Which Pharmacies Carry Yellow Percocet 10 (Page 3) (Top voted first)


Does anyone know of a pharmacy that carries the yellow 10-325 percocets? They work a lot better for me than the white ones but i havent had much luck finding them.

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I'm also looking for a pharmacy in my area(near Baton Rouge, LA who carries the yellow Percocet 10/325. Does anyone know of any. The family owned drug store I've been using stopped carrying them. Now carry the white oblong ones that don't work as well. Thanks

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Can someone tell me where I can find 10/325 endocet yellow in camden cty area or burlington cty area

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Im looking 4 Watson 932's...Good luck...Someone's gotta have them here. They seem 2 b the best relief 4 my chronic dvt's. Any 1 know let me know...TY

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I am in Bakersfield Ca and I am looking for a pharmacy that carries Alvogen Percocet, the round yellow ones. My rx is sometimes due on a Saturday when my regular pharmacy is closed. So I need someone open on Saturday

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"CHICK" said her pharmacy stopped carrying the yellow percocet 10/325 and only has the white. Are there white oblong pills that have an imprint PERCOCET 10/325? I know there have been yellow ones, I just see alot of white ones and I need to know if they are legit.

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Live in Indy try find pharmAcy that carries white oxycodone 10/325 Walgreens been giving me a333 don't like much heartburn headaches

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Chick, generics pharmacies have can vary from one day to the next.

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Looking for help I live in San Ysidro and CVS discontinued Quailitest brand of oxycodone so can I get some help on where they might dispense them or the Actavis brand 10\325 I have better relief than the malikot or IP208 I'd appreciate it generally

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Changed to big white tablet don't like them. Any place else???

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Pensacola Fl, need to find a pharmacy with yellow Percocet

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Re: Joe (# 57) Expand Referenced Message

My finance just filled his scriot publixs they told him they dont at all publixs have no yellow publixs pharmacy no more gave him the white ones that dont even work for his severe bsck pain were u go publixs

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Re: Patient advocate Compassion (# 60) Expand Referenced Message

In Connecticut which pharmacy carries the yellow 10/325 Percocet works best

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Hi does anyone know where they carry yellow percucet in Manhattan, n.y

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Re: Georgia kirkus (# 61) Expand Referenced Message

Sorry I'm in South Carolina. Have yellow now. Good luck.

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Re: Tina (# 39) Expand Referenced Message

I get 150 of them from my Publix but I am on Medicaid and my only cost is 3.40$. Good luck & feel better!

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Re: Jaye (# 16) Expand Referenced Message

New to GA-do you mind telling me which pharmacy you used to fill non generic, when you lived here in GA? City and pharmacy name if you have the time. Thank you.

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Looking for a pharmacy that carries Percocet 10/325 in Arnold, Missouri...

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Re: Pessimist (# 10) Expand Referenced Message

I have same side effect with yellow pill where I got white. I have tuu go to pharm to tell them in morning. I only use one, will they change the pills to the white? They gave me some of white with the remaining yellow they had to order

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Re: Bobby (# 68) Expand Referenced Message

The pharmacist cannot exchange the pills once you leave the pharmacy.

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Re: myra (# 5) Expand Referenced Message

Hello, Happy New Year 2018. Walgreens just switched from the Actavis mfr. to the Camber mfr. My heart is with you. I suffer from many debilitating problems. This new Camber mfr is terrible! Doesn't help with PAIN AT ALL! It makes me sick, bad headaches, clogged ears, dizziness... I have been on meds for a long time. I will tell you this...something is not right with this mfr!!! I think they might be a mfr in India with a warehouse in Piscataway, Nj. I would try independent pharmacies. I hope all of us get relief soon! Pls take care of yourself!

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