Who Do I Call To Report Someone Selling Their Pain Pills (Top voted first)


I know a girl who lives here in burke county and she goes to a pain clinic in catawba county. She sells her roxt 10s for extra cash and it makes me mad because when people that need the pain medicine they can't get it, but i****s like her can. How can I turn her in?

41 Replies (3 Pages)

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Or maybe, people like me work hard to pay my own medical and Rx. And I only get meds when I need them and at cost. So f*** heads like you are getting them free and flipping and making profit. At a working class citizen's expenses...

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My sister-in-law sells her pain meds to buy illicit drugs, then drives with my 3 nephews in the car and has had wrecks at least 5 times a year, she hurts other people/drivers and then sues everyone involved and gets away with it...so, she gets drugs for free, hurts people and gets paid, that is called an assassin in my book.....So yeah, if snitching will save my 3 baby nephews lives and other innocents.... I am a proud old world rat. Sometimes ratting is a good thing. Rat girl ....sounds like a super hero to me.

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My cousin is selling her pain medication and then goes and gets more from others just to pass her drug panels... I wish I knew who to tell because I know a handicapped lady who is suffering and due to her honesty of an old addiction that happened over 20 years, she gets nothing at all for pain.. I would rather an old friend with true crippling pain receive the medications that I know she would take responsibly instead of those selling to make a buck... Sickening really... I won't snitch but I will give a name to anyone wanting that job.. The name is Irene Arnold and the Pain Center is Dayton Pain Center (937-416-6563) located at: 1 Elizabeth Place d, Dayton, OH 45417...

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I have a friend that is selling her 60mg biphifen's to her buddy in Lindsay for any where between $180.00- $200.00 and I would like to know what to do about this? She will be getting her pills on March 3rd 2017.

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I know someone who is selling most of his pain medicine in southern Delaware county. He gets prescribed Percocet, Valiums, Ibuprofen 800mg, and Morphine. Last date prescribed was February 3rd. He get's these drugs prescribed once per month, then sells half of it. He gets the meds at 12th and Market in center city Philadelphia. Then goes to Delaware County to sell all of this as an additional income to social security. He will sell in Tinicum, Brookhaven, Collingdale and Holmes PA. As I see my family and friends struggling to get off of these drugs, I see and hear about his situation; which makes me sick. For safety reasons, I would prefer to be anonymous. After he is done taking and selling what he is prescribed, he finds a percocet dealer to buy from, then flip/sell to the same people; until he gets his meds prescribed again. Please help take him off of the street since he doesn't have a license anymore; he drives illegally making him more vulnerable.

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Re: Cindy (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

It has to do with morals! People who sell their pain meds are the reason it's so hard for someone like myself to get them. It's sickening!

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Wow!!! wrecks 5 times a year? If what you say is true 5 times a year is an awful lot! It looks like the police would be suspicious...you mean to tell me they've never blood tested her or gave her a sobriety test when she wrecks? IF it's true that kids are in the car with her then i can understand you telling on her! NO kids should be riding with high or drunk people. Yea i understand telling on her but to snitch on someone just because they only are putting the drugs in their own body is none of our business. I've never heard of many cases where people on pain killers drive while on them. I myself dont take any opioids or any kind of downers. I do take diet pills that are only a little ole schedule 4 controlled substance and i hate the PMP it's like invading my privacy. The schedule 4 substance is nothing really, but it's all because of opioids and the snitches is why they started the prescription monitoring program so now they think they have to monitor every d**mn thing. If I want to take my diet pills 2x a day then i see NOTHING wrong with it and it's not unhealthy either! I smoke cigarettes and that IS BAD for me but no one seems to judge me about that, oh but take a diet pill and all of a sudden "its bad for you". I dont take opioids, drink or consume marijuana. I will take a pain pill (tramadol) ONLY when i get a toothache but nothing very strong.

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My sister is selling her lortab 10 (a 100 for 500 bucks to the same guy). What can I do to stop her?

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Re: Cindy (# 7) Expand Referenced Message

Or possibly they're tired of working 40 plus hours a week getting taxed just so these scumbags can get a free taxi to the doctor and walk out with suboxone, methadone or whatever their preference is. That's what it is, it's not snitching, it's just being done paying for scumbags.

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Re: sandy75975 (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

What right is right what's wrong is wrong. A snitch I don't think so!

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No one is jealous and no one person that sold her prescription drugs should be put in jail.

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Re: Adamson (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

your friend was honest about an addiction 20 years ago? Good then she shouldnt be on pain meds why would she be honest and want pain pills? So thats why you wanna rat you people are clowns

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I reported a lady for selling her prescription medicine. Now she's stalking me through third party and I'm in fear of my life. Trust me I don't think sometimes it's worth it. The law can't do anything about it because I can't prove it. There needs to be new laws for criminals that sell their pills so they're not able to stalk who turned them in and destroy their life.

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Re: Jayson (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

I know someone who gets the same meds. He sells some and trades the rest. I have reported him 3 times to his dr. The good doc refuses to even give him a drug panel. If you find out who can stop this I sure would like to know. Thank you.

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Re: Susie (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Same here can I get a phone number who to turn some one in

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Re: Michael (# 20) Expand Referenced Message


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A kid trying to make money in our neighbourhood is trying to sell these two items (depicted below) and I want to find out what they are and how to report this kid?

- A large white round pill with WILSON’S on one-side? He says it’s CODEINE?
- A small blue pill with 10 on one side. He says it’s VALIUM?

Thanks for your assistance!

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Re: Michael (# 20) Expand Referenced Message

If you are not part of the solution then you're part of the problem.

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Call the clinic, doctors are not supposed to prescribe for people who are getting them to sell. There are narcotic agents in every area.

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If I was any of you looking for answers on how to stop someone from selling their pills, I would look up the non-emergency line at your local police or sheriff's office. Give them a call and explain the situation and I guarantee they will help you or point you in the right direction.

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