White Oval Shaped With Four Raised Line Unscored (Top voted first)


Oval shaped pill with four raised lines on it don't know what it is found at child school the raised lines look like diamonds

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Strawberry altoid?

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Hi Chris,

Are there any numbers, letters, or other markings that we should be aware of? You mentioned that the pill was unscored, yet has four "raised lines" ... so it isn't necessarily indicative of the cross-scored pill that I was initially thinking of. But if there's anyway that you could upload a photo to Flickr or something so we could try and getting a better visual on its diamond-like features, I believe that would really help.

It's interesting that you'd find a pill like this at a children's school, especially with no verifiable imprints other than raised lines. US prescription drugs require specific markings that allow you to identify it by substance, dosage, and manufacturer; which leads me to believe that it isn't a US prescription, but potentially an OTC, foreign med, or supplement of some kind.

Does anyone else recognize this as being something different?

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