White Pill With No Markings
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Found this pill..... capsule..... white in color, not clear.......with a tannish brown substance inside. Substance appears old??? still holds capsule shape when removed from capsule.
2 Replies
Trying to ID a small white round tablet, not coated, seems dissolvable, maybe sweet tasting (I just licked my finger and could barely taste it). Completely unmarked as far as I can tell, no scoring or anything. It's about 8mm wide and 5mm thick, please help!
Hello Leo! How are you?
If there are no markings on the capsule, that means that this is most likely some type of over the counter product. All manufactured prescription medications are required to have unique markings to enable their identification, in case of emergency. The only exceptions to this would be something that was specially ordered by a doctor and created by a compounding pharmacy, but they usually use clear capsules, since they are the cheapest and most readily available.
There is also a small chance that this could be a foreign medication.
Does it have any odor?
Due to the color and the way you said it is holding its shape, when removed from the capsule, I have a suspicion that you might have found a Valerian capsule.
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