Inactive Ingredients:
- Lactose Monohydrate
- Magnesium Stearate
- Povidone
- Corn Starch
Loratadine is an antihistamine drug, used to treat allergies such as hay fever (allergic rhinitis), urticaria (hives), and other skin allergies.
Please help me ID a small, football shaped, white tablet with L612 imprinted on one side. Thanks.
Re: Sarah (# 2)
I think you're mixing up the drug named Lorazepam (generic Ativan) with Loratadine.
And Gp it sounds like you have a counterfeit drug, probably not dispensed from a licensed pharmacy is my guess?
Re: David (# 1)
The bottle I was given had Alprazolam in it. The numbers were L612 but it got me really inebriated.
Re: David (# 1)
Generic ativan white football with L612 on it they are the best ones as far as a generic benzo I've had
foot ball shaped, white with blue dots, r 159, pill ## This is generic phentermine 37.5mg. It is generic for the brand n...
Are these pills legit? I think they're extremely low in oxycodone if not completely void of it. I also noticed the l...
Hi! I found a couple of white football shaped pills that have 0.25 on one side and on the other side has just a center m...
white football shaped pill, shiny white with no markings. about one half inch long. ## white shiny football shaped pill,...
fancy v on one side 22 & 65 on the other breakpoint in the middle ## Hello, The pill in description is Baclofen (10 ...
I just had a friend call me and said he had a pill that is football shape like a xanax but it is white with a capitol E ...
I'm looking for the name of a white football shaped pill with cursive v on one side & scored with numbers on eac...
What is this pill? white football shaped pill z3 on both sides ## Hello, Nadyenka! How are you? I'm sorry, but so fa...
Pill is scored saying 211 on one side of score anand 5 on other side of the score on the other side of the pill it says ...
football shaped white with b on one side and 5898 on the other side ## The pill in description is Sulfamethoxazole + Tri...