White Buprenorphine Round 460 (Page 3)
UpdatedSo I went to the pharmacy yesterday to get my script and they told me they were out but they would have more tomorrow. When I picked my script up it wasn't what I normally get. They told me it was a generic but I have never seen them before and I have been in treatment for years now. I have tried looking them up but can't find any reviews or anything really on them. Has anyone ever gotten these? And do they work as good as the 54 411? Also it is kind of minty which reminded me of suboxone and I'm not prescribed suboxone.
Re: Verwon (# 2)
They taste horrible!!
Re: riggsk0915 (# 9)
When was this? I've been on subutex 10 years. I’m allergic to the narcan in suboxone. I won’t switch. F*** I’ll get my subutex elsewhere if I have to. The DEA has no authority to tell me which formulation is right for me.
Re: SubSurfer (# 13)
Me too. Much better. They aren't burning anyone. There's a slightly hot sensation but it's not burning. I don't have to keep it under my tongue for 30 minutes and I feel great all day.
Re: CrazyDiamond (# 3)
I have taken about every generic suboxone and sunpharma from India are the absolute worst. You can look online about how Sun pharma have been closed do to mold, filthy unsanitary conditions. That was in 2015.. I experienced cravings and blisters in my mouth. I will refuse anything from Sun Pharma
The new Sun pharm is no good. if you get them just give them back and wait for something else to come in. I don’t know why they get rid of the good brands that actually work to trade it for this crap. I remember the 54 411 and even rhodes brand is getting hard to come by. Man I can function at work with the old brands, these new ones make my withdrawals even worse. Thinking about just going back to my old ways.
Re: Chris (# 45)
Sun pharma are the worst they come from India and was shut down in 2015... for mold, water leaks, rodents where they make the medicine. I’ve switched to the generic films because every pharmacy was getting the sun pharma crap
Re: PRawdog (# 37)
No 54411 is not suboxone , it is subutex made by the best manufacturer imo
They suck not good didn’t work for me or anyone I know o don’t know why they make a goo medicine then Decide to take it off the market and replace it with this junk sun pharm I used to onl have to take one a day of the 54/411 know I catch myself taking 3 to 6 a day I hate sun pharm wish they bring back 54/411
Re: CrazyDiamond (# 3)
Me to they feel like your not even talking anything but a vitamin
Re: Elly (# 4)
Pharmacies are starting to be real rude with customers. If we were taking a certain brand give us our certain brand! wtf, they're not paying for it, we are. I pay cash cause my insurance won’t cover it so what’s the f*****g big deal
Re: Chris (# 50)
They are very rude and treat you like you're asking for heroin or something. Different generics make a huge difference. Also this big thing about subutex instead of suboxone is stupid because it’s the buprenophine that gets into the mu receptors and blocks other opiate narcotics. The small amount of narcan does nothing. In the ER if someone overdosed they have to give it over and over again.
The withdrawal is rough and those Zubsolv are stupid expensive! Subutex hcl is 54 11, generic for those are the 460s and a few other brands.
Re: riggsk0915 (# 5)
My pharmacist says they have only three bottles in their warehouse in giant eagle North East Ohio. The day I go to fill I said simply if u only have some fill me a partial script because I'm in need of meds. Of course the tech got upset, "well if we do that it cancels your whole remaining script! I said please hold while YOU connect me to the pharmacist. Mags the pill dispenser says two today and the rest tomorrow, cool by me. Today I received our 460 weird looking round solid tabs. They taste like tex with a little sand dirt and earth mixed in and dissolve like a gobstopper. Pro side though, quite potent.
I got them too and I really don't like the taste to me the have like a comically taste that is no good. Don't like them
I don't know what is going on with these pills and why they keep getting changed but these new 460s are bad, the only reason I can tell is bc I have a bad stomach so something they are putting in the ingredients which we never know what they are. I believe we should know every ingredient that is in anything I put in my body but it's not put on the label so we can know what im consuming or to know if something they are putting in these pills I could be allergic to or consuming that is bad for me... Cancer .....this pill 460 taste very chemically
Re: Grapper (# 55)
If you can ask for the films. I was getting sick of the tablets. I am getting a decent generic prescription of the films. I wouldn’t take anything from sun pharma
Re: Grapper (# 55)
These pharmaceutical companies don’t give a DAMN about the quality of their generics. They fill them up with cheap fillers and dyes and God knows what else. Then they either buy the cheapest form of buprenorphine and as the smallest amount they can get away with. Then they charge exorbitant fees and probably know every single horrible side effects, PLUS the fact that, because the active ingredient is so dumb-par, that they are going to send hundreds, if not thousands of people, into excruciating withdrawals. They don’t lose a bit of sleep over it because they are too busy counting all the zeros in their bank accounts from making, pushing and selling horrible medication.
Let them remember this:
"Whoever sows to please their flesh, from the flesh will reap destruction." Galatians 6:8.
Re: Grapper (# 55)
Yes! These 460 ones are disgusting!! I can’t hardly stand to take them. Whyyyyy do they taste so bad??????
I have been taking subutex for years and a few weeks ago i was switched to the white 460 pills. Since then i have failed twice for methamphetamines or d-methamphetamines and I have no idea why. I have been telling the nurse that this pill taste like it has chemicals in it and it's giving me headaches. Has anyone else had this problem I am just trying to do some research to see why a lab test is coming back positive for that.
I just got them and Iv been feeling somewhat depressed. I’ve never had this brand before and I’m pretty certain it is what’s causing me to feel like this. I am currently tapering down hoping to Monday be medication free, despite having herniated disc in my neck. Definitely will not be accepting this brand again.
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