Manufacturer: Roxane Laboratories, Inc.
National Drug Code: 00054-4657 (Discontinued)
Hope this helps!
Tiny round white pill with 54 on top and 582 under the 54 line on back of pill, what is it?
What is a white round pill with 54 142 on it? Is this Methadone? ## This tablet contains Methadone 10 mg (NDC 0054-4571)...
What is this white round pill with 54 345 on it and has a serrated line? I got it from a Dr and put it in a pill box and...
My friend found a white round pill with the number 54 at the top the a half mark then the numbers 732 at the bottom of t...
Would like to know what it is. Thanks ## This pill contains Acetaminophen 325 mg and Oxycodone 5 mg. (NDC 0054-4650). I...
54 but they are broke in half. Its not smooth on the other side there is a line right threw the middle of the opposite s...
This pill is not ibuprophen 200mg. I looked it up because i had a similar looking pill, but this was white and on one si...
these pills were part of my father in laws effects after he passed away. what are they, and what should I do with them? ...
I found a small round white pill with 54543 written on it. What is it? ## This tablet contains 5mgs of Oxycodone and 325...
I have a small round white pill, one side slash through middle other side the numbers 54 on top and 210 underneath, plea...
white round pill 54 over 425 line scored on other side ## This tablet contains 8mgs of Hydromorphone, a generic for Dila...