem to lose anymore weight. I have gained back at least 12 pounds probably more like 15. It’s so disappointing when you work that hard then all of a sudden the progress stops. But I’m going to stick with it and see if it starts working again.

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I’ve been on it for 4 years and it worked. I do CrossFit and strength training, but I’ve gained 10 pounds. I feel it stopped working for me too. I’m going to ask the doctor because I’m concerned that I will gain my weight back. I catch myself wanting to binge eat.

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I started experiencing the same that it stopped working. I did consult with my doctor and I could of gotten immune to it. I've been on it for 3 years and it has worked for me. I am starting to see it work again. You have to be patient and not give up. I've gained 10 pounds since the Corona, but I'm working on getting this weight off.

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Re: Red (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

What I did was to start making better choices of eating healthier and not serve large portions. Easier said then done, but you have to do it. I also workout 3-4 days a week. Hang in there, but Contrave does work.

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All diet pills work this way. All.

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Re: Nance (# 33) Expand Referenced Message

OMG me too!! Every single night I have the weirdest dreams. I started taking Contrave March 2020 and lost about 30 lbs in 6 months, I was so happy. I have not lost any more weight and its been over a year Ive been on it. I dont think its worth the price if Im not going to lose anymore. I do work out 4-5 times a week, I either walk or walk/run for 3-4 miles. Im afraid to go on the scale cause I dont want to see how much Ive gained back. I find myself not being able to control my appetite, especially at night.

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Re: Red (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

I did it in conjunction with Weight Watchers and it worked wonders lost 60 pounds in a year. I have now since plateaued and getting back 10. I’m going to stop taking them look for another alternative to reach my goal.

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Read the whole things please...trust me...it's the truth.

It worked for me Great for 10 days :) :( Now I'm binging again. BUT i'm only on 3rd day of 2 pills a day and max is 4. So I will get to 4 a day and then stay on it for a month or so more before I stop it if I am still binging.
I'll be glad to eat NORMAL on the medication even.
Problem with me PERSONALLY is I took Wellbutrin for YEARS at 450 MGs a day.

I lost ONE HUNDRED pounds the first year.

Now you're getting 360 mgs wellbutrin a day but i'm not sure if it's XL..extended release and/or if that makes a difference.

BUT 450 mgs in a DIFFERENT form of release may help you lose another 20 or 30 or 50 pounds.

It's worth a try!! Max out the wellbutrin...ask for naltexone as a separate med if you want to.

That extra wellbutrin in a time released version might save you.

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I started contrave and over 2.5 months lost 15 pounds. I didn’t think about food and was not hungry. 5 days ago I felt the urge to binge eat and it’s still with me. I’m taking the max dose. I hope this goes away because it was great not to obsess over food finally.

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I had the same problem. I was starving hungry and wanted to eat and eat. Weirdest thing was that I felt constantly hungry even after a week?

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How long till Contrave normally starts working again? I’m a serious stress eater and with the coronavirus all over the news I have started eating like crazy again. Any pointers as to help boost the Contrave back to working. I’ve had great success with it controlling my appetite till now.

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How did you lose the weight at first I’ve been on it for 2 rounds of it and nothing. Do you mind giving me some advice? And I’m sorry for what is happening now. Don’t want to fail at this. Thank you in advance

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I have had the exact same problem.

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

They didn't work for me at all!

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I have plateaued for almost a year. Not sure what to do and I was forced to switch to a new doctor and he has no idea what it is and doesn't seem interested in helping me.

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Re: Susie (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

Hi, I’ve been taking for 3 weeks also. I gained 14 pounds since COVID began. All contrave does to me is make me sleepy and tired. Haven’t lost not one pound. I was hoping to loose this weight before going to the lake, but doesn’t seem it’s going to happen. Notified dr , he said it takes up to 4 months to loose, really upset it’s going to take 4 months. ??

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