White Watson 10mg 325 #853 (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I just recieved a new prescription of norco 853 10/325. The last script was yellow and the new ones are white. The pharmacist said that Watson changed the color but the pill is the same, does anyone know if this is accurate?

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@ julie, I thought you were signing out for good? I for one would rather not hear anymore of your dime store advise. Thanks for understanding :)

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Julie,what is wrong with you? Why is so difficult to respond without insulting and name calling like a child? Your the only one here who does this.I thought you were leaving?

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Julie, like I said, I am not being rude. Just thought I would quote your very first response to this thread and now, the fact that you didn't "clarify" what you meant, which was obvious, until someone called you on it. Everyone is different, everyone metabolizes meds differently, and I have to say, with all the complaints on the new Watson hydro/APAP, I am inclined to believe there IS something wrong with them. The complaints come from all over the US and since they have been out for a little while, I don't believe it's a batch problem, IMO. I don't usually take narcs but last week I was prescribed this drug and got the new watsons and they made me extremely ill and did not touch my pain at all. I thought it was just me until I came across the posts about it. Just saying..

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Smackdaddy, do yourself a favor then and quit reading. We are all here to help eachother out and if u are not here to help, kindly leave. Thx

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It would seem that generic yellow Watson was preferred over all other manufacturers.

The new white norco's are considerably less effective for any pain relief and any relief it does provide is short lived, coupled with the side effects, at least for me are, drowsiness, head feels foggy, (best way I can describe it) some irritability, and heartburn

The old yellow norco's, excellent pain effectiveness, increased energy, clear minded & focused, contributed to providing better quality of life under terrible circumstances.

Pain is insidious! It can be so bad, that you can't think straight, and are unable to focus on anything, I suppose that goes to my point in some way about being clear minded and focused, as the medication was so effective

To say that Watson, became Actavis, in January of 2913, could not have altered this medication to make it inferior either by accident or intentionally, I call your attention to news today regarding Ranbaxy, a maker of Generic drugs who pled guilty on Monday to drug safety violations and will pay $500 million in fines! thus anything is possible. Do a Google search, you will find it

I am going to switch manufacturers soon, I will not get Mallinkrodt, so I am considering Qualitest or Amneal.

It is frustrating and a shame, that I finally found something that worked, at a reasonable cost, and helped provide me the ability to have some quality of life, only to be back at square one, as after having taken other generic norcos, Watson was superior, however that has now passed.....

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Hey All - wanted to follow up on my phone call to Watson. I spoke to three different people as they transferred me around to QC. I gave them all of my info and such, and was basically told the same as everyone else - "nothing was changed except the yellow dye being removed." They were very nice people, and I insisted that they look into it more. I explained that after days of discomfort, a single yellow remaining from last month helped more than two of the white ones. She apologized for my pain and suggested that, for now, I talk to my doctor about finding a different pain medication. Not very helpful, but hopefully we have power in numbers.
For anyone taking these and not getting relief, please please call them. Their number is on gethuman.com and we need to keep pushing them to investigate.
I didn't hear them mention the FDA at all, but I believe they are supposed to forward complaints to them. I will call the FDA directly and hopefully get more info... This is insane.

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I did call Watson, and explained the situation. Will it change anything, who knows, although the more people that call, and more importantly when sales slip they will then pay attention for sure.

I did in fact take the leap and filled for Qualitest 10/325 they are imprinted V on one side and 3601 on the other and are yellow. Let me just say night and day difference. They are working very well, without any of the bad side effects of the "white watson norcos"

Anyone struggling with pain relief because of these terrible white norco's, in my opinion I think you would find better results with the Qualitest

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The white ones definitely do not work, I thought I was losing my mind when I started taking them last month. I've been receiving the yellow kind for my back and hip, and the white ones do nothing for my pain. I've been putting off hip replacement surgery and it seems like these white pills are not helping me push through the daily pain. Not only do I find myself taking extra because they're not working, but I seem to be getting headaches, I feel bloated all through my abdomen, and my legs and feet are so swollen that I had to start taking a water pill to flush it out. For those that do not suffer from an injury or a debilitating disease, you do not understand that the people on here are not complaining because they can't "get high" or whatever it is you are claiming...some of us need them to be able to walk or stand, or simply care for their families, but cannot do so because they're suffering. If I can make it through a day without feeling like crying at some point because my body is killing me, then it's a good day. My two points for this post being. 1) these new white pills do not work on chronic pain, and 2) do not judge people when you do not know what they are going through

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Generic meds have to have the same active ingredient as the brand. But, if you have a 10 mg tablet, the amount can vary from 8 mgs-12mgs in generics. And additional ingredients can be different and are often of lower quality. Those differences can affect the amount of drug that could potentially be absorbed into the bloodstream.

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The whites make me dizzy and give me a headache. The yellow do not. Explain that! Something very fishy going on with these.

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Yes, the guy must work for Big Pharma - The only people that think the new white Norco are as good as the standard yellow one's are either selling these new ones, or are new to taking Norco. Anyone that has spent any amount of time taking Norco can instantly tell the differece. The yellow ones work well, the white ones not at all, or very little.

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You hit it completely right, ripping off people who need these pills for pain only to turn a Blind eye for there Greed for Profit. I hope there is Karma and the Pharmaceutical Companies get there Pain, They Insult all of are intelligence

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It's simple, the DEA has lobbyied the drug makers to find a way to stop all the overdoses from people abusing the pills, and they went after the drug instead of the drug pushers, like greedy doctors, that give out rx's like greeting cards. Some have been making a fortune feeding peoples addictions. But, for the feds to insist that the drug makers drop the pain relief in these pills just to curb the addicts, is insane! All it does is drive the pill addicts to the street for stronger pain relief. Thank Your US Government and DEA for that!

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Well said! This is exactly how I feel about the two as well.

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Ohh I'm so mad at you Hank Williams Watson! You are so wrong! How dare you say get out there and live your life! That's exactly what I'm trying to do ! Walk in my shoes and say there the same and to compare the chronic pain sufferers with getting high! Ugh ignorance like you plus the addicts make this all a mess for us fighting to have some quality of life and then you come along with unintelligent comments! Ughhhhh!

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yes, it is the same, but personally it is not as strong as the yellow ones. Maybe it is in my head.

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Well, I wish you the best. But, you're still using, period. If you don't do it to get high, then stop, all of it. I worked in an addiction clinic myself, and am very familiar with what Suboxone does to people. They're NOT even supposed to be taken for more than a week or two at the most. If you weren't doing pain dope to get high, and was using them the way you're supposed to, than why stop? You're better off on the Vicodin, or nothing that's narcotic. No offense, but EVERYONE online is either a college grad, Military or a Dr. or whatever needs said to make them right. Point is, you had NO right to say its all in their heads why the Walgreens Watson 853's are not working. Good day...

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The white ones I am speaking of say Watson on them. Wellbutrin is a prime example of now bad things can get with generics and different manufacturers. I had never had the white Watson ones or even taken a 10mg one before. Doc just upped my dose because of legit pain due to pinched nerves and severe sublaxations due to 15 years gymnastics and 12 years dog grooming. They did nothing for my pain. Went back to the lower dose of other manufacturer and things were better. These preachy types need to realize that people in this much pain don't actually like having to take pain meds for it, but when we do, we want them to work. And some of us are seeking alternative therapies to help and reduce the need for them.God bless to all.

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Well, your "Masters" must not of paid off too well if you think I'm angry. Lol...You said what you said, and you're wrong, get over it. Just because your husbands are okay doesn't mean its impossible there could be a bad batch out there that's not working as they should. Guess what? There is....Bye now.

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Holy crap. Another one that can't read. Let me guess, you been to college too?..... Lmao..

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