Which Is Stronger: 30 Mg Of Morphine Sulphate Er Or 10 Methadone (Page 2)
UpdatedI am in a confusing debate with my ex husband: Which is stronger, 30 mg of morphine sulfate E.R or 10 mg of methadone?
You are so wrong orally hydrocodone is stronger than morphine. Morphine has a s*** oral bioavailability of 20% to 35% hydrocodones is 80 to 90%and metabolizes into morphine anyway. Morphine. Sucks unless iv worthless. Methadone oral bio is 80 to 90% and 100mg is stronger than 1000mg yes thousand of morphine
I totally agree with everything you have said. I have had 4 surgeries on my spine. I have hardware in my spine both upper and lower,neck, left ankle and my right big toe. And I know that know one knows how extreme my pain is better than me. I am now on 100 mg of morphine tablets. It really pisses me off when a Dr. Tries to make me feel like im lying about my pain as if though he is actually feeling it. Therefore, I immediately inform the Dr. that I willl not be back and I make sure he understand, that he isnt the only pain Dr.
I don't know where this person has got their information but it is completely WRONG! And potentially dangerous.Please do not listen to this person! The type of morphine and dosage will affect the conversion. For example - Oral methadone to oral morphine is roughly 2 to 3 times stronger i.e the METHADONE is 2 to 3 times stronger than the MORPHINE. Methadone also has a longer half life, making it easier to overdose. Please do your research when looking for conversion and remember that many factors like route of administration, whether time released, tolerance, frequency of dose etc will all make a difference. There are online conversion charts - please use them. Double check your equations and run them by a friend to make sure! Most of all - don't listen to ignorant comments like this one!!
For anyone coming across this thread in future the following link may be useful. Its a very detailed conversion.
Unfortunately, even when replying to a comment, the way these messages are posted, it's not clear who is referring to who. I am replying and warning about TANYA'S comment in the above post, when I say not to listen. She is wrong that morphine is stronger than methadone. It's not about calling people out, this is about safety. I don't want anyone to overdose thinking that they will be ok on a certain amount of methadone because they are used to the equivalent morphine dose. Please refer to the link I have posted and everyone BE SAFE!
It is same in NY now. My doc CANCELLED METHADONE TODAY AFTER I have been on it for 10 years at 90 mg per ! Gave me same bs as you got from yours. First he cut me to 60 mg daily and then just took me off!!!! The EKG ...what????
He gave me morpheme instead. Just like that. There is NO COMPARISON! I feel LIKE S***!!!!
150mgs of methadone?! What are you nuts?! That's nearly a gram of morphine. People who are dying from cancer don't need that much. And yes your doctor is right, methadone does cause QT prolongation. I don't understand where patients get off telling doctors what to do. You wouldn't tell a lawyer or accountant how to do his job.
You have a raging addiction and you're no better than the H addicts standing in line getting free methadone.
Sounds like you've got a major drug addiction. There is no justification for such a high methadone dose. There are people who are dying from cancer who are on a lower dose of than you.
I don't understand when you get off telling the doctor how to do his or her job. You wouldn't tell a lawyer or an accountant how to do theirs. He is doing everything to help you.
I would refuse to prescribe you any such medicines you are very very dependent on them.
Not everyone that stands in that line is abusing drugs and getting methadone for free through medicaid. I stand in that line and I was in two car accidents within a month of each other which messed my back up. I was in excruciating pain every day. My doctor was great at first and after the insurance ran out cut me off of my pain meds. By that time I was addicted. I didn't know what to do, I heard about the methadone clinics and that is what has helped me so much, and I have met lots of people there in that line that are there for the same reason, so don't be so quick to judge those standing in that line, it may be you one day.
This person is highly misinformed. I have been taking 10 mg methadone for almost a year for chronic back and leg pain and recently switched to Morphine ER 15 mg every 8 hrs. The Methadone had been becoming less effective over the period of the year so it was time for a change as Methadone has some undesirable effects such as breathing problems encountered by some patients.
The Morphine ER is WAY less effective for my chronic pain relief than the Methadone even after the effects of the Methadone had become less helpful.
I'm no doctor but since taking the Morphine ER for three weeks I would estimate it is 1/4 to 1/8th as effective mg vs mg.
Tanya is 100% wrong. Don't take her advice. It is dangerous. If you are used to taking 45 mg of Morphine daily as I am now and you pop 40 mg of methadone down your pie hole it could kill you. No joke!
Are you INSANE????
Your experience/lack there of is infuriating.
I switched from 10mg x 2 methadone to 15 mg morphine ER x 3 and am WRACKED with pain !! still after 3 weeks.
I go in for my first adjustment in a week after switching DRs to consolidate my general primary DR and pain management needs.
I hope your ignorant post hasn't damaged anyone's pain management if a physician inadvertently stumbled upon it.
SHAME on you !!
I'm in the same situation. They used to give me codine syrup as a child for asthma. in my younger years i took opiates and self medicated for my depression (since all the antidepressants and antipsychotics didnt work for me) and I've been in 3 car accidents..i am now about to turn 29 .. I've been on the methadone clinic for about 5 years, works great for my pain and depression, but i am living with my parents because no insurance covers it, i am paying 350$ a month.. i work two jobs and am still financially crippled.. it is so wrong. we are treated as crimminals and overpriced by 10X.. i should be paying 30$ a month (thats how much the meds cost.. instead i have to pay for the building, pharmacist, nurse, doctor, 2 drug panels a month, and 2 therapy sessions a month (from some of the WORST therapists in the state), not to mention having to go there once a week.. i just want to get my meds like a normal person and to be treated fairly. if you ask me the drugs that should be super controlled or illegal are alcohol and cigaretts..its always majority rule.. i hate it.. im currently seeking a doctor
I bet you feel your better than an "opioid addict", but many of us started on pain meds.. sick of doctors ****ing us around, over priced, insurance costs, and ignorant people like you… many of us started taking diacetly morphine which was originally released by the bayer company... so before you start telling yourself your better than us.. im a pharmacist, and a functioning addict.. i make more money, drive better cars, and have 3 houses.. you're not better than me.. its always one person that wrecks it for everyone.. ignorant, self-important, people like you are the reason the world is like this... making less so the stupid people dont accidentally kill themselves... let them. its called natural selection.. by the way most of us are paying around 400$ a month for our methadone. Almost every drug is controlled or illegal. while the most ignorant destructive drug ALCOHOL, is legal, just because the majority enjoys it.
I'm recently taking methadone 10 mg and morphine sulfate 15mg. Which is stronger?
I've been going to Pain Management for the last 10 years for lower back pain so severe that I can't even get out of bed some days, and so days I can't even lay down the pain is so intense. I would find a new Doctor and start from scratch. Your not getting anywhere with this Clown you going to so what could it hurt. I've taken every ER and IR med that isn't off the can in price and you need to find that perfect med that suits your level of pain the best. move along to a new Doctor.
Report them to the DEA as not providing adequat stock of pain medication. It works both ways. There have been NO new federal laws on prescribing or dispensing controlled substances except for changing the schedule of the weak narcotic hydrocodone. You may also report your MD to their licensing board if you feel they are ignoring your pain issues and just want you to "bear it". Friends this is the ONLY option we have unless someone has the time and money for litigation. This is the only way to get their attention when they practice in fear, even though NOTHING has changed in the federal laws. The DEA too has explained that their practice and codes has not changed, it's only been in the news because of so called educators.
Tanya, mg to mg - Methadone IS stronger than Morphine, by roughly 5x.
So if you take 25mg methadone, it would be similar in effect to 125mg of morphine. This is a fact, just find an opioid conversion chart.
Just because it doesn't produce euphoria in the same way morphine does, does not mean it is weaker. Methadone is an extremely potent opiate.
I've been In the same problem, if ur in p.a go to upmc general and internal medicine. I got my pain meds there, which is methadone. its the best pain killer there is. Ask him why he lied about a fake law and tell him u recorded it. He will give in, trust me. I talk to a doctor no different than I talk to a regular person, cause some doctors need checked on there no pain medication bull s*** lol. it should be judged case by case and its not.
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