White Oblong Pill A 333 Not Working (Page 4) (Top voted first)


Hi I just started taking this A333 white oblong pill. (Generic Percocet. 10/325). I never had this type before and got it due to pharmacy supply. My question is has anyone noticed a difference in pain relief from other brands. Maybe it's me but it doesn't seem to work as well. Can't wait to hear some other input on this. Thanks.

113 Replies (6 Pages)

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I understand what you're saying completely. I've had bad reactions to meds of course. I'm just frustrated because I don't think anyone is reading THAT article correctly. That specific article (and many others I found) are specific to Oxycontin. The Watson's - those are Percocet. The pill we are talking about on this forum is not Oxycontin. Yes I do believe Activas is up to something, but that article is irrelevant unless I'm on the wrong forum. I just want everyone to be correctly informed. Maybe I missed something. I read it about 100 times.

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Ann...going to see is will go through.....it might and then get pulled later.I truly hope not.... Actavis makes agreement for generic abuse-deterrent oxycodone is the title...read the 2nd paragraph then the rest, I know what you're saying about oxycontin but keep reading..copy and paste the link if it isn't highlighted.


making this short~

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I just sent you a message Ann but it needs to be reviewed first, probably cause I put the link to what is on "Generic News" (where you can sign up for their newsletter).....did you find the other topic about the 5-325 per.s I posted? The link is there, I saw it, clicked on it and read what it said...copied/pasted, emailed it to myself... in my reply where I typed, "Look up 'Generic News' and you'll see this," if you read all of what I said...and then went to look for the topic I mentioned again above on the 5-325....and read all the replies, I don't see how you missed that link. I found it last night (Thurs. night), if nothing else, google, 'Generic News' and you should find it. The title along says it itself...Actavis makes agreement for generic abuse-deterrent oxycodone" and the article is not on a forum, it is on 'Generic News'.... hope you find it...wish this place would let us talk to the people on here. Sure hope you find that generic news, it's more of a company, for sure not a forum.

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Ann, in speaking to several pharmacists, probably 5, 4 had no complaints at all, and one said people complain they don't work, but that no one complained of side effects. These were all walgreens pharmacists I called. I live in a very over populated area, so if people are complaining about side effects in my area, the pharmacists are not aware. I asked because I read this first and was scared to try it when he told me they had a new brand. However, I have had severe allergic reactions to generics and I can totally relate to everyone who is having reactions. It is not pleasant and I think more people need to let the pharmacist know because they will lose customers over this. Since I am one who is very sensitive, I rather not take the chance. Also, if it is in fact weaker, then people are going to have some withdrawal symptoms. These generics all vary. So an adjustment period will be needed.

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Regarding that article, I do believe that is not FDA approved at this time, and they are not referring to percocet, they are referring to just oxy, that is being abused. I read that way before I even found this forum. They are trying to find a way to make it so people can't abuse it. Watson is still making many medications, just not generic percocet anymore. They still make vicodin as of now.

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That article going around is oxycontin, not generic percocet.

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I have endocet now. I feel like I'm taking watson except I only need half. No side effects. I wanted to try this before name brand because I heard it's better.

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So Confused, Sorry for late response, in fact I thought I answered this, but idk, sometimes comments say This Must be reviewed first before Posting! Anyway, I have been taking the Amneal for quite sometime now & Have No Issues with it! There have been times when I get the Mallinckrodt & again have No Issues with that either. As far as which one I prefer, both work for my pain, so either or is fine with me. I have not received the Mallinckrodt for awhile now, but I do know It works, so I cant really say which I prefer because as long as they Work for my pain without bad side effects, I am Good. Anything is better than Actavis in my opinion, at least for me. I do hope you have found something that gives you relief. Take Care.

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Hi Sunni, (or anyone),

Sorry, my mistake, not Amneal....it's "Alvogen".....anyone heard of this brand? As long as it works and nothing like Actavis, that's fine....thanks for any help!

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So Confused, No I have never heard of this the Alvogen Brand Before, I googled the Co and it appears to be a Privately Owned Fast Growing Company focusing on developing Generic meds & OTC meds. Its a International Pharmaceutical Co, it has ties with Norwich Pharmaceuticals. Idk know if Alvogen is fairly new or not in the US, it does say that they (Alvogen) has high ambitions for future Growth. They are connected to a lot of pharmacies, Walmarts, CVS, Kroeger, Rite Aid, some grocery stores pharmacies, etc Let us know your experience with this Brand please. I am with you, as long as it is not Actavis Brand, I am fine.. Take Care.

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If you google "abuse-deterrent oxycodone" you will find articles about an oxycodone pill which has a central pill which is not supposed to be broken. If it is broken it releases an oxycodone inhibitor (I think that's the phrase) which keeps it from being useful for people who abuse tablets to intensify the effect. Since I bite my tablets in half this may have been the reason that the tablets were COMPLETELY useless. I haven't had any pain med other than Advil for a couple of months by now, my wife is adjusting to my new more irrasible mood. I wish I could afford to move to a country that isn't so interested in control. I can remember my mother going to her pharmacist and picking up a bottle of Vicodin about the size of a Costco vitamin bottle. She did have some "issues" in the last year of her life adjusting the amount as she declined, but she was out of pain for probably 32 years, and she was sharp as a tack the last time I saw her alive.

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I received a script for these god forsaken horrible A333 Percocet and I too, felt as they were nothing more then a tic tac. They did absolutely nothing for pain and I can honestly say the 933 Watson (which is actually 7.5/325 not 10/325) worked better for pain relief then the A333 which is more oxycodone. I also encourage all who have issues with this drug to complain to not just Actavis or the FDA, but to your pharmacy and pain doctor as well. I did, and was not supposed when my doctor replied that he has had another patient complain about Percocet recently and I'm sure he was being subtle when saying just one...I told him we are two of many to come then. This horrid generic needs to be removed from shelves and should actually have to compensate for all of us who really suffer from pain from this drug whether it be our chronic pain or pain caused from reactions.

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Thanks for that info. Sunni. Ughhh my laptop died and I'm on my old PC which is giving me A LOT of trouble, actually I'm surprised I could reply to your message! There's only one place I found that sold, "Alvogen", not a big store like CVS/Walgreen/Rite-Aid....etc....so am scared to try it. Was hoping more people had heard about it as well...oh well....*sigh* sure miss my laptop :( if I don't reply back to you, it's because of this PC...take care and thanks again for that info! Hope you're doing better (FIL), as well...

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Saw your question about Alvogen - it is the WORST. Do not get this you will be sorry - it does not work you will get no pain relief and it causes alot of GI issues - this is coming from myself who unfortuntatly got it one time and a friend of mine also got it and same thing - it is total crap.

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Thanks for that info on ''Alvogen'' Linda.....hoping you aren't thinking about "Actavist", cause it sounds the same ....syptom [sp] wise....not doubting you now....I agree with the ones on here that we need to do something about trying to get Actavis booted out, it truly is AWFUL!!! I wish I knew how to get a Petition started. rather how to word it the right way. Thanks for your input Linda, I have a high tolerance to pain meds...well other meds too, and never want to get sick like I did on Actavist...only good thing to come out of that, it made me lose quite a bit of weight in the one month I took it cause food would not stay in me!! Take care and hope all is well with you~

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Linda, Thanks for the info on Alvogen Brand, Sounds just as bad as Actavis Brand. Another Cheap Horrible Generic. Seems it all comes down to the Big Mighty $ for these companies supplying and distributing Horrible below sub par generics & get away with it.. Either the FDA doesn't care about the consumers getting terribly ill from all this Junk being made now, or simply isn't doing their jobs of really putting these New Cheap Generics thru the testing phases long enough. I do agree with So Confused who States: A Petition needs to be started to STOP all These Companies from supplying JUNK! Actavis being #1: If I can find any info on how to get a Petition started, I will let everyone know.

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Hi Linda & Sunni....well I went to get my pain med. this morning and it was suppose to be, Mallinckrodt...it wasn't, it was the Alvogen Brand!! They said they were out of Mallinckrodt, so I got the other. BUT...I have to say, so far, it's working great for me! (Yay) hopefully it'll continue to do so and I don't get sick from it in the next few days....I had to drive a tad over 5 miles to get it when there is a pharmacy less then a mile from me that has Alvogen, so if I don't get sick/side effects, I'll for sure use the pharmacy that is closer to me....going a total of over 10 miles for my meds would of been a hassle for me since I'd have to go more then once a month (get my other meds). I'll be praying hard Alvogen keeps working like it is today. Thanks for the input though. :)
Wagoneer....I broke my Actavist in half as well, as I have problems with certain size pills. What you say makes sense....now to see if anyone else will reply to your (or mine) comment as to how they took them. Think your question is #67. I'm sorry to hear that you lost your mom....both my parents are gone too....off to a much better place <3 Hope all has a good and pain free as possible, week end.

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I break my Activas in half as well and they work fine. Once again, that article only refers to OxyContin which is time release. I have taken these before and yes, it's almost impossible to break them.

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On question 75, Ann you say, "Once again, that article only refers to OxyContin which is time release." If it 'only' refers to OxyContin...then why is it (& the link--question # 56), titled..."Actavis makes agreement for generic abuse-deterrent oxycodone"?? (and the article is not on a forum, it is on 'Generic News')..... Not OxyContin but ...Oxycodone... Reckon you're going to say it is not FDA approved either? Read the link/article....look for 2nd paragraph, that's where it says the FDA did Not approve Oxycodone. It says a little about OxyContin, I believe how they started with OxyContin, then moved on to Oxycodone....why would it be titled with Oxycodone if the article.. "only refers to OxyContin"?? Makes no sense to me and even less sense when I read the article from start to end...whatever, people can read it, or not and draw their own thoughts on it, that's all I have to say. Hope all have a good and pain free (as possible for some), week end~

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Yes I take the same pill and it has ip something on it but nothing on the other side.Ido not think they are strong as the mefs I was getting before like you I wait to see when it will work but the pharmacy said thats what they carry now how do we get our old meds back if you find out please tell me

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