White Round Pill Subutex 54 411 (Page 16)
UpdatedI found Subutex in my daughter's room with a needle. Do people really IV this? Why do people take it that dont need it?
If they won't put an effort in to type better than a ten year old, and make it comprehendible. Then I'm not going to put in the effort to decode it. And I can tell if it's not their native tongue and they f*** up. I will put in a great effort to decode. Then I give them advice and encouragement, all because they tried and actually care. If someone doesn't care about their sentence structure then I don't care what they have to say. Communication is what puts us above other species and our tools. It is what built this world up. You may not care. But I do. Don't step all over it and disrespect it. It is part of us.
I tried to quit cold turkey. Two weeks later the effects just got worse. I was having severe muscle cramps. The pain was so bad I decided to run through a sheetrock wall... several times. Did nothing but bruise myself. I hadn't any sleep in 3 days. I was getting severally depressed. The rls was brutal. I was rocking back and forth in the fetal postion like a nut job crying and begging God to make it stop. No energy. I tried to get exercise several times and could not breath after five steps, sunshine, etc. I always found ways to help reduce with perc WD. But not with sub WD. It was hell on earth. I broke and started looking. And I Also decided I will just kill myself if I ever have to to that again. I can't handle that, I'm just to weak. I understand why so many people kill them selves after quitting. The depression is horrible to. But the pain. I would just rather die. I'm tired of this life. I have been doing drugs since the age of 11. started with pot like most, did coke at 13 pill addiction at 15. I'm 22 now. And I'm not some bum or lazy junkie. I consider myself a very smart person. When I was 9 my dad and I worked together building house. I did that with him for a decade. I took the money from that and started studying my true passion. Electrical engineering. I bought myself several college textbooks on the matter. I had a 2 year college education self taught understanding at the age of 13. By the time I was 15 I was building complex logics systems. Built a calculator that could add, subtract, divide, multiply and turn it out into a LCD screen. The circuit was these ten 1x1 foot homemade motherboards on top of each other. Took Me three months of building, failure, couple fires on two of the boards and then success. It worked. I was so proud of myself, and again I was oy 15 when I built this massive system that is on intergrated circuits the size of a dime. Thing was heavy. Really gave Mr a aphreachiation of our small tech. Then CE the pills. Around that time my only girlfriend that I have ever had broke up with me, tore me apart. I started pills and got adicted. Got depressed and stopped most of my study's to chase the high. Through my dream and passion out the window, well also because I. Still to this day, cab not get funds for college. About a two years ago I started ti do sub. Managed to grow up some and get out of my depression. I started my study's up again. Scared TNG. Because I was horrified I would not be able to build and troubleshoot complexes system that I could have at a young age. And those feats partially came true. Took a couple months to get on track. Now I gave taught myself how to do micro electronics. I am having a blast working under my microscope. I'm trying to start up a logic board repair buissness. I fix Mac books on the side as well. Mostly water damage, no backlight, etc. I always have to troubleshoot the logic board and fix it under the microscope because the pieces are as big as a grain of dust. I fix issues apple says ate impossible to fix ir they charge $1200 and delete your data. Where I fix the same issue for $0.12 and you keep your data for a quarter of their price. Ape is the worst company, ever. They treat pair like crap. I'm also making it possible to mail your Mac books in. But my location is the worst for local businesses nor is it booming. Infact it is almost a joke. I wish I lived in a city and not in the middle of the woods in Tennessee. But I digress. Point I'm making is, even though I am a wonderful jack of all traces, u take prude in my work and try to do the best job for my customers. Be it building a house or advanced circuit troubleshooting and all this i have done only being 22. I would blow my head off if I had to go through that again. I'm just to weak. I hate typing on the phone. I can imagine the typos. I don't know what to for. I just want this nightmare to end.
Damn Joshua, you're stronger than you think! You sound like a very smart kid and I hope you find your way. Don't kill yourself. Have you tried weaning off?
Who the hell cares about spelling and all this bull**** . Answer the damn question. That's all people care about, IDC how u sound. you answer my question ..then cool thanks ! ****ing people man....
John thank you. I've finally came across someone whom actually knows what there talking about. Yes I hope lots of people in this forum learned a lesson when they read your message. I hate because people are asking for Subutex which is 3.50 a pill at my pharmacy versus Suboxone which is 14.00 dollar's. Now couldn't it be possible that some just simply can't afford to pay for the Suboxone? I actually have been sharing my husband Subutex because its so hard to actually find a doctor whom is taking new patients. However last month I got into a doctor and was given Suboxone. I've suffered severe migraines. Also a rash all over my arms and legs. So I'm hoping I can get him to make the change for me.
Wife of 27 year old addict. Unlike mostly everyone on this forum who keeps saying the naloxone is a blocker, it's actually the buprenorphine that's the blocker. I've been swapping between the two until I recently got into a doctor. I can tell you the only difference is that Suboxone gives me a severe migraine. Like lights out absolutely not even a whisper, cause my head will start throbbing and I will vomit. Subutex doesn't do this to me. I take it the way my doctor medically prescribes how to take it.
@Phil, are you referring to a suboxone or a subutex, because the TeX's are high priced. It may cost twenty dollars per strip.
@Joy you obviously haven't paid attention to the reply that suggested you look up the cows I believe that's what its called and it will tell you you will be okay to start treatment.
Phil that's not necessarily true. Me and my husband shared his script for TeX for the past year. Its so hard to actually obtain a doctor whom is accepting new patients. We've never ran out. Last month I finally found an opening. Now I'm just hoping he will give me subutex because these Migraines are becoming unbearable!!! Its also cause a rash on my arms and legs.
I completely agree with this comment. I am a recovering oxycodone addict of more than a year and i used suboxone to get off the blues. I took them for a week then went cold and didn't experience much pain if any at all. I've been clean for 2 weeks and still going strong. She may need the pills...or she may be abusing them. I would NOT take them from her but instead approach her and simply ask about them! Offer help but do not be a prison warden or drill sergeant towards her. Be helpful but it needs to be her choice or she will never quit.
Can you get liver damage from it?
I have a question u seem to know what u are talking about. I take pain meds for cancer: percocet to be exact. I only take one at night now they have started me on sub whatever for energy due to chemo therapy when i take one at night of percs. Is it safe to take the other in the am and be ok?
The maintenance manager meds like methadone, suboxone, or subutex should be made in a way where they can only be taken orally. The drug should gel up or something when mixed with water. Suboxone saved my life, but it's frustrating that there is so few treatment options, yet people that aren't serious about rehabilitation take spots from the people who genuinely want to beat their addiction. Methadone would be my very last recommendation.
I am 30 years old. I was addicted to heroin by age 15. I have now been prescribed suboxone flims for four years straight without a break inbetween. I can hosestly say its much safer then street drugs as you never know what your getting or whats cut and real. i have not once had an issue with suboxone films. I however am down from three 8mg strips a day to just two. I am weaning myself off them against my drs advice. He feels im not ready but in these four years i have not had one relapse but i highly recomend you take them away from her. The life of a junkie is sad. You can judge me all you want, makes no difference to me just saying i admit i need help and i am trying it on my own. I have authority issues stems back from things i was put through as a child but hey enough about me. God bless and god speed i will one day soon be sober.
DO NOT repeat DO NOT put her in a Methadone treatment program... Methadone is the second most addictive drug in the world. Nicotine being #1, heroin #3. Just talk to her and maybe some counseling... But ultimately she has to make the decision on her own.. With some guidance... Prayers
Subutex has a synthetic opiate in it, allowing people to abuse it. If she truly has a problem, get her into a Suboxone program. Suboxone contains an ingredient called Naloxone that actually PREVENTS someone from feeling high. Even still though, I hear of people using Suboxone on the streets for med management, quitting drinking, and to even try to feel high. I'd get her into a program fast before it gets out of control.
How many days can a person take this pill to kick the heroin without facing another addiction with the pill?
Honestly, I'm not sure. I would hope your doctor gave you subutex, as to not interfere with the pain meds. Regular suboxone has naloxone in it, and that can interfere. I'd speak with your doctor to get the best information. From what I know, suboxone lasts about 24 hours for people with a regular metabolism, but I have known many people who are on it for pain without such a high addiction rate. Everyone should have a tailored plan with there doctor regarding any opiate use, so what works for one person may not work for another. Suboxone can be known to give a little extra energy, whereas percocet can make you sleepy.
Idk why but they're not supposed to take it intravenously.
Not true. Take subtext after using methadone and see what happens. Straight into withdrawal. Someone in my family learned this the hard way....karma...
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