Which Is Stronger Hydrocodone 10 325 Or Oxycodone 5 325 (Page 5) (Top voted first)


I have been taking Hydrocodone 10/325 for chronic pain, 1 pill every 6 hours. My Dr. just prescribed Oxycodone 5/325 with up to 2 pills every 6 hours. Which is stronger?

107 Replies (6 Pages)

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It's not aspirin it's tylenol in the pill that makes up the 325.

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325 is not Asprin it is Acetamine....big difference if you have life threatening blood thinning disorders. Be careful what you post!

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Neither contain aspirin, the contain the same amount of acetaminophen (tylenol).

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I've read a lot about how going barefoot has helped many people with foot, leg and back problems. Since I started going bf as much as I could, it helped my back and leg from sciatic pain. Mine was minor from what I've read and from what you say. However, it might be worth at least reading about. A 10 dollar book called "50 reasons to go barefoot" is an exceptional read.
I had back surgery on L4 and 5. Back is now great but I've been taking oxy 5/325 and now hydro 5/325 for numbness in my leg and foot.

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Rotator surgery. Was taking oxycod/also 5-325. Lots of pain and spasms. Now prescribed Norco tab 10-325. Will this help? What will this cost and is generic better? Stopped valum 10: too much confusion

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Since you took 10mg hydrocodone for so long you are addicted. Now on 5mg of oxycodone you are experiencing the withdrawal of opiods. Irritable is the tell tale sign I'm coming down from Norco, I can't imagine how it must be after years of use.

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But the insurance won't pay for it even if it says so

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Pharmacies lie a lot because they want to buy the cheapest generic from their supplier. Just go to different pharmacies and tell them you need the yellow one because the white upsets your stomach. They can order it if they really want your business.

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I had no idea that oxycodone was Percocet I've taken Percocet before they make me real sick in my stomach so I don't know if I'm going to be able to take time release oxycodone that's what my Doctor is recommending he was subscribing me a hundred and eighty 10325 of the hydrocodone with Governor Christie's new law new bill he now gave me 120 60 pills a month less I'm in constant pain

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Try to take either just morphine 15 mg or oxycodone 5 mg w/o any acetaminophen which kills your liver!

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Hydocodone has tylenol, not aspirin . The tylenol is extremely damaging to your liver.

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I've had bad pain caused by arthritis and pustular psoriasis and always preferred taking hydrocodone 10 during the day bc they don't make me sleepy or groggy and it keeps the pain controlled. I've also taking oxicodone 10 and they do also keep help control the pain, but they tend to make me sleepy and I can't work as well during the day bc I feel tired and loopy. But everyone responds differently to meds so take what works best for you and helps you get through the day. Good luck!

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Is Tylnol cod 4 stronger than norcos????? Cause my doctoe say455I

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It's important to know that it is not aspirin. It is acetaminophen aka Tylenol. Which will destroy your liver.

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Re: Skullie (# 11) Expand Referenced Message

Do not take more than 3,000mg of Tylenol per day because it may be fatal.

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My pharmacy gives me tge yellow watson norco 10/325 every month without me even asking for them, but even though its the yellow ones - thry still dont compare to the yellow 2 years back.. they changed formula for sure.. i can tell!

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What the next step up from hydrocodon 10/325 for back pain

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Re: congapas (# 4) Expand Referenced Message

I have osteoporosis my hips my joints my wrist and my neck I should be prescribed use painkillers what is your opinion y'all the pain makes it very hard to work I try to not take them but I have to work what do you think?

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Re: scott pillgram (# 1) Expand Referenced Message
can't take aspirin because of my stomach there's nothing that will change this pain it will be there forever and get worse as I get older. Will need to do things as I get older without the pain in order to not just sit in the chair and stare at the TV which is not what I want to do

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Could it be possible if its fake.all same marks and all

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