Which Is Stronger 15mg Ms Contin Or 15mg Oxycodone (Page 6) (Top voted first)


I wonder what the difference is between 15MG MS Contin vs 15 Mg Oxycodone. Is there a substitute for MS Morphine..I take 2 30mg MS Contin twice a day and also with that I take 15MG MS Contin twice per day..which of course is 45mgs at a time..with 3 15mg Oxcodone for breakthru pain. I was taking 20 mg Oxycontin 3 times a day etc. But my insurance wasn't paying for the oxy. So what I take now is paid for. Do any of you have any suggestions of what would work better for the pain..since I changed to morphine it doesn't seem to do the trick..this is long..but any answers would be very appriciated..Thanks..

128 Replies (7 Pages)

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Since Ms Contin is a timed-release product and the Oxycodone is an immediate release product, you will see a difference in the analgesia between the two. I have taken both for nearly 12 years, until last week, three times a day. Thus, your Oxycodone will be much shorter-acting. The Oxycodone is, IMHO, necessary to cover those first two hours of the MS Contin's building up in the body to full analgesia. And yes, your body DOES get addicted, even if you dont have an addictive personality. Furthermore, according to my pain clinic doctor, these drugs also actually increase your sensitivity to pain, in effect eventually causing more pain. Consider investigating Mytragena Speciosa, aka Kratom, if its legal in your state or country. Its a leaf from a tree, with the similar action as a narcotic, but it does not seem as addictive, and does not seem to cause a 'high' or over-tiredness. I felt it worked great, indeed helped me withdraw from the narcotics- many people use it for the same... this all happened after my pain clinic went bankrupt, in a period of about a week it closed down, and left many of us in the air with nobody to prescribe our pain meds for us. Unfortunately, I am blessed with many allergies, and became allergic to kratom too. But it may work for you. DONT try it for a high- it'll make you feel yucky if you take too much.

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Thank you for this post. I appear to be as healthy as a horse but I'm not at all. The doctor that I'm see for pain is not convinced of my complaints. It's truly hard for me I fill like I'm dying a slow painful death.

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U don't need more you need to deal. Your on alot and on good meds if your still in pain then something's wrong

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Methadone is amazing. I am on three 8 mg suboxone and my doc is such a ****, he won't even give me subutex which is stronger, but 3 subutex 8 mg a day keeps me happy and I've never met anyone with my tolerance. I prefer methadone.

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Quit I'm in sooo much pain it's unreal lost left arm 8 broken bones in back several in neck broke femur in 4 places crushed knee with plates and screws.And more......just deal with the pain let your body heal itself....taken pain pills just gets u to take more and more.

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I think all the good drugs which are timed release are too expensive and insurance will not cover it and I seriously have to wonder why except that our insurance companies and drug companies are playing God. I have taken all these meds and have to admit the two best ones out there which are timed release are the Oxycontin and the Hydromorphone which is better and stronger than the Oxycontin. I was put on Methadone which works with the Oxycodone wonderfully and stays in your body for days. I loved it!! Then our wonderful DEA took us all off of it. It is now free for opiate addicts. Anyway I was put on the Fentanyl patch and it seems to do a much better job than the MS contin and insurance will pay for it. It is a bit more expensive than the MS Contin as the MSContin and Methadone were and are the cheapest ones out there. I hope this helped a little but honestly I think we should start doing something about these drug companies and how much they make you pay for drugs that you need, not just pain meds, but life sustaining meds that people have to have to stay alive!!

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Go to a Sav-Mor Pharmacy. They should have them there.

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Ask him for OPANA 10MG immediate release & OPANA 20MG extended release.. I've been on percocet 10's, oxycontin 20mg ER, fentanyl patches, roxys, and not one of these can equal to OPANA! 10mg opana.= 20 my oxycodone

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I was on Oxy 15mg 4x a day for 2 years and now my doctor has put me on MS( instant release) 15mg 4x a day . Its been a week now and Im suffering terrible pain! Ive had two total knee replacements due to Avasvular Necrosis and have 3 bulging discs in lower back and pain from sciatic and faucet joints. (Both sides) My doctor changed my meds due to people abusing Oxy's so bad that our state is barring down on PMP and can no longer perscribe them. And if I mention that I would like to try a certan narcotic, I am treated like Im an abuser. How can I go about telling him that the MS 15mg doesnt touch my pain and need something stronger or another narcotic without him threatning to drop me as a patient?

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Re: evilroot (# 6) Expand Referenced Message
I'm on 15mgs mscontin er twice daily, what's the equivalent to oxycodone 20 Mg's er?

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Re: Jackie Jackson (# 11) Expand Referenced Message
Pain is real and awful but get off drugs. Opioids make you worse the withdrawal is awful and I had one doctor he wouldn't help me ween off. I've heard too many honest people like me and we suffER while addicts are making it impossible to get relief. I've never been high. I don't even drink but it's true oxy increases your pain. Stay on morphine and codeine the only 2 opiates derived from plants not created for God knows what in a German lab in the mid 1900's I think getting your life back is hard but worth it. I'm in pain but am on 1/4 of what I was 6 months ago. I'm tired of pills running my life and most true pain patients agree and want off this rubbish. I pray for myself and all of you struggling but we'll only stay sick HOOKED on pain killer's

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Re: knox (# 12) Expand Referenced Message

Same! I took Hydrocodone for back pain and nothing else would work. Well, that was from withdrawal! Best thing I ever did was to get off pain meds!

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Re: SSL (# 8) Expand Referenced Message

Everyone needs to watch “Painkillers” on Netflix.

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first dont need reply I been with cornic pain for 30 years from to crushing car accidents. there is no pain killer that will completely remove pain without being high, stoned what ever u want to call it.
IN my opinion u migth need to talk to ur Doc about being addicted to drug abbuse. Ive been there and u sound like I did.

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What were the health problems you experienced from taking MS Contin? I have been taking it for ten years now and my overall health seems to be deteriorating.

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I am 71 years old. I have taken 30mg of ms contain 3xs per day for the last 7 years. I have stenosis which is painful and limiting but the real source of my pain is from my feet and legs. I am in sales and on my feet the majority of my waking moments. A failed foot surgery has caused some fairly serious issues which the doctors are uncertain of how to correct. Bottom line is that by 2:00 in the afternoon I am walking on the sides of my feet to help to relieve the pain that shoots up my legs from the tips of my now deformed toes. I have asked my doctor to substitute the 30mg ms that I would normally take with 30 mg of oxycodone as I definitely want the instant relief as well as the lift that I would receive from this combination. My doctor refuses to hear my request . He did prescribe me a substitute Opana ER which I found useless opting to go back to the ms instead. I truly need a breakthrough med that will offer relief. Can you advise

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Shan, I had fusion in 09. Made things worse ! Thanks to UCSF for that. Been on Oxy ever since, most recently was on 15mg every 4. Got to where it was not lasting more that a couple hours and I did not like the side effects, who wants W/D every 4 hours ? And who can afford Contin since the abusers have prevented a generic from coming out, thanks to the abusers for that.
doc switched me recently to MSContin, 60mg three times a day. That's it. It only gives about 60% of the pain control as Oxy, but lasts longer and side effects are less. ringing in the ears is less decibels at least. I just hated the spiral of needing more and more as Time goes on, I'm 63 TODAY, so where will I be in 10 years?
Good luck.

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I understood that methadone blocked receptors in the brain when you take any other narcotic to keep you from getting high. Also it changed my son's whole personality and caused him to have horrible nightmares. My problem with ms contin ir 15 mg. Is it doesn't work near as well as dilaudid 4 mg. did. The problem with dilaudid was it became almost non existent in Florida. On the rare occasion I did find it, it was $400+ for 120 of them. Anyone else have this problem?

ends son died from taking it. Dilaudid worked so much better than ms contin for me but it is impossible to find here in Florida. The one place I did find it charged$400 for 120 of 4 mg.

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It depends. General diagnostics will see ms contin and oxycodone/Percocet as the same drug since they are both derived from morphine. But there are some drug panels (usually employee drug panels) that can identify the presence of morphine, Percocet (oxycodone), vicodin, etc separately. I'm a nurse and my info is very legit. Fyi- percocet is the same thing as oxycodone except it had Tylenol in it. Oxycontin is a fast release morphine versus ms contin is extended release morphine.

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Insurance won't pay for 2 Ms cotton 100 mg per day what can I have the Dr perscibe me that will be close to that I need help just to get by each day

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