Which Is Stronger: 30 Mg Of Morphine Sulphate Er Or 10 Methadone (Page 3) (Top voted first)


I am in a confusing debate with my ex husband: Which is stronger, 30 mg of morphine sulfate E.R or 10 mg of methadone?

124 Replies (7 Pages)

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Report them to the DEA as not providing adequat stock of pain medication. It works both ways. There have been NO new federal laws on prescribing or dispensing controlled substances except for changing the schedule of the weak narcotic hydrocodone. You may also report your MD to their licensing board if you feel they are ignoring your pain issues and just want you to "bear it". Friends this is the ONLY option we have unless someone has the time and money for litigation. This is the only way to get their attention when they practice in fear, even though NOTHING has changed in the federal laws. The DEA too has explained that their practice and codes has not changed, it's only been in the news because of so called educators.

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Tanya, mg to mg - Methadone IS stronger than Morphine, by roughly 5x.

So if you take 25mg methadone, it would be similar in effect to 125mg of morphine. This is a fact, just find an opioid conversion chart.

Just because it doesn't produce euphoria in the same way morphine does, does not mean it is weaker. Methadone is an extremely potent opiate.

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Dude you are not right I've been on every pain killer out cause people discriminate against methadone.methadone is way stronger than morphine the ratio is 1mg of methadone to 10 mgs of ur garbage morphine.either you want a buzz or dnt know what ur talking about have a good day sir.

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I'm having a problem. I started taking opiates and I'm very upset I got this far. I wanted methadone to help wean myself off. I had to settle for morphine pills ...will the morphine pills help subside sickness? Please respond. Thank you.

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I've been on both of these meds, and without question, Methadone is a much stronger drug and will make you dose off in the middle of the afternoon when you feel that you are completely aware of what's going on with your medication. My advise, STAY AWAY from METHADONE, It's a nightmare waiting to happen.

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Go to a methadone clinic. They will give you a raise until you feel comfortable. You must say that you have a problem with drugs. You do know the *****s won't give it to you. I have had to do this 3 times. Dr's promise me relief but after a yr I am still in excruciating pain. Methadone works like a charm.

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This advice is my own and is not expected to be perceived to take the place of your personal physician or health care management team. Therefore, I accept no liability for my words here. This is general information: Depending on what it is being used for that is pretty equigesic or a similar dose of strength. However, each has it's own unique behavior in different people, with methadone lasting much longer in the body before it's fully metabolized and excreted verses even a long lasting morphine product. There are guides to equivalencies, however, they cannot be taken as gospel because of so many variables in both the medications, its formulation and, of course, each person injury of pain process and metabolism. It's not a simple thing to establish for each and every person. Proceed with caution.

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I would think the methadone is stronger been on both...the methadone definitely lasts longer

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You obviously have experience with neither medication.

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Wrong. It is all relative, but mg for my methadone is stronger, with fentanyl being among the strongest. Methadone's pain relieving ability is about 8 hrs, but it stays in your body for a very long time, which is what makes it so dangerous for drug abusers. This drug will put you in the ground quickly and you won't even think you took to much. It will sneak up on you. You can't pop methadone and drink beer. If you do it's a crap shoot. Methadone's half life is 8-59 hrs. That's right - up to 59hrs. You think its out of your system and take more then take more and everyone could be at your funeral two days later. If you are put on this drug take the dose you are prescribed. Don't drink.

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lets not get nasty. we are all here to get help. so don't let the pain come thru with what u say. a lot of talk is from the pain. I found that methadone was stronger than morphine at least in my body and we all know all bodies don't work the same with all drugs. It was easier to get off of methadone then it is the other pain meds. a lot affect your mental anguish. But i am on 10 3x a day of methadone and that works fine also i am on Dronabinol for eating problem. it has THC but not the high effect. but helps on eating. I get them thru the VA and they are also going thru changes on their drugs that they give out. but there are more people in great war pains that the VA is used to giving out the harder drugs but they check also with outside medical firms to see what u have seen drs for. if just for pain relief 40-60 mg of methadone should hold everybody out there. but everyone is different and u cant generalize people all the same.

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Mg for mg methadone is much stronger than morphine, eye was on MS-CONTIN (morphine sulphate) for 5 years Nn on OXY-CONTIN before MS am now ON Methadone Nn MG for MG METHADONE is much much more Powerful, Potent Nn LongerLasting Than MORPHINE

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This is very true. Stronger and last much longer but give u constipation big time. watch that and tell your Dr for meds to help to go to the bathroom. I find that a dose will last 2 days for one day dose. I find it works the best but u have to settle for the right dose. 40-60 is plenty to start but over years it will go up but i wouldnt go any higher then that. it is easy for me to get off it for i did it every month the last 3 days i would dry myself out. it helps with the mental part of stopping. good luck

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Your wronge..methadone is ten times stronger then morphine you might want to do your research better befor you say anything..why do u think methadone is controled as with morphine most docs write write scripts like crazy..but not when it comes to methadone..so once again research befor u speek

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who are you talking to? what comment did u think u saw. i dont see it. i agree methadone is way stronger than the morphine. next time write name the party u are talking to before u get defensive

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Just to share my life with u and it husband,first of all I'm glad that he's not suffering the pain no more,is like everything in life theres bad n there's good people the really need d methadone in their life for their opiate dependency ,i been on the clinic for over 15 years not once i have get notin for free,im a construction contractor,n if it wasnt for that medication I wouldn't be the man I am today,yes there is people that depends on d government but is like everything. unfortunately your husband became addicted cuz of is d only med da works for him,so now he has to problems hes pain n he's addiction

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I've been getting botox since 2004 and I haven't had one headache. I'm 53 and more people need to know about this. Insurance denies first try but when they compare emergency room visits they approved it.

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I have used both in past....I think they are about even in strength

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ok already! lets stop the BS in the fighting with words. where here to help each other and not to increase the stress!! so stop the auguments of who said what> it doesnt matter.

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I've been on 150 mg of Methadone for the last 10 years, untill these new GOVT guidelines were put into effect, and now I'm down to 30 mg of Methadone.... Please somebody please help me...... Could I move to morphine? I need 24 hrs coverage. Pls email me {edited for privacy}. Thanks and may GOD BLESS YOU GUYS!

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