Which Is Stronger 15mg Ms Contin Or 15mg Oxycodone (Page 4)
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I wonder what the difference is between 15MG MS Contin vs 15 Mg Oxycodone. Is there a substitute for MS Morphine..I take 2 30mg MS Contin twice a day and also with that I take 15MG MS Contin twice per day..which of course is 45mgs at a time..with 3 15mg Oxcodone for breakthru pain. I was taking 20 mg Oxycontin 3 times a day etc. But my insurance wasn't paying for the oxy. So what I take now is paid for. Do any of you have any suggestions of what would work better for the pain..since I changed to morphine it doesn't seem to do the trick..this is long..but any answers would be very appriciated..Thanks..

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I'm a disabled iraq war veteran I suffer from PTSD and I was shot in my spine area no my doctor at she va in chilliocoth Ohio treats me like a druggie and taking me off of my pain meds cold Turkey I'm in pain I'm rated 100 percent completely disabled please help me I served my country and I would do it again tim a

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Thanks Sarah, I had a Local Doc suggest Methadone once as he was too afraid of the DEA ro prescribe Opiods. But the one time I spoke with a lady with spinal issues that was on Methadone she was a Zombie !!

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Methadone 10 mg will feel like the oxy also Valium will help with breakthrough pain and u should be feeling good :)

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I tried MSContin for a month or two, but I found it did not treat the pain as well, and it caused more drowsiness...like at a red light ....I have determined by the way, that the Oxycodone tabs present MUCH better pain relief than OxyContin ..many attribute this to the chemical changes made to lessen the abuse of the "Contin"
I know I certainly know the difference.

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O find that the ms contin works MUCH better then the oxy's!!! I'm taking 8 10/325mg of oxy's and 8 15 mg of morphine and I just find that the morphne works Much Much better!!! But I guess different narcotics works differently for people. That's what people that post on here have to take into account, what works for one person might not work for another.

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ManyDoctors, unfortunately, are afraid of the DEA that is stands before their oath as Doctors. I've seen it as well. The lesser strength drugs draw no scrutiny. So, easier for them. Especially if you are in a area with known drug problems. Not fair to a valid patient , but true.

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I have been suffering in severe neck pain need a cervical spinal fusion and also have about 5 migraines a week and have been on Percocet for 30 months my dr cut me off cold turkey and put me on hydromorphone and had trouble breathing went back to see him and put me on the same thing after he new I wasn't able to take it gave me a quick release and it did nothing for my pain and then today gave me ms cotin same god dame thing and I have never abused drugs or alcohol have no addictions I haven't been able to fuction like a normal person since he took me off my oxy's crying in pain and throwing up about 3 times a day any suggestions on how I can get my oxy's back I'm only on 5 mg 8 per day

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Get your doctor to give you the Fetonal 27mg patch. I was on it for 2 weeks, the pain went away and I became Joe Zombie. Took myself off of them.

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Is there a difference in oxycotin and oxycodone?

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Here is what I know based ump my own experience a couple of years ago when posted the question on this site. I had been on Oxycodone for years following a failed spinal fusion. My Doc and I decided to try MSContin to see how it compared. I was drowsy, falling asleep even at a red light !!, AND it (MSContin) not control the pain as well. Eventually we switched to OxyContin, ( kept word Contin) as in contuous. Have been on 20mg every 8 hours and "occasional" 5mg Oxycodone for breakthru. This regimen has hit that fateful time where it no longer works all the way, and most folks just keep raising the dose, but I am resisting it as there is no light at the end of this tunnel. I can only say, MSContin did not work well for me. BUT HERE IS A SCARY aside..recently, my pharmicist made a mistake and refilled my 5mg Oxycodones with 30 MG Oxycodones..on top,of my regular OxyContin THAT could have been a real problem. The Pharmacy is doing backflips to make sure I know how happy they are I immediately returned and told them of the error.

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We have 1mg 2mg 4mg and 8mg dilaudid tablets in Australia and jurnista is the controlled release tablet from 8mg up to 64mg tablets they are more potent than MS Contin I am currently on OxyContin I have been on it for years I take 55mg in the am and 55mg in the pm and I take 2 to 3 oxynorm ir for breakthrough pain throughout the day and Valium for back spasms I am going to change from OxyContin to MS Contin as they have reformulated the OxyContin and they do not provide pain relief like they used to they do not work properly at all I do not abuse mess only taken for the reasons I'm prescribed it since swapping from the normal oc the the new ones with op imprinted on them they are horrible would switching my long acting OxyContin to MS Contin would that Leo me guys please give me an answer

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You are totally wrong as well. Why don’t you people just look up these drugs and read from the manufacturer. Tramadol is a narcotic antagonist. It is NOT an opioid, but it works on the same brain receptors as opioids do. It is addicting. One must carefully tapper off it. Tramadol is dangerous, I think it shouldn’t be used by anyone except the people that need it because of problems with narcotic addiction.

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You are wrong tramadol is not like oxycodone or opana nowhere near it is barley an opioid it has opioid properties but it is not addictive it's also only an s4 drug not even controlled at all you cannot be high or addicted to tramal/tramadol

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Dilaudid 4mg is way way way more powerful than ms contin 15 mg.

There isn’t much out there stronger than a 4 mg dilaudid in a pill form, with exception to the new 50 mg hydrocodone.
I think you have no idea as to the difference between immediate release and sustained release. Look that up it will teach you allot about medications.

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I understood that methadone blocked receptors in the brain when you take any other narcotic to keep you from getting high. Also it changed my son's whole personality and caused him to have horrible nightmares. My problem with ms contin ir 15 mg. Is it doesn't work near as well as dilaudid 4 mg. did. The problem with dilaudid was it became almost non existent in Florida. On the rare occasion I did find it, it was $400+ for 120 of them. Anyone else have this problem?

ends son died from taking it. Dilaudid worked so much better than ms contin for me but it is impossible to find here in Florida. The one place I did find it charged$400 for 120 of 4 mg.

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Ultram aka tramadol is similar to morphine. It hits the same receptors in your brain as a narcotic. But technically isn't classified as one ....yet.... Many states & the US Military are trying to change that because it is addictive.
It does treat pain. & is used to treat pain.
It's a good pain medication for people who dont need something really strong. Like oxycodone n opana. However we all react differently to all medications.

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oxy is much more strong

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Your insane thinking tramadol is strong!
BTW tramadol isn’t a narcotic!
Tramadol is a narcotic antagonist in other words it stops the effect of narcotics!
Look it up rather than look like a moron!

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Could not agree more. I first came here looking for answers from other valid patients , not abusers getting high. It is unfortunate that a helpful forum gets pelted by the stoners .

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I know this is a forum to cummunicate between oxycodone & opana. I posted about a year ago trying to help another with a stomach issue from an extended release form. Please let me post this. ......

For those of you who may or may not care what I have to say. Im tired of getting notifications from time to time. Thinking it might be someone else that just might need some insight or maybe some real help with one or both of these 2 very strong medications. Then to find out it's someone lashing out at each & everyone of "us" who have posted on here. I personally can say that they couldn't have read them all because I helped with a "stomach" issue due to these meds. But some have to judge. When they have no idea that maybe this is the only place some people have to go to get questions answered. I have horrible pain myself. Between Lupus SLE, RSD/CRPS, Fybromyalgia, and that's just to name a few. My life isnt just about popping pills to feel high. I have been on the same dose, mgs for over 2yrs by choice. Telling my Dr that I dont want any change. The only other thing that I had different was extended release that caused me to have a hyper stomach. Yes oxycodone is strong. But im only accepting 15mg tabs up to 3xs a day. Which I never ever take unless im screaming my head off in agonizing pain. No I dont feel high off my meds. No I dont enjoy those effects. The meds themselves make me sick to my stomach. So for you to judge everyone as a whole because they ask a question or answer one isnt right. Look back & read what I wrote. Not everyone is out for a quick fix. Some of us & as the sounds of it im referring to you too have to deal with pain every single day. I choose to take some medication. However, I also have to receive pain therapy along with it . Which would probably help a lot of people with addiction. Because rather people want to believe or not? Anyone who takes medications that are addictive? Your body gets addicted after constant use after a short week. Some sooner. Where people get into trouble is When they get addicted other ways. Such as the way you speak of. Idk how you choose to handle your pain. Im sorry youre in pain. I can only hope you will find brighter days. I only speak for myself. Yes their drs can only be the ones to help them. But some drs arnt the easiest to speak to. I speak to strangers every day in groups with lupus or rsd about everything. Maybe these people just needed a few questions answered to go to their doctor with. And if they got those answered? GREAT!!! If not? Then oh well. They have to deal with it. This is a forum to answer questions between 2 medications. Not to judge people or make them feel uncomfortable. They obviously feel they cant go anywhere else. Plus you have to put something in like oxycodone....... or opana........ to find this forum anyway. For whatever reason you found this and decided to lash out & judge people? I'll be praying. For what it's worth? Nobody's perfect. Not me not anyone. I just dont understand why come onto a forum to yell at people or to call them names.

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