Inactive Ingredients:
- Crospovidone
- Cellulose, Microcrystalline
- Povidones
- Starch, Corn
- Silicon Dioxide
- Stearic Acid
Ref: DailyMed
Round white pill the the number 512 on one side and a line down the other side. what is it?? ## This tablet contains Oxy...
White round pill with 512 and score down back side, what is it? ## This tablet contains Oxycodone Hydrochloride 5 mg + A...
White Round Pill With 512, a score and HD on one side. Other side is blank. Probably percoset but haven't seen this ...
What is a white scored round pill with 512 on one side? ## This tablet contains Oxycodone 5 mg Acetaminophen 325 mg (NDC...
I found a pill. This is the description: It is a white round pill, non coated, scored on the front with a # 512 on the b...
round white pill with ip 203 ## Based on the description provided, I found your pill to be Oxycodone + Acetaminophen (5 ...
The pill is round, not flat a little oval , like a flunipam. It has no lines or anything just the writing L 2. anyone kn...
Small white pill with 506 score line below that then possible another set of nums. ## Hello, Cece! How are you? It's...
I was told they are 2 mg clonazepam. but i cant find it on here. are they 2 mg clonazepam? ## Hi Jessica, You were told ...
It was told to me by a friend that it is subutex 16mg is he correct ## Hello, John! How are you? Subutex is not made in ...