White Pill Watson 387
UpdatedMy husband put an oblong white pill in my drink. On the pill was the word Watson 387. I did not ingest it all but I did have a strange reaction, got very tired and lifeless after 2 sips of it. What was the strength of it?
20 Replies
Sounds like you have a very interesting relationship there.
Pill Image
This is Acetaminophen 750mgs and Hydrocodone 7.5mgs, and yes, if you aren't used to taking it, even though you didn't ingest it all, it will cause a tired and lifeless sensation, most narcotics do that.
yourhusbandgave you aloritab which is a pain medication. The reactions you had were normal.
that was more than likely a lortab 10 mg. if u arent used to taking them they make you that way, they are used to treat pain, and are a type of narcotic that are mostly abused as a street drug.
out-freaking-ragous! that is criminal assault, battery and could be attempt homicide had you had a serious reaction. what in God's name are you doing with an idiot like that?
after 2 sips, come on...its only a 7.5
I'm curious, what could have possibly been his motive in doing such a ridiculous act. If you were allergic to the drug he could have created serious consequences. That's a crimal act. If it were me i would ask myself what else he is sneaking things into. Food? Who knows. He is obviously untrustworthy and dangerous. I'm sorry your dealing with that. Good Luck to you, dear.
A Watson 387 is a 7.5/750 Vicodin. If anything, it should'nt harm you but you will feel very DIZZY.
It's one thing for a person to experiment with drugs quite another when someone slips you a dose of something covertly.
Q: Why in blazes are you putting up with such a duplicitous dickweed????
Maybe next time he'll slip you a hit of strychnine laced LSD! ...your husband is a dangerous, thoughtless, self-serving buffoon!!!! :(
Enjoy the Buzz
Cheryl your husband is a sexual predator. What was he thinking? You should seriously consider leaving him before he tries to kill you.
Give me a break....
you mean you could still read it ,which means it didnt dissolve yet, and you decided to just go ahead and drink some random pill he slipped you? did you fish it out and then took a couple sips? you must have really wanted that drink to just keep going.
I bet you're sorry you asked, huh?!
I have hear that some young ladies buy Viagra to slip into their husbands, or boyfirends mixed drinks. Makes for a good night in bed for the ladies. I am not kiddinng.
I don't think you even answered her question
I think u just stole some pills and wanted to make sure it was what u thought,narcotic haha u think everyone is stupid?nope...
Ok she full of s***. She came to a forum called hydrocodone. She just wanted to make sure the pills she bought was right. Also u seen what was on the pill so obviously he did it in front of u. Ur story is bull s.
Whoa... exactly
Who sticks an entire pill in a drink. Most criminal types would crush them up first?
How could you not notice a whole pill in ur drink? Did u know he was doing that???
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