White Circle Pill N On One Side 325 On The Other ???


Sitting with my elderly grandfather and he tells me to get him his meds. The medicine he asked for did not match the description on the bottle. I don't know if he's gotten them mixed up or if the pharmacy did. Pharmacy is closed and I have one angry grandpa that won't take no for an answer. Can anyone identify this pill. He says it's his pain meds...

2 Replies

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This might be an herb supplement, or an OTC med. I cant find it on the internet. I'm not a pharmacist so I would look into the situation and see who's around him, maybe check with the pharmacist. Make sure he's getting the correct meds and that he has not been taken advantage of..

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Is the letter N enclosed inside of an pentagon-like (house) shape by chance? I'm only curious because another discussion thread describes the same type of imprint, but in a little more detail. If that does happen to be the case then it reportedly contains 325mgs of Acetaminophen - Manufactured/distributed by Chattem Consumer Products [a subsidiary of 'Procter and Gamble'].

And just to confirm, this pill is described as a white, round tablet bearing an imprint of N on one side and 325 on the other.

I hope this helps!

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