White Round Pill With A N On One Side And 325 On The Otherl
UpdatedI found this pill in an unlabeled bottle and I've forgotten what it was.
2 Replies
Hi Kim,
Is there by any chance a number "5" sitting underneath "325" on the same side of the pill; with "N" on the other side? Only asking because this represents the closest match I could find on a white round pill.
There doesn't seem to be a definitive ID on the pill other than people's comments saying that it is a generic Percocet pill, containing 5mg of Oxycodone + 325mg of Acetaminophen. This dosage makes sense to me, so as of now I have no reason to believe that it could be anything else. Is this a medication you can recall having in the past?
Thank you. I thought it was something like that or phenrgan. I only had one so I threw the bottle away and put it in a small unmarked container.I take a much stronger pain medication now for chronic pain from RA n degenerative disk disease and I also have a rate blood condition protein S deficiency with causes painful clots at times.Thank you so much for your quick reply!
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