White Round Pill Subutex 54 411 (Page 17)
UpdatedI found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it?
Nah I like drugs very much you should too if none for you more for me drugs make me happy
It's all different for each person. I can take both subutex and suboxone within 2 hours of opioids and not get sick. It just takes a lot to feel their effects after you take them so don't take subs if you're gonna take opioids shortly after.
Subutex will not cause Immediate withdrawals, suboxone however will. Subutex is Buprenorphine Hydrocloride, and does not contain naloxone which is the added medication in suboxone that can cause withdrawal from other opiates. Suboxone has buprenorphine and naloxone. Subutex only contains the buprenorphine and not naloxone.
I'm a suboxone patient. I use it to maintain a normal productive working life after many years of opioid abuse....for odious addicts who take the right way... it is a life saver and won't make u feel high....It also doesn't allow u to mix with other opioids.... My advice, coming from an ex "illegal" drug user....is to research, like u are obviously doing and try to understand...but with the needle being involved, it doesn't sound like she's trying to refrain from drug use. That indicates her trying to get the "highest" out of whatever is injected... God bless you.
Really!! She's doing fine get off her back ... some people!
Everyone's system is diff when it comes to throwing u into withdrawals. Normally w in 6-7 ur ok to dose w suboxone or Tex. Unless u have been taking methadone. That's the one to be extra cautious on.
Steve you hit it right on the nose bud..everthing you need to know rigjt there. Iv been on blk for about 61/2 7 years been to detox like 3 times its a hard battle to winn but it is winnable. You got to really want it have faith and do what steve said and it is well over achievable. Good luck to who ever it may concern!!! God bless!!!
Totally agree. Methadone is dangerous even if you take it as prescribed. You get so tired you nod out. I almost wrecked on it idk how many times with my newborn son in the car. I'll never get back on methadone again but thankfully I've been clean for almost 8 years now so I don't have to worry about it. We will always be addicts but it's our behavior we have to change.
Because it calms you down and makes life normal when all the bad adults that just bash their kids for drugs instead of helping... most adults have 100 or more excuses why this or why that.. How about get involved but as you will know when they're on subs and abusing drugs it's too late..so you failed and she won all by herself. It's a step forward not backward..don't worry about it now...
Can you take Subutex orange 153 half moon tablets on the same day as a 54 411 Subutex, but not together? - The orange 153 Subutex in the morning and the 54 411 in the afternoon?
Let her be...take her off it and she won't make life easy...that's the crap you have to put up with when all of a sudden you care..should of thought about all that in her younger years..all you're going to do is make it worse, the more you push her away from it the more she will not talk to you and won't care, because on this stuff you are normal and work hard and when neg s*** comes your way you can snap quick and say or do things you don't like. So 100% support or kiss her goodbye...you can't OD on it either...peace.
Re: ScottB (# 4)
It really warms my heart to listen to addicts like me try to place themselves on higher ground based on which drug they yearn for daily. As if hell has suburbs, lol!
Re: Bob (# 17)
Simple wait at least 14 hours and you won't have to worry about withdrawl effects x 100. If taken to soon you will run the risk of it causing major withdrawl symptoms; everyone is different so just to be safe wait 14 hours and immediately start tapering down every day. Like day 2 take half, then day 3 a quarter, day 4 a eighth or if you don't think is that enough do some form of tapering down and you will be free of any addiction including the Suboxone or Subutex.
Re: Bob (# 17)
I was just browsing n ran across this n I'm gonna answer ur question u poor thing. Lol. No it will not set n withdrawal like suboxone! U could do a pill or bad of h that night n wake up 1st thing n mrn n do a subutex n it won't kick n withdrawal! Its 2 prevent it!! Ur welcome doll! Lol!
Re: Bill (# 8)
Hey bud you need to be in at least early withdrawal. Ease in a qtr or less then an hour ltr another qtr til ur ok
Re: jakefromthebean (# 2)
Don't know if anyone ever posted to this, but how, what aiad of Bs, this does NOT happen. Quit spreading lies!
Re: Ashley (# 330)
Yes they are both the same as long as it's still suboxone or subutex you can take either kind as both have the same main ingredient (buprenorphine) and most people don't get that naloxone isn't even active unless you try to administer it intravenously, etc..
Re: Ashley (# 330)
It's the same medication so yes and you can not od on subutex or suboxone period; your brain receptors only allow so much to come in, so taking more than even 1 is really just a waste. If you research it you'll see less is more to leave a little space in the receptors to free other pain meds. In emergency situations only. I get 3 white 54s a day and take a max of one throughout the whole day, if that. So less is really more when it comes to this drug, but I've been on it over 8 years so I know a lot about it and have researched the hell out of it lol. Good luck.
Re: Bob (# 12)
I shot a subutex pill 8mg then I shot half a dilaudid and I didn't feel nothing why is that??????
Re: jakefromthebean (# 2)
Bs. You cannot overdose on bupe. It is to manage addicts. I have seen people do insane amounts. But never an OD. Take the needle. Be glad she is using this instead of heron.
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