Which Generic Adderall 30mg Ir Is Best In 2022? (Page 2)
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Hello, I've been taking TEVA for the past 9 years since it's the only one that has had any benefit since CorePharma has been unavailable. Zydus doesn't work and Barr never worked. What's the most effective manufacturer these days and which retailers make it available? I've been taking 30mg IR generic Adderall. Thanks in advance.
Re: Nana (# 4)
Pine Brook pharmacy in spring hill FL
Re: Kim D (# 9)
Exactly everything you said is just like looking in a mirror. I don’t party and my new meds have made me so depressed I can’t take it. All I do is stay in bed. I hate it like my life is just passing me by.
Re: Zman86 (# 10)
I've gotten Teva the last 2 months and it's like eating a piece of candy... .nothing. my focus and energy is very lackluster. Aurobindo was Perfect for me!
Re: Jorge (# 15)
The orange ones with a B were made by Barr. They worked for me, too, unlike the horrid Camber generic.
Re: Kim D (# 5)
My Fry’s switched to Camber too. It’s working ok for me, not great. I miss the ones that had an orange candy taste. The B ones. Those were always the best for me personally.
Re: Fieldscout (# 11)
Make sure before you fill your next refill , call your pharmacist and tell them to switch you to a manufacturer you prefer and tell them why. I use CVS pharm and so far they do.
Re: Zman86 (# 10)
Yes! I'd love to protest!!! To me, generic adderall by CorePharma was the best but CorePharma was bought by Teva. Why Teva did not adopt CorePharma's "recipe" is beyond me! Now I switch from Sandoz to Teva then Teva to Sandoz after months or a year from one brand to another. It seems to plateau after being on one brand.
Re: Walgreenie (# 3)
Hi there. I use CVS pharmacy too for my generic adderall. You can call your pharmacist and ask them to switch your adderall to your preferred manufacturer like Sandoz. I have been on Sandoz for bout 2 yrs now. I sure miss CorePharma brand! That, to me, was the BEST generic adderall.
Re: TristnMtn (# 1)
Found out today- 6/16/22 that my Walgreens in San Diego has changed to dispensing a generic adderall IR made by Camber. A new maker to me.
My last Rx was by Mallinkordt (sp?). My dosage these past 12 yrs has been 20mg 2x a day— their white round pill didn’t bring about sharp clarity of thinking, wore off fast & my brain always felt hazy.
Previously, 20 mg IR generics by Teva or Lannett have worked most excellently for me. Wishing these were is better supply.
Re: TristnMtn (# 1)
I too am on Teva. I was off Adderall for about a year and a year ago Adderall was working wonders 30mg 2x a day but now Im back on it. My doctor prescribed me 10mg 2x a day with Teva. Took it... nothing! Then a month later he increased my dose to 15mg 2x a day.... nothing! And I was on Alvogen. Then I figured ill give Teva another try at 15mg.. .nothing! Just always tired! Seems like all the manufacturers are CRAP in 2022! Anyone recommend a certain manufacturer? I want to protest!
Re: TristnMtn (# 1)
I switched back to Walgreens since Kroger in my area are only carrying Camber. They bluntly told me the corporate office said switch to Camber it’s cheaper. So no other generic at my Kroger at least until Camber runs out or gets pulled from the market. Camber just got approved or started manufacturing generic Adderall IR in January 2022. So my guess is they’re undercutting other suppliers to get a better market share. I have been on same dosage of Adderall IR for over 10 years so I have dealt with all the supply issues the pharmacies have in keeping in stock what I consider the ones that work best for me: Teva being number one, Sandoz number two. I agree avoid Aurobindo. But especially Camber. I take 40 mg in the am before work then by 11:00 I desperately want to nap. I’m unfocused and irritable and slow. Told my doctor and other patients are experiencing same problems. But worst side effect is a flat affect and depression. Bad depression. Walgreens has Teva and Lannet. Can’t wait to dump these Cambers before I jump off a bridge. I was fair, I gave it a month and a half and depression getting worse. I can be depressed all by myself I don’t need Cambers help. I’m depressed NOW because I can’t think analytically for any sustained period of time, and I have zero tolerance for frustration. My mood range is sleepy to grumpy and dumb! It actually makes me feel dumb. Like extreme brain lock. I really want this drug analyzed by the FDA. Why are drug companies allowed to go unchecked and make millions using us as Guinea pigs. I don’t take Adderall to party or pull all-nighters. My doctor believes I need it to function cognitively. I really think since it’s a level 2 controlled substance the FDA and pharmacies think it’s not serving a legitimate medical need. I keep hearing switch to Vyvanse or this drug etc., FDA please do your job occasionally. And SOME pharmacists, not most, but some need to go back and apply to med school if they want to override a doctor’s decision and act like patients are imagining that some generics suck.
Re: OzMoses (# 6)
the Teva just started last week (4/7/22) makes me both want to shluf/sleep and makes me edgy.
Re: Kim D (# 5)
I get TEVA from Walgreens. It's ok to contact pharmacies to see if they can get you the mfg version that you want. I also use goodrx to save money on the scripts.
Re: TristnMtn (# 1)
I was able to get 30mg /Sandoz from a small pharmacy in my area. Unfortunately, I find it to be as ineffective as Zydus. I plan to go back to Teva as that's currently the only one I've found to have any effect. :(
Teva but Kroger just switched me to Camber. It is worse than ineffective it is making me extremely depressed, irritable and physically exhausted. I have brain lock.
Re: Walgreenie (# 3)
I get sandoz 20 mg from CVS Bensalem PA. They have it in stock here but I have to ask for it & my Dr writes Sandoz brand necessary on the script.
Re: OzMoses (# 2)
Hello! Which pharmacy fills Sandoz? I go to CVS or Walgreens and haven’t seen that yet.
Re: TristnMtn (# 1)
I hear that Sandoz is still available in some places. I'm going to try them. Fingers crossed.
Yes I miss CorePharma, they were a great generic. Teva USED to be good but my most recent two fills have been Teva and this is ridiculously poor quality… I’ve fallen asleep multiple times during the day. There are also many bad reviews online for the last few months about Teva. It seems like a sudden dramatic drop for them. Sugar pill? What happened, Teva?!!!!.. Prior to this, I liked Lannett but now Walgreens doesn’t have it for some reason. Sandoz is okay. Just avoid Aurobindo. Sometimes they are called Northstar. Lots of bad mood issues.
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