White Round Pill Subutex 54 411 (Page 17) (Top voted first)


I found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it?

347 Replies (18 Pages)

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Yes, you can take a little I can do just a quarter in the morning and the evening go to work not hurt be good sprit and no withdrawal just don't take it to late in evening cause u want go sleep

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Where does the pregnancy fit in? "Look dear, I found a needle and a white pill in Daphne's room. Go buy a pregnancy kit, she may be pregnant."

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Wife of 27 year old addict. Unlike mostly everyone on this forum who keeps saying the naloxone is a blocker, it's actually the buprenorphine that's the blocker. I've been swapping between the two until I recently got into a doctor. I can tell you the only difference is that Suboxone gives me a severe migraine. Like lights out absolutely not even a whisper, cause my head will start throbbing and I will vomit. Subutex doesn't do this to me. I take it the way my doctor medically prescribes how to take it.

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Can you help me with a question please I relapsed and got back on opiates I was on the for about 2it weeks I haven now been on subutex 8 days im weaning myself down tomorrow will be 2mg3 twice than the next day 2mgI once and try to go longer without taking my last 2mg will I withdrawal off of the subutex

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Injecting that crap in your arm is a gamble. I've known two people now that have nearly lost their arms because of that. It's not intended for intravenous use. It dissolves under your tongue. There are certain compounds added to the pills to allow them to dissolve under your tongue. Those compounds are not intended to be jammed into your veins. It's stupid. It's common sense. Survival of the fittest. If you're too stupid to realize you shouldn't put that crap in your arm, then good riddance.

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Whilst I've not read each and every other reply to the most important of your two questions, from the few replies that I have read it doesn't seem likely that your second question[the most important one] will be adequately addressed, so, in response to your question of: " Why do people take it that don't need it?", which is I believe the crux of the whole matter concerning your daughter's [et al.] decidely dabbling in drugs, the simple answer lies complicit with another very basic rhetorical question, being: "Why did Mohammed go to the mountain?" A simple answer can be accepted as: "Because it[the drug, just like the mountain] is there!" Why does anyone consciously take anything, like a big breath of fresh icy-cold air, for example? They are only able to do so because it[the freezing fresh air] is there, and they know it's there, so they consciously decide to fill their lungs and enjoy the thrill of the fill...instead of the perilous pill! It's simply a matter of cho_'ice' of hab_it'erative! Some folk simply deem that they're unable to break from a tragically trafficked tradition.

It's exactly the same situation with myriad folk who fall foul to the perils of imbibing too much alcohol: "The man/woman first takes a drink, the drink then takes a drink, and then the drink takes the man/woman!" We must be ever-mindful in all of this of the veritably indisputable fact that the drink[or drug] never took the "first"[read as: "thirst"] step!

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i was given half of a subutex 54 411 do i put this under my tounge like soboxin or do i swallow it? will i get sick?

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my wife is abusing subutex and suboxone how can get her into rehab without her consent cause she has a script for suboxen and she wont go to rehab

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Haha, thanks junkie savior! Your message was fairly accurate and also hilarious. You talk about getting real drugs, but you don't specify. Aren't you going to recommend a better drug? As injection is as a part of it for me as the actually getting high, might I suggest fentanyl citrate. it comes only intravenously (not to be confused with the fentanyl patch,(transdermal) A dose of 100 mcg (0.1 mg) is approximately equivalent in analgesic potency to 10 mg of morphine. If you are going to f*** your life over, do it the RIGHT WAY. How does one even obtain fentanyl citrate? Find and make friends with a junkie nurse or doctor. You'd be surprised how many of them there are. Best place to do it? Jail, Rehab or Med school. As a once promising (hospital will not be mentioned) intern, I've found access to them in both. You'd be surprised how many MDs, RNs, LPNs, CNAs are all in jail and rehab. Rehab is a little lowly though because they're trying to get out of it. Stick to jail and med school. If you aren't feeling very ambitious, there's always heroin. Heroins purity is consistently changing, so try not to overdose on accident. If it's on purpose, claim it was an accident. Good luck to all you enterprising junkies.

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How long after you take a subutex pill 54 411 does it show in your system swab/urine? Have a test and don't want Dr to know I've tried one to see if works for chronic pain

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Yes they do - I don't know how or why they do it, but it i've heard it doesn't last as long to help, it just hits the person all at once

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You will only go into withdrawals if you're still high from opiates.

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Does anyone know if subutex from Mexico is in a blue pill form?

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If you found a needle in your daughters room and a pill, white, with 54 411 on it, its DEFINANTELY a Subutex, not a Suboxone. Suboxones are octagon like shaped and orange. People buy Subutex on the streets for 35.00 a piece, they want them over Suboxone because Subitex DOSENT have a blocker and not only can u take other pain pills wth subutex and get the "high", u can shoot Subutex up and she will be full of ENERGY, possibly all day into the night DEPENDING on how muxh she shoots. Look for a spoon and a cut off filter from the end of a cigarette, that's what they draw the medicine up thru to filter out the bad. If she were to draw ONE STRAND OF COTTON FROM THAT FILTER INTO THE NEEDLE AND MEDICINE AND INJECT IT INTO HER VEIN, SHE WILL GET COTTON FEVER AND BECOME HOSPITAL SICK, CLD POSSIBLY DIE. I WOULD DEF STOP THIS QUICK, THESE R ADDICTIVE AND EXPENSIVE AND SHE'S YOUNG MOM, GET HER HELP SO NOTHING BAD HAPPENS TO HER. PRAYERS

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And I just wanna say that I'm 30 years old and I have successfully quit all this dirty, evil crap. I was doing oxycontin, roxicet, and heroin. I thought that by getting myself on suboxone or subutex I could kick the habit. WRONG! Getting on suboxone and/or subutex is just starting yourself on an entirely new addiction. The only way out is to just quit. Or maybe go to a rehab program. You're not doing yourself any favors by using the subs. It's just a legal, doctor-endorsed addiction. Change your lifestyle. That's your only hope.

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And those go for $10 around here. $15 at the most. But again, you're just getting yourself into a different addiction. There is absolutely no future in it. Getting off all of it is the only way out. Trust me. Subs will hold you hostage just the same as the opiates.

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u people
need to stop abusing the prescribed meds before docs quit giving them to people that actually need and want to take them correctly how stupid can u get ?

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Does subtext have blocker in it some people say yes some say no I want to know thank you.

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