White Round Pill R 115
UpdatedIt is white very small and has a "R" on one side and "115" on the other. I can't find no exact info on it. I've heard maybe 30 mg Codeine. Does anyone know for sure, and where can I find some hard info on it? Thank you!
10 Replies
Hey, look up Mylan... I have the same white pill that has a R on the back and 153 on the front... or other way around. I looked it up and it said Mylan.
Its Codeine Phosphate 30mg and is NOT TENORETIC. I'm in the UK and my fathers prescribed them; also I'm an ex opioid addict so I know quite a lot about opiates :)
R 115 is 30mg codeine, small white tablet, i am prescribed them so i no this as fact.
Can someone tell me if these are codine 115 one side r on the other littlewhite tablets
I have got pills off doctor last year and through away the packed,putting them in a tub and forgot the mg.it says c on one side and 115on other could u tell me what they are and how many mg they r
Re: little white round pill 115 R. I bought these on a recent trip to Belize City, Belize from the tourist pharmacies and they don't seem to work at all.
I have the same pills. How can I look it up and be 100% about it?
Lol yea I did too, only 30 mg had to take a few to feel any relief
Re: chrisy (# 4)
Thanks chrisy, you've helped me out big time. In a withdrawal and needed some relief
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