Why I Can't Get The Only Drug To Help My Problem
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It seems the drugie in US are ruling what what kind of drugs can be made here. I take Deconamine and can no longer get it, Because it was used for making meth. HOW crazy is it that we can not get the only drug that helps a medical problem, BECASUE OF SOME DRUGIES USE IT TO MAKE THERE DRUGS. This is crazy.
2 Replies
I hear you. I am in the exact same boat.
I was taking it for 16 years. It was the only thing that would really take care of my severe allergies.
I was on shots twice a week for a year and a half and then once a week for another week and a half from age 10-13. They may have helped a little.
But finally at age 16 the doctor but me on deconamine and it was great. I could finally breath, sleep and function normally.
I am upset that it no longer available. I am now on alegra, but it does not work nearly as well.
Yes, it's because of the Pseudoephedrine in it. However, it has not been completely banned in the US, it has just been moved behind the pharmacy counter, so you must specifically ask for it.
If this one has been discontinued, you will need to talk to someone at the pharmacy and tell them you are looking for something with the same ingredients, which are the Pseudoephedrine and Chlorpheniramine.
Do you have any other questions?
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