Why Is Contrave Not Working (Page 3)


I took Contrave and lost 52 pounds in 10 months, which has put me back to my ideal body weight. The problem is that it has not been working after that 10 months. I don’t have any side effects, but have a ridiculous appetite now. Almost to the point of wanting to binge eat. Anybody else been on it a while and have it stop working? I’ve gained almost 10 pounds back in the last few months. I’m not sure whether to ask my doctor about stopping it, but I’m afraid my appetite will be even worse. Anybody?

62 Replies (4 Pages)

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Re: Verwon (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

When I started it I had every negative symptom. I’m taking it not for obesity but for depression and destructive binge eating. After the moth of terrible side effects I was feeling really good and ended up losing my appetite completely. I lost about 20 lbs in a month which I really didn’t need to lose although I was pleased. Now I have gained it all back since Nov and binge eating like crazy. I’m miserable

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Re: Red (# 24) Expand Referenced Message

I did it in conjunction with Weight Watchers and it worked wonders lost 60 pounds in a year. I have now since plateaued and getting back 10. I’m going to stop taking them look for another alternative to reach my goal.

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Re: Tom (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Hello Tom, My name is Debbie. I'm on my 3rd month of contrave. I lost 12lbs but now it doesn't seem to be working anymore. I was also wondering if I should stop the medication for a while and then start again. Did you end up stopping and starting again?

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Read the whole things please...trust me...it's the truth.

It worked for me Great for 10 days :) :( Now I'm binging again. BUT i'm only on 3rd day of 2 pills a day and max is 4. So I will get to 4 a day and then stay on it for a month or so more before I stop it if I am still binging.
I'll be glad to eat NORMAL on the medication even.
Problem with me PERSONALLY is I took Wellbutrin for YEARS at 450 MGs a day.

I lost ONE HUNDRED pounds the first year.

Now you're getting 360 mgs wellbutrin a day but i'm not sure if it's XL..extended release and/or if that makes a difference.

BUT 450 mgs in a DIFFERENT form of release may help you lose another 20 or 30 or 50 pounds.

It's worth a try!! Max out the wellbutrin...ask for naltexone as a separate med if you want to.

That extra wellbutrin in a time released version might save you.

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I have been taking Contrave (4 pills a day) and Xenical 3 times a day for the past 2 years. Since the beginning of 2022, these pills have stopped working. I previously lost 40 pounds when I began to take them. Now, Ive actually put back 10 of the 40 pounds and my appetite has come roaring back.

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Hello, I've been on Contrave for 6 weeks, taking 3 tablets a day, with no weight loss or hunger suppression. Has anybody noticed a big difference going from 3 to 4 tablets daily? l am a night time eater, so was thinking of taking my tablets all in the afternoon between 2-5pm. Any suggestions with this? ty

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Re: Rachel (# 23) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Rachel,
Just a thought...with the Cross Training and weight lifting you may have gained 10 pounds of muscle which weights more than fat.

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It's stopped working for me too. I've been on it for 5yrs. I did lose 65 pounds at the beginning, but I could tell it wasn't working like before. I asked my doctor about it, and he said I was probably immune to it. They're are times that I feel it's working. Since Covid I've gained 15 pounds, and having a hard time losing it. I do feel the cravings, and I catch myself wanting to eat. I'm afraid to get off them, and risk gaining all my weight back.

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Re: Rachel (# 48) Expand Referenced Message

Hi Rachel...just have a question for you. Does the contrave give you excessive energy and motivate you to get things done? I've lost 30 lbs. since March and have 70 left to go. It isn't working as far as the weight loss right now but I'm not eating a very healthy diet. It did really help improve my sleep for awhile but doesn't do that anymore.

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I started contrave and over 2.5 months lost 15 pounds. I didn’t think about food and was not hungry. 5 days ago I felt the urge to binge eat and it’s still with me. I’m taking the max dose. I hope this goes away because it was great not to obsess over food finally.

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Re: Patsy (# 13) Expand Referenced Message

Did you get any answers? I’m having the exact same issue.

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same here. Binge binge binge on Ben & Jerries Ice Cream

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Re: Red (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

If you don’t mind me asking, what did you have better luck with?

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Re: Polly (# 50) Expand Referenced Message

Polly, how have things been going? I have had a similar response but I don't want to go off of it just yet. Down 7 pounds in 3 months of being at full dosage. No side effects just not working too well.

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Re: Red (# 35) Expand Referenced Message

Which one worked for you?

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Re: Damiana (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

My sweet tooth has been crazy the last year, too!

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Hi, I’ve been takeing Contrave for about 9 weeks now first 5weeks I lost 11 pounds but since then I’ve kinda hit a platue but still seems to be loosing some inches I don’t exercise scatter walk so his this normal.

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I have only been on for just over a month and it stopped working - so discouraging. Not sure what to do nex

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Re: slow go (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

I have had the same problem - been on 2 months with a 3 lb weight loss - but what's weird my clothes fit better which is a postive - but now nothing - feel hungry and I can see it in my face --- so disappointed

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I lost 30 pounds when I first started taking it! I was so excited! I’m in my forties so it’s not as easy as it used to be. I even started exercising. I have actually gained weight since that weight loss-the whole 30lbs back and I am on the 4 tablets a day dose. I’m about to give up.

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