Which Is Stronger Hydrocodone 10 325 Or Oxycodone 5 325 (Page 6)
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I have been taking Hydrocodone 10/325 for chronic pain, 1 pill every 6 hours. My Dr. just prescribed Oxycodone 5/325 with up to 2 pills every 6 hours. Which is stronger?
Doctors get more commission for prescribing Hydrocodene, they seem to be same power to me and I have used them a lot.
Which dosage has less aspirin? 2 oxy 5-325 OR 2 Hydro 10-325
Which dosage has more pain medicine ? 1 oxy 5-325 or 1 Hydro 10-325
i am 57 and have been taking up to 5 hydro codone 10/325 a day for 3 years before that propoxyphene 65mgs in a cap for at about 13 years problems with back left knee right foot i am hooked will i be able stop this on my own i am in a lot of pain when there not in my system . if i hurt how can i find work
That Sounds a right, But Just make sure that you dont get hooked.. I had Oxi 10's & 40's I like the 10's better. So just take it easy & God bless
Thank you for the info.
Scott is correct, the Oxycodone is actually stronger than the Hydrocodone.
To equal 10mgs of the Hydrocodone, you only need 6.67mgs of the Oxycodone, so I'd advise caution when you first take them, you probably shouldn't take 2 of them, until you try one and see how well it works for you.
Are there any questions or comments?
The oxy is stronger but who knows your body may b used 2 the vicoden. But if he is allowing u 2 take 2 @ a time it would b better if he would just give u the percocet 10/325 as it would b as effective with 1/2 the amount of aspirin. Try it out n post your feedback.
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