White Pill With 094


Oval tablet. Just found in an old purse and wondering why I have it there?

4 Replies

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Does this oval tab have the marking APO on the opposite side of the pill? If so, it is likely Doxazosin mesylate 2 mg (NDC 60505-0094).

NOTE: the full marking would be 094 on one side and APO on the other.

APO 094 tablet

Doxazosin Mesylate is an alpha blocker used to treat high blood pressure and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

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I also found a white oval caplet with 094 and no markings on the other side. What is it if there is no APO?

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Re: curious george (# 2) Expand Referenced Message

Probably Kirkland brand Robaxacet - acetominophen and methocarbamol

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What is an oval white pill 094 on one side and nothing on the other side?

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