Why Did You Take Excedrin Off The Market (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I can't take aspirin so I have been taking aspirin free excedrin. All of a sudden I can't find it anywhere. Am told that they recalled it because they found glass in it.

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Most store brands of the same type of meds have exactly the same ingredients as Excedrin and are way less expensive. They work the same as the Excedrin brand with the same exact dosage of aspirin, caffeine and acetaminphen

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I have been suspicious for years about Excedrin containing something other than what is listed on the bottle for the simple fact that one becomes dependent on this drug and feels the need to take it daily and multiple times a day. If you stop taking it you will have withdrawal symptoms. I began taking Excedrin 28 years ago and have taken it daily as I would wake every morning with a headache. I'm glad its gone as I was forced to withdraw from it. I had a sever headache for 3 weeks. I think they have tampered with it for years to get people hooked so the consumer would continue buying it. No proof of coarse just pondering the idea.

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The store brands have exactly the same ingredients to the mg. It's the idea of Excedrin, which I have taken for 100 years lol ok almost, but the store brand that I am forced to buy now works just as well.

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Hmmm, sounds like they're gonna change the formula to me. Have any of you noticed that when a medication works really good, they always pull it and replace it with a "new and improved" formula that doesn't work nearly as good as the old one? ( ie: Alkaseltzer Plus ) Always remember people, there is NO MONEY in the cure!

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I want to buy Excedrin for migraine when will it be back on the market?

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What a crock Ann...Excedrin is not addictive,nor did it have anything in it other than what was listed...you just have a mental problem that makes you think you have to have it...gesssh

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I noticed while in SAMS club that they are selling huge bottles of excedrin. I too am a migraine sufferer. When I stopped seeing excedrin in stores, I went to Ibuprofen and am starting to see side effects from it. Is the excedrin that SAMs club is selling safe to take? Excedrin worked best for me

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