Why Doctor Did So Many Urine Tests And Now Pharmacy Changed Me To Name Brand Percocet (Top voted first)


Doctor at pain clinic only did urine drug test once when I first went there in 2004 then suddenly urine tested me at dr. visit in July. The test came back negative for anything (when I was taking all meds prescribed). The next week I was tested again, this time test came back with all mixed up amounts and that I had amphetamines! Doctor came in and rudely announced; "you come into my clinic high on amphetamines!" I honestly didn't know what that was, so I asked what is that? He then hatefully and loudly said "crystalmeth!" I was totally shattered and deeply humiliated!! He had (3) nurses in the room and when I tried to speak and tell him it was wrong, he told me not to yell at him but he was raising his voice at me. I asked for an immediate blood test or another test be done because the ameritox test was wrong not once but (3)times. They swore they only had this one urine test. I asked to see the person from the Lab and he came up trying to switch my words around so they could be right with their test. After several pleadings to do some other test so I can prove to them that I have NO other drugs in my body, the lab guy finally said they could send the last urine sample (which was the 4th test they did within a 3 week period) to some other lab to break it down further. I agreed and signed some paper for them to do so.
Now I feel as though they are looking at me like I am doing illegal drugs and misusing the pain med. When I go in since all the drug test and being yelled at, I do get nervous because I do not know what to expect on how I will be treated and accused of what so my blood pressure has been up some and now they are pointing that out and gesturing that is because I am doing some other drug/s?!
I got refills just yesterday and had been on the yellow endocet for years, the pharmacist changed me to the round white percocet- watson and gave no reason, just told me that the pain med might look a little different than what I have been taking to let me know.
Why would the doctor interrogate me like this and what is going on with the pharmacist? What to expect from all this? Also, they have kept ALL of those 4 urine drug test in my chart. I do not know what to do about this and they are making me look like I am really messed up on drugs.
The watson 932 round white pills are Not helping the pain like the yellow endocet 10/325.
Anyone have any idea of what is going on?

7 Replies

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Well I'm sorry 2 hear ur u r bein treated like that. The Dr should not b treating in such a manner especially in front of other ppl. I think u should seek sum legal advice. If that wus The case he should have stopped prescribing u as that would b a breach of ur pain med contract. As for the pharm, Mayb they ran out of the ENDOZ n gave u Watson. There basically the same generic but ur body is used 2 the chemistry of the ENDOZ. I've taken both n they work the same 4 me n does its job but ur not the 1st 2 say that. U do not need 2 take that, ur the patient n u have rights. If u really came up pos 4 method or anytin else illegal he should have stop treating u..y he accuses u n still prescribes u is weird. Leme no wut hapns n know u have all the rights as a patient

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what i'm saying is their testing lab is wrong. I went and had another test done at another lab the same day and all that didn't show up!

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Wut r u takin if u dnt mind me asking

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Idk tho if it came up like that even if thr Rong y b mean 2 u but stil prescribe u more meds...he's a f***ed up guy

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I am very sorry to read of what you are going through.

What else did you take, if anything? And please include over the counter products.

While OTC medications seem innocuous, there are some that can cause false positives on these tests for other substances.

The real problem here is the test itself. Most doctor's offices are free to use whatever lab they wish that offers the cheapest price, they don't actually have to use a certified test and, when it comes to these cheaper tests, they can give false positives and incorrect results anywhere from 4 to 50% of the time.

As to the pharmacy switch, that is completely normal. They will often switch manufacturers, depending on whichever one is offering the cheapest price, when they have to restock. Or, as another poster has stated, they may have run out and had to give you the name brand.


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