Where To Buy Tramadol Online In The Us (Page 2) (Top voted first)


I need to get Tramadol for my back pain, and since I don't have insurance, it's too expensive for me to get it in the traditional way (going to the doctor to get a prescription and then going to the pharmacy to buy it). I know there are tons of websites were you can get it online without any prior prescription, but I would love any advice from someone that knows about this subject and can point me to a legit store. I don't want any overseas store, I'm looking for US based stores. Thanks.

142 Replies (8 Pages)

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I love reading these comments from jerks saying stupid crap like oh you should just go to the dr. If that is what these people are doing why are they even on this thread "of how to find tramadol" ????

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I'm sorry, did you read the part that said she/he did NOT have insurance and a Dr. visit is too expensive? If this person can't afford a dr visit, how can he/she afford an MRI? I realize that the abuse of pain killers is a problem, but she's not asking for oxys, lol....Not everything is as black and white as some of you holier than thou a**holes seem to think it is. If YOU are getting your meds on the up and up, what are you doing on this thread???

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LOL, I HAVE a script, nice and legal, so you may remove the stick your holding in your a**. For other folks looking, it's called COMPASSION. People do not come on this site for them to be preached to by self-righteous losers like you. This is the only place you can find any entertainment? YIKES! THAT's pretty sad. Laughing at the misfortune of others? Even sadder. Tell you what, get CABLE! Plenty of stuff to deride (Look it up??) there and let other people do their thing without you sanctimony (look that one up too!)

Later, my dear.

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I have a solid place for Tramadol here in the US I've used for over a year. I call him once a week and get 180 pills. It's overnight. I can order up to 4:30pm and get it next day.

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Hi all,
I have tried every way to give you the info, but the moderators are editing this information t of the site for obvious reasons. They don't want post anything about HOW to get tram. They will keep editing out the information. It is not that I, or anyone else is playing games. All I can say it's that it Its out there right under your noses. Can't make it any planner or they will edit it out.

I can get t overnight.Yes, the price has gone up,but it is out there and available over night for probably about 30-40 dollars more than we are used to paying. This is so irritating.

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Interested please and thank you if you get this

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That's not true. A quick Google search will bring up sites like tramadol.cc

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Why in the world would people with no interest in purchasing Tramadol respond and follow this post.....get a life folks!!! I'm under a very good PM Dr and finally got the level of pain meds I needed to function with my pain. It's very scary being suddenly diagnosed with an illness, being in pain and not being able to live a normal life due to the uncontrollable pain ur in... You begin questioning yourself and your Dr's and your family, its very scary!!! And no one understands until it happens to them and I wouldn't wish it on anyone!!!! Please everyone be compassionate to others. Life is too short!!! It took me 3yrs to get some control of the pain and even now it's not 75% but its better then nothing!!! Change Dr's do what u have to....its worth it in the long run, I promise!!!!!

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Hi. I'm sure you've received the same request. I'm almost out of tramadol have been looking to order by cod. Please let me know the place you order from. {edited for privacy}. I really appreciate it. Thank you.

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Hi could you share your source? Im in desparate need

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Well I have bought before online and never got in trouble, your buying not contrabanding...how ever after august/2014 everything change...since last summer is that I've been having trouble getting it online... u have 2 options... risk ur $$ because u never know what ur gna get... a lot of pharmacy's are posted as blacklisted or rogue pharmacy's and they're... some are not...out of the country is easy to get tramadols... like Europe n Canada ... They just categorized the pharmacy as mention because u can buy off them..so in order to prevent that they do that...I suggest just start small and check reviews... then decide...

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Tilly......where?? In front of my eyes??? I can't afford to play the game and lose $$$$. Not being able to share info sucks!!!

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Hi there, I would also like to know where you get your tramadol prescription filled? I have a script but it doesn't last me through the whole month, so for about a week I'm dying of withdrawal symptoms and taking enough baclofen to kill a small horse to try and make it through the day-not to mention the back pain... thankssss

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STFU loser and quit being so miserable to others.

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@'Get help', leave us ladies alone. It's none of ur business what we do... I bet u r the one that needs help..and yes my cyber friends,
they do edited the msgs so we won't b able to pass on the info...{edited for privacy}.

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Someone in this thread already said they personally knew of feds busting down the door of someone who did that and charging them with a felony. If it is now a controlled substance, it can't possibly be legally and safely purchased without a doctor's Rx here in the US. This doesn't make sense to me. Are you talking about a pharmacy outside of the US?

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I know that in Arkansas, face-to-face visits with the doctor are not required for tramadol prescriptions.

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If you're getting your pain meds the right way, why are you on a thread like this???

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What tramadol company is this, that your having success with?

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Joe where is the place? Can you write it down?

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