Which Is Stronger 15mg Ms Contin Or 15mg Oxycodone (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I wonder what the difference is between 15MG MS Contin vs 15 Mg Oxycodone. Is there a substitute for MS Morphine..I take 2 30mg MS Contin twice a day and also with that I take 15MG MS Contin twice per day..which of course is 45mgs at a time..with 3 15mg Oxcodone for breakthru pain. I was taking 20 mg Oxycontin 3 times a day etc. But my insurance wasn't paying for the oxy. So what I take now is paid for. Do any of you have any suggestions of what would work better for the pain..since I changed to morphine it doesn't seem to do the trick..this is long..but any answers would be very appriciated..Thanks..

128 Replies (7 Pages)

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There are many helpful comments here. To those of you who actually suffer from chronic pain, I thank you for your insight, your wisdom and your advice. Hang in there and never give up! It has been very helpful to read through them today.

For the rest of you who are obviously addicted, I say... Please go somewhere else. You may think you are blending in, but it is SO obvious that you just want advice on abusing Rx meds. Its obvious based on the inexperienced statements you make, the inaccurate comments you make about the "stash" you "scored" and the misspelled drug names you don't seem to know about. Anyone who says that "MS Contin sucks, Tramadol is way better" is obviously detracting from a helpful conversation and severely misinformed.

I don't want to be heartless, I know I sound like an a**hole. I also know addiction is such a difficult thing. Its just hard to read your posts when it's a choice you made. Yes, your body and mind might be addicted now, but you made that decision initially. There are those of us who didn't choose this life.

It is a fine line for those of use who live every day on powerful pain meds, living between controlling pain and second guessing ourselves, always wondering if we are becoming an addict too or if we are trying to live with debilitating pain. So when I read how cavalier you are about your addiction and your drugs that "don't do nothin for me no more", it makes me really sad that I am in the same sad place that you are.

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Yes, it would help you a lot. Tramadol is just a fancy ibuprofen. Hydrocodone is a narcotic but Percocet is stronger and ms contin will last you longer and should cover your pAin better. By the way, in regards to your liver, you can have up to 3000mg of Tylenol a day, it doesn't matter how much Tylenol you take at the same time as long as you don't exceed the 3000mg/day.

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Your brain actually creates more pain receptors, that is in fact how your body builds up a tolerance to opiates. So in reality over time if heavy use your brain has to continue to have that large amount of opiates to fill those extra receptors, therefore goes the eternal circle....

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I am an addict who has been in recovery for 14 Years and over the course of those years I have informed my pcp and any other medical professional of my prior addiction including the fact that I have been clean for 14 years and would like their help with my medical needs without narcotics if at all possible. But even real addicts have real pain. I'm not saying the others are not drug seeking but not all of us are as addicts. In the last four and a half months I have been in REAL pain brought on by spinal stenosis and two discs are completely disintegrated and I have a herniated disc pressing the sciatic nerve in between two bones that are trying to fuse themselves together. That creates a lot of pain and I am working with my PCP, a neurosurgeon and pain clinic professional to control my pain even with narcotics under supervision. We have used some non narcotic solutions some work some don't. Even though I have to take narcotics to control my pain I take only what I am prescribed when I am prescribed. I only take as many as the prescription allows. So not all junkies are drug seeking a lot of us are in real pain looking for a solution without getting hooked again

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I have been handicapped since I was 40 and I am 53 now. I had back surgery in 2001 and had my right hip replaced in 2007. I live in excruciating pain every day and I am not going to get any better. I can't believe how very difficult it is to get a pain medicine that works because it is a narcotic. If there is nothing that can help you get a little bit of relief what does it matter if you get addicted. I have been on morphine for pain at least 8 years and doctors are afraid to give you anything stronger. What are they afraid of?

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I got one for you guys. I have degenerate disk, osteoarthritis from sI (tailbone)-L4 and bursitis in my left hip. My pain is mid lower back shooting to the left side going down my rear and off and on down my left leg. I had a the nerves cut and burned year and half ago and it helped manage my pain with hydrocodone. This past summer I could tell the nerves had grown back. My PM Dr said he's getting out of "long term pain care" after being treated for 2 years and referred me to another dr. So this new Dr wants to do the same procedure. My plan was to get pain where I can bare it so I can do some physical therapy to at least get my core stronger to help with my back. However my hip Dr said exercise is bad with bursitis. So as a mother of 4 I have no choice but to keep moving so I went with having the nerves cut and burned again and figured oh well I'll just have this done every year. Well this time it didn't work. Maybe since it's a different Dr. My pain is horrible and now vs tingling in just my hamstring it's down to my smaller toes and they get straight up numb and don't get me started on the spasms and all the falling I've done since then. My follow up was only a week later. I told him I wasn't feeling any better yet. 4 weeks later I had another follow up and confused I told my Dr I don't feel any better, maybe worse. So he says the same thing as the Dr who referred me, he's getting out of "long term" pain care. He said he was going to refer me yet he didn't and I got busy planning my kids father's funeral and holidays. So on my next visit I told him all that happened. He did not act sympathetic at all. He only told me btw if you keep seeing me, I'm going to wing you off your pain meds starting today. I asked if that is protocol, he fails on a back procedure and vs fixing it knowing he did nerve damage making it worse, he's going to take me off pain meds too?

Seems harsh and to me he just wanted the thousands for the surgery and oh well for me he messed me up worse. What these so called doctors don't get is that those of us with high blood pressure, our pain level is what's going to kill us. I'm sure 180/110 is not healthy. And I don't drink so there is no knocking off the edge any other way. Yes aleve, advil work great. But they take so long to work and I have chipped 2 teeth biting down in pain. Everything was fine until couple years ago and all these dope heads started trying to feel high. I get the stopping letting people use multiple Dr and pharmacy, that's what was killing the addicts, not the doctors. I have read so many people's statements on different sites, these doctors are running scared. My 1st Dr was great. He cared and honestly I got chocked up I was losing him as a dr. I can't say for that Dr. These others are not trying to help, only make that money off of procedures/surgeries that çan make you worse and then cut you off your meds. After telling you that you have to use a cane the rest of your life at the age of 39 and issue you a handicap plaque how are they just going to stop treating you after the first thing they try on you? These chats are good for info and knowing your not alone but what are we going to do to take a stand. The dopers are still going to get theirs somehow but what about us truly in pain? Is there any kind of group out there fighting for us?

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Resper, my conversion was from the official medical conversion, not my own opinion and that conversion is 1mg of Oxycodone is equal to 1.5mgs of Morphine.



Helene, there are other narcotics on the market that you can discuss trying with your doctor.

For instance, there is a time released Morphine available. The name brand for it would be MS Contin and it is also available as a generic.

If you normally take 30mgs of Oxycodone, then the equivalent Morphine dosage would be 45mgs.

Are there any other questions?

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Oxycontin is oxycodone er. MS-Contin is morphine sulfate er. My pain doctor told me the FDA and DEA are
really coming down on pain clinics. The main drug is oxycodone. It has become the number one drug of abuse
by teens. I was told within 12 months the most percocet
10/325's you could get in a month was 100. I get 140 now. He did say my 30mg of MS-Contin could be upped.

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In was placed on the methadone for chronic back pain and it helped for about 3 weeks. I had a pain level of 4, which was good considering my pain level is usually beyond !0, but I found that morphine was one that really helped me function, it caused red spots on my skin, which my dr stated wasn't too bad, but she had to pull me off of it after I mentioned itchy skin and wheezing.

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All u people already know that oxycodone is the strongest pain med. ur all just trying to find a way to feel high if not then a good average dose of the med for moderate to severe pain is 30 - 40 mg if u have oxycontin only chew about 20mg and take the other 10-20 swallow. If u want to know my buisness try having someone sqeezing ur balls or bag 24hrs a day pain and if u have to take 2-3 a day so u don't run out

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I know this is a forum to cummunicate between oxycodone & opana. I posted about a year ago trying to help another with a stomach issue from an extended release form. Please let me post this. ......

For those of you who may or may not care what I have to say. Im tired of getting notifications from time to time. Thinking it might be someone else that just might need some insight or maybe some real help with one or both of these 2 very strong medications. Then to find out it's someone lashing out at each & everyone of "us" who have posted on here. I personally can say that they couldn't have read them all because I helped with a "stomach" issue due to these meds. But some have to judge. When they have no idea that maybe this is the only place some people have to go to get questions answered. I have horrible pain myself. Between Lupus SLE, RSD/CRPS, Fybromyalgia, and that's just to name a few. My life isnt just about popping pills to feel high. I have been on the same dose, mgs for over 2yrs by choice. Telling my Dr that I dont want any change. The only other thing that I had different was extended release that caused me to have a hyper stomach. Yes oxycodone is strong. But im only accepting 15mg tabs up to 3xs a day. Which I never ever take unless im screaming my head off in agonizing pain. No I dont feel high off my meds. No I dont enjoy those effects. The meds themselves make me sick to my stomach. So for you to judge everyone as a whole because they ask a question or answer one isnt right. Look back & read what I wrote. Not everyone is out for a quick fix. Some of us & as the sounds of it im referring to you too have to deal with pain every single day. I choose to take some medication. However, I also have to receive pain therapy along with it . Which would probably help a lot of people with addiction. Because rather people want to believe or not? Anyone who takes medications that are addictive? Your body gets addicted after constant use after a short week. Some sooner. Where people get into trouble is When they get addicted other ways. Such as the way you speak of. Idk how you choose to handle your pain. Im sorry youre in pain. I can only hope you will find brighter days. I only speak for myself. Yes their drs can only be the ones to help them. But some drs arnt the easiest to speak to. I speak to strangers every day in groups with lupus or rsd about everything. Maybe these people just needed a few questions answered to go to their doctor with. And if they got those answered? GREAT!!! If not? Then oh well. They have to deal with it. This is a forum to answer questions between 2 medications. Not to judge people or make them feel uncomfortable. They obviously feel they cant go anywhere else. Plus you have to put something in like oxycodone....... or opana........ to find this forum anyway. For whatever reason you found this and decided to lash out & judge people? I'll be praying. For what it's worth? Nobody's perfect. Not me not anyone. I just dont understand why come onto a forum to yell at people or to call them names.

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Could not agree more. I first came here looking for answers from other valid patients , not abusers getting high. It is unfortunate that a helpful forum gets pelted by the stoners .

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oxy is much more strong

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I have been suffering in severe neck pain need a cervical spinal fusion and also have about 5 migraines a week and have been on Percocet for 30 months my dr cut me off cold turkey and put me on hydromorphone and had trouble breathing went back to see him and put me on the same thing after he new I wasn't able to take it gave me a quick release and it did nothing for my pain and then today gave me ms cotin same god dame thing and I have never abused drugs or alcohol have no addictions I haven't been able to fuction like a normal person since he took me off my oxy's crying in pain and throwing up about 3 times a day any suggestions on how I can get my oxy's back I'm only on 5 mg 8 per day

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O find that the ms contin works MUCH better then the oxy's!!! I'm taking 8 10/325mg of oxy's and 8 15 mg of morphine and I just find that the morphne works Much Much better!!! But I guess different narcotics works differently for people. That's what people that post on here have to take into account, what works for one person might not work for another.

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I'm a disabled iraq war veteran I suffer from PTSD and I was shot in my spine area no my doctor at she va in chilliocoth Ohio treats me like a druggie and taking me off of my pain meds cold Turkey I'm in pain I'm rated 100 percent completely disabled please help me I served my country and I would do it again tim a

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Charsley, thank you for that very detailed and accurate post! Those of us that have been on this road for a long time ( 7years for me) completely understand the concept as you explained it. It is tough to self control the fine line between the pain of addiction and the pain of real pain, although we all recognize it even if we don't admit it. I've been able to stay behind that curve and not keep increasing, and in some cases reduce my dose for periods. But it takes willpower and recognizing that part of the battle.

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You folks seems to be taking these pain pills like they're skittles, LOL. I don't mean to be flip, but my goodness, what you're already on, or say you're taking should literally lay a cow out or put a horse down. The only other thing I could of that you haven't mentioned (and frankly I'm surprised), is that you're not on or using those three day/72 hour fentanyl patches (which I'm sure you're aware of), that fentanyl is one of thee or strongest pain medications known to man on earth. It's usually only given through IV in a hospital setting after surgery, but I know that they make those patches that are worn on the skin and the pain medication is absorbed that way. Those should help anyone who's really in dire pain. A person needs to remember that a body's opioid receptors in the brain, can only receive/hold only so much pain medication. It's like filling a bucket with water; after it's full, you're just spilling over good medication that's essentially going to waste because the "bucket" or pain receptor is essentially already full. It's like putting or filling your gas tank with the highest or best grade of gas, when it's full, if you keep pumping more in, the tank just overflows and that extra gas just spills out onto the ground, it does no good and it's basically waste. And unlike you're gas tank or the bucket scenario, a person's pain receptors for opioids (pain medications), will eventually build up a certain amount of tolerance to whatever is being taken. So if you don't take it easy, then "even the best and most expensive bottle of whiskey ain't gonna work anymore". I'm not trying to accuse or point a finger towards any type of abuse, but many/most people would "be in their glory" just to get a small portion of the meds that you already talk about as being common place for your medicine cabinet. IN other words, Ito would be happy to get what you're already been offered/given.

Someone that says morphine isn't doing the trick anymore, seems to have an issue that pain pills just can't solve anymore, because if you think about it, morphine drips are used everyday in this country to "manage" people pain and when I say that, it's used in ever increasing doses to essentially allow some people (we're talking rest homes and hospice care), to die. I'm basically saying that given enough morphine, continuously, at ever increasing dosages, will kill anyone. So I'm just being honest when I say that if I hear someone saying that morphine just isn't doing the trick anymore, makes me wonder. It may not be that fast acting, highly potent stuff that gives a person that "ahhhhh" feeling 5 minutes after they take it, but I know from personal experience that as it is allowed to build up in the body and especially when a person is given dosages that go higher and higher, it simply "HAS" to work. At some point, a person would have a lethal dose in their system and because it does the body (in most people), a while for the relief to occur and morphine takes its time to metabolize in the body as well as the time it takes for the levels in the blood stream to come down, this is why it's such a good drug, all be it that it takes perhaps a little longer to have or peak at it's best effect, but too much and too high of a dose taken continuously can and will kill a person. So perhaps, under a doctor's supervision, the frequency and dosage can and should be increased, but there is no doubt that at a high enough dose and taken maybe more often than previously, WILL work for anyone (except perhaps to those that are allergic to morphine). But in all normal circumstances, I simply cannot see any point where someone would say "it just doesn't do the trick anymore", without at least getting a higher dose and taking it more often than before. Just an FYI, this is one main reason why addicts don't like morphine. Oh don't get me wrong, they like the feeling, but for many of them, it's not "instant" enough of a gratification and by the time they feel that it's "working" for them or "doing" the trick, what they don't know is that they have so much build up in their system, that if they take any more or add "another" med to it at the same time or during their morphine binge (like oxy or fentanyl), they're most surely die, or perhaps go into a coma.

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I followed the link to the Oxycontin data. Thanks for that. Here is a copy of a quote from that page -

Taken orally, the conversion ratio between morphine to extended release oxycodone is reported as 2:1

So, it is 2:1. Not 1.5:1.

Just wanted to clarify. Thanks for helping me find this info :)

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Just an update. I've been stable at 20mg OxyContin every 8 hours and a 5mg oxycodone twice a day in between. So far have not had to change the dosage in a long time, almost two years. There are days that are tough at the end of the day to make it to that doe, but I wear a TENS unit that helps. I'm in a area where the Barometric pressure fluctuates a lot, and that sets my pain off easily. Another way I can help it is my hot tub. I've started to have daily pain in my neck now and am hoping it is not related to the osteoarthritis. So far that has been controlled with simply IcyHot pads and heat pads off and on. The BEST prescription I have found is to keep busy and not sit around and feel sorry for myself over this bad luck.

I also recently was transferred over to a Pain Specialist from my PCP and I was concerned about how that would go after reading many posts about bad experiences but I have a mountain of documentation and steady history of my issue and it was a very pleasant experience, I like my Doctor and appreciate what he is dealing with concerning abusers as opposed to valid patients. I hope others are fairing as well.

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