White Cross Pills From The 80's


I have a small white tablet that's cross-scored on one side and has 100 on the other. Do they still make these white cross energy pills?

21 Replies (2 Pages)

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Do pharmacies in Mexico still prescribe cross tops and the amphetamine pills that aren't made in America anymore?

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Are the white cross energy pills available here in Atlanta Georgia?

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Crossroads, we used to call them. The main ingredient was Amphetamine and you could buy them out of the back of magazines as they advertised them like NODOZE. They would get you flying.

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To those questioning whether white cross energy pills are still available in the US, I'm pretty sure that they've been discontinued. Not to mention, amphetamine (Adderall) now requires a prescription in this day and age.

Its presence in other countries such as Mexico may be a dim possibility. However, drugs like amphetamine are sometimes available over-the-counter in places like this, whereas one could legally obtain the active ingredients when traveling outside of the US.

In the meantime, perhaps visiting a US doctor for a prescription would be your best bet for the next closest thing?

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Re: Shawn (# 3) Expand Referenced Message

The great and wonderful diet pills that I took in 1969 were later banned in the US for some stupid reason. They were called “White Crosses”, a little white pill with a cross on one side, don’t remember if the other side had any markings. My family doctor gave them to me from a cabinet in his office, they were in a little white box. They gave me the energy to take care of my child and my sickly father, caused me to lose lots of weight and concentration for my studies all while having not one side affect. Where did they go??? BTW, no withdrawals after taking them for 3 months and no rebound weight gain.

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Re: Linda (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

For some reason? The drug you are talking about is a powerful stimulant that is now a scheduled controlled substance due to it's high potential for abuse. The dangers this drug poses vastly outweighs the benefits, and while people who suffer from certain disorders are still prescribed drugs of similar composition, they must be carefully regulated by a doctor to avoid issues that could arise. Treating non life threatening weight loss or normal daily fatigue is not a valid application in the eyes of the federal government, and as a person who has struggled with drugs, I am inclined to agree with them. Some might think that those who abused these drugs have ruined it for the rest of the population, but this is not an issue of low character or poor choices. Stimulants of this class can cause even the strongest willed person to find themselves in a powerful cycle of behavior. Unfortunately, the best solution we have come up with is to try to keep people from ever taking these drugs in the first place.

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What were the ingredients in the white cross pills?

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Re: RustyJAMES (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Where can I get cross top over the counter?

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Re: RustyJAMES (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

Idk, when I tried to fill an Adderall script in mexico he told me he didn’t carry it because it’s cheaper in the US. That was at least 15 years ago though so idk.

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White crosses were outlawed back in the 90's or in my state of Alabama. They presented to have to much speed in them so they pulled them from the shelves. You would be better off going to a weight loss doctor and get a prescription for adipex/phentermine it will help 100% with weight loss!! I was prescribed these for about a year and I dropped over 100lbs. They worked so great and didn't cause me any problems.. I think I may have to get back into the weight loss program and I will be requesting them again.. good luck

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Re: Matt (# 6) Expand Referenced Message

They are no longer made and haven't been made since the 90's!!! There is no way you can get a script for white crosses from any doctor that's a fact!! I am a LPN and I know this for a fact. Those pills were marketed in convenient stores on the counter at checkout for customers. Minors started buying them and for what ever reason parent's started to complain to city officials and they complained to government officials. After it reached the big government officials they began a witch hunt on white crosses and the effects it put on the youth. Laws were put into place that age requirements were to be enforced. They somehow got more complaints about them so the government banned them and they became outlawed. They do not make them anymore and can not be prescribed by any doctor!!!!!!

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Re: Cindy (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

You can't they do not make them anymore! They haven't been made since the 90's!!!

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Re: Linda (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

They were banned because they were Amphetamine (highly addictive). They DID have side effects such as racing heart....inability to sleep...things like that. Doctors handing those out like they did are the reason we have so many Methamphetamine addicts today. Models also took the White Cross pills to be paper thin. No PILL makes you that thin unless it's harming you. Just go to bed like you're supposed to do....eat healthy meals instead of junk food....and you'll have all the energy you need.

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Re: NaeNBama (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

In fairness, they can be prescribed by a doctor. Any pharmacist would not fill it though.

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Re: RustyJAMES (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

How can I get a bottle of white crosses

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Re: Cowboy (# 15) Expand Referenced Message

India is a good bet. Also, check Eastern Europe. Look online...

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Re: Linda (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

That's why they took them off the market. They worked.

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Re: RustyJAMES (# 1) Expand Referenced Message

How can I fill a prescription from Mexico?

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Re: NaeNBama (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

Did you ever obtain the phentermine again? Did it work?

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I took these in the 1980s. I lost 100 lbs in about a month. I only took half of the pill because of the jitters and nervousness. I went from a size 14/16 to a size 0. Was I skinny. Wish to be there again.

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Re: David (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

We used to call them Church Asprin ??

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