White Watson 10mg 325 #853 (Page 2)
UpdatedI just recieved a new prescription of norco 853 10/325. The last script was yellow and the new ones are white. The pharmacist said that Watson changed the color but the pill is the same, does anyone know if this is accurate?
I agree the white ones are NOT working as well as the yellow ones and not only is my pain level back up my intestines are acting up again the same way it did cpl yrs ago when I started using walmart pharmacy who carried mallingkrod brand norco i found freds carried watson brand and switched no more problems. Now watson has changed something and its not just the color generics are supposed to be equal but I can promise you there IS a difference in the cheaper generics watson has been pretty consistant until now and im glad I found this forum because I was beginning to think either I got slipped placebos or counterfeit med. I cant take this pain and stomach distress!! Just when I was getting a handle on the lupus and genetic defect I have and feeling better THAT way now my bone joint and muscle pain seems worse :( and after four years of tummy problems and FINALLY getting better now my tummy feels bloaty and like Im being pinched all over my intestines head hurts and I just dont feel well.i have severe dextro roto scoliosis thoractic and neck and spurs bulged discs etc always in pain but at least tolerable for the most part as long as i was careful. Now thanks to this color change i feel like im ready for a wheel chair :(( its NOT just a color change there is NO way a color change makes you feel like this :((
Tom how did you report that? I too notice a HUGE differnece in the yellow vs white and by the way my stomach and general well being goes the white ones are NOT the same and weird thing is they dont even seem consistant like some sorta help but make me queasy and some dont help at all and i hurt even worse some just make me feel like throwing up whereas the yellow ones i never could "tell" i took a thing except i felt the pain subside and or go away like i had nothing at all wrong. No buzz no high no naseau just relief from pain now with the white ones they are like ive been hit by a mack truck and landed on my head just like when i used walmart or cvs who use mallinkrodt brand i saw a tv show where they did investigation on pharm co. And mallinkrodt failed alot generics are supposed to have the EXACT same amount of active ingredient as name brand but they dont and the INActive ingredients are never listed but i wonder if its those IN active ingredients making me sick like this.im in an area where rx abuse is really bad and they are super strict about pain meds regardless of who you are or why you are in pain i use ONE doctor and ONE pharmacy and never take more than supposed to even as bad as I hurt i wont so for the most part when the pain is severe and I cant take anything for hrs i end up in the floor or bed almost ready for a trip to the ER i cant take it. Twenty years ive taken hydro of some sort for my pain and i can tell these white watsons are NOT the same they dont even seem legit because i never got ANY sort of buss before and these are giving me a weird temp buzz sometimes i dont like it plus when it does that its NOT helping /y pain any at all whatever IS in it.its almost like its benedryl in it ive only ever taken either demerol or hydro the hydros worked way better for me and the diff types of pain i have than demerol but im about ready to ask doc for something else the tylenol every day for twenty years no telling what it has done before i was put on RX hydro i was ttaking tylenol by the fistful several times a day 6to8 at a time not knowin it harms your liver. Then doc changed my hydro from 500mg to the norco with 325mg tylenol since its for life now i cant have any surgery except life saving surgery :(( so fixing anything on me surgically is out. I cant even drink alcohol for pain relief like some do and I used to have a toddy when had bad chest cold etc. If this is the quality of life Im stuck with now due to a color change in a pill I wont have a life :(( only good thing is its not dead of winter cold when i have even more bone and joint pain from the cold damp. I dont know what to do :(( cant call my doc about them due to the pain contract they ALL have to go by here and the pharmacy wont be able to DO anything once you take an RX out the door there is no giving them back. The brand name norco cost over $300!!! I cant afford that with my high 5k deductable plus premiums and my fam md doesnt take my insurance so im really in a financial mess former clinic i went to yrs ago charged more because its for pain and then drug test they chrged over FIVE hundred bux for pee in a cup PLUS the OV!! I said i will bring my own drug test from the pharmamcy and u can use that and they refused so i went to new doc who doesnt charge for drug test thank GOD. If we have to go by the drug contracts and tests THEY should be regulated somehow and not allowed to charge such high amounts just because its pain med visit and drug tests do NOT cost them five hundred dollars!!! Thats rediculous!
Sorry to hear that. My Dr. wrote me another script, and called CVS to confirm it was okay to give me new script. The bad ones like you have were from Walgreens. They won't refund me, and at first they acted like they weren't going to take em back and remove me from system as showing I have purchased 360 pills in 2 days. I had to leave town, and will be gone for 4 months, so 180 is for 4 months. What happens is you can get put on a black list when you purchase that many in 2 days, so the bad batch of pills, the white ones have to come off computer showing I still have them. So, if you have another pharmacy, like CVS, they still have the yellow ones with a V on the front. Call your Dr. and do what I did. They were 112 bucks for 180 at CVS. Also contact Watson, as I did, and tell them they are not working. I spoke with a quality control guy that makes records of complaints. Once they get enough, they will make a recall and check these white ones out, and see whats going on. Good luck to you, being in pain sucks...I gotta feeling, all pain meds are gonna be weakened before its all over with...At least generics...
Yep. The white ones do nothing. I hate Walgreens to start with. Was filling a script for my husband and decided to get my pain pills filled there too because Watson has a good Rep for pain pills. Called the doc and went back to Kroger and got the 7.5 norcos byan qualitest and they did the job way better. I don't think there is any hydro in those stupid white ones 10/325 by Watson. It's not all in your head folks. I'm reporting it today.
Tried to help you out once, but they won't let it publish for some reason so you can read it....
Hi. I have been off Norco and on suboxone for over three years, thank God! But my husband takes Norco for arthritis for a long tine (4-6) pills a day. Watson is Watson. They did not lower their quality of medication, they simply took out the dye. I will say, when this type of discussion starts will "weaker/stronger", I see dependency starting in some. Not good. Again, Watson is Watson and they are not trying to lose patients. Dye your norcos yellow, would that help???
No, its not. Maybe yours are okay, but mine were not. Watson has received several complaints on these. Walgreens seems to be where the problem ones are coming from...Mine did absolutely NOTHING for pain. And, I took several, enough I should have been numb, and they wouldn't even get rid of a minor headache, let alone my real pain.
You're 100% wrong, period. Have only been using these for about 2 months, 2 a day. My Dr. gave me another script, got them at CVS, and they are the yellow types, took ONE, and in 45 minutes, my pain was 100% gone. Its not in no ones head, if they are getting these white ones at Walgreens. They even admitted to several complaints.
So you think, Julie, that you're safer on Suboxone? You're nuts. You're just replacing a drug with another even more dangerous drug, and for 3 years. NOTHING to be thanking God about.
Nope, don't think so. I take a half a pill a day, don't get "high" from it at all, if anyone on here is getting high from Norco, u know who you are. :) The suboxone helps with my pain and I have been on it for three years, and started at 2.5 pills a day, now on .5 a day. Can anyone here lower their Norco intake. . I am on a suboxone forum and the # of people who taper and get off is astounding. Also, there is no chasing pills, which I am not saying you do, but I bet the bank there are those who are buying Norco on the street. I just wanted to mention about the white pills is all. Suboxone has nothing to do with this. I am fine if someone is taking Norco, I am just saying there is no difference between the white and yellow Watson. It is all mental. Again, my taking suboxone is of no consequence here, and I did not trade one for another. I don't get high. Thanks.
I am not nuts.....I was nuts on Norco. Suboxone has saved my life. I went from 2.5 pills a day to .5 pill. Sometimes I even forget to take it. It helps with my pain when I have it. Ha!! I'd jump off a cliff if I was on Norco again. This is about the color of norcos, not my taking subs! Thanks.
Oh, and Tom, I thank God everyday.....I am an addictions counselor with a Master's in Psychology. Could anyone on here get through grad school addicted to noroco? NO WAY. If ur not addicted then back to my original post, my hubby feels no difference. That is all I am saying. God Bless you al......
And one more to add to my last two replies to you Tom, you should never tell anyone they are 100% wrong. There are some who feel no difference. So if a person said to you 'I feel no difference" will tell them they are wrong? You cannot do that. Everyone is different and for a lot of people, it is mental, not all, but for some.
Well, I wish you the best. But, you're still using, period. If you don't do it to get high, then stop, all of it. I worked in an addiction clinic myself, and am very familiar with what Suboxone does to people. They're NOT even supposed to be taken for more than a week or two at the most. If you weren't doing pain dope to get high, and was using them the way you're supposed to, than why stop? You're better off on the Vicodin, or nothing that's narcotic. No offense, but EVERYONE online is either a college grad, Military or a Dr. or whatever needs said to make them right. Point is, you had NO right to say its all in their heads why the Walgreens Watson 853's are not working. Good day...
Then you shouldn't tell people its all in their heads if their medicine isn't working. Everyone online is a college grad, Military, or Dr., so, it means very little here...
Walgreens substituted the watsons with Amneal (interpharm) IP 110's for awhile while they were waiting for the white watsons to come in. I personally think the AMNEAL IP 110's were crap, made me tired, depressed & bloaty. I just recieved my refill with the new white watsons after I returned the IP 110'ss to my dr office and they seem to be just fine. I'm wondering when people say "white ones" they were talking about the substitute they used (which were mostly the ANMEAL brand) while the pharmacy was waiting for the new watsons that are also white. I'm experiencing good pain relief on the new, white WATSONS...will not ever get the AMNEAL IP 110's however, yuck, bad stuff.
The white ones I am speaking of say Watson on them. Wellbutrin is a prime example of now bad things can get with generics and different manufacturers. I had never had the white Watson ones or even taken a 10mg one before. Doc just upped my dose because of legit pain due to pinched nerves and severe sublaxations due to 15 years gymnastics and 12 years dog grooming. They did nothing for my pain. Went back to the lower dose of other manufacturer and things were better. These preachy types need to realize that people in this much pain don't actually like having to take pain meds for it, but when we do, we want them to work. And some of us are seeking alternative therapies to help and reduce the need for them.God bless to all.
I am not just a college grad, I have a Master's in Psychology. And I only mentioned that due to telling about myself and suboxone. Ugh, get off your soap box man. I only found this site when researching about white Norco. I did not say it is all in everyone's head, I said it mental for some. You are awfully defensive for no reason. And why is everyone online a college grad? Jealous?? Hmm??? I don't lie. You don't know me, sound like you need some real Freudian therapy. Must have some repressed anger. For what reason I sure don't know.
Yes I am talking about the white Watsons. And gee Tom, what's wrong. Aren't you a college grad. Don't hate on me. I don't lie, and my Master's in Psychology was only brought up because you began to tell me about myself and suboxone. Look, get help for that anger you got going on and stop twisting my words. Good luck to you, I think I will tell a couple clients about this board so they can see first hand some of the anger issues going on.
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