Where To Find Roxicet 5 325
Updated"Where To Find" I have been getting my Rx every month for Roxicet 5 325. I went to get it recently and was told it is on back order. I have avascular neucrosis in my hips, and carpal tunnel in my wrist. How do I find out what pharmacy has it available? Thank you.
2 Replies
Have you found it, yet?
I'm afraid the only thing you can really do is ask at various pharmacies, however, calling won't do any good. Due to the high risk of theft and diversion, they will usually just say they don't carry it, or have it in stock. This means you actually have to physically go in, with your prescription in hand to get a real answer.
Always go to the hospital outpatient pharmacy when drugs become hard to find. They have it all..
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